Next Sunday will be Fan Bingbing's 37th birthday. She has not appeared in the public eye throughout the summer. Rumors about her are flying all over the sky, and people continue to search for her from various clues.

On September 8, AI Finance and Economics visited Fan Bingbing's studio in Beijing again.The previous afternoon, visited Fan Bingbing's Wuxi studio and found that his office had been emptied, all documents had been cleared away, and three or four decorators were painting the walls.The property management of the industrial park said that after the cleaning is completed, the employees will still come back to work.

This time, AI Finance and Economics came to Evergrande Cultural Industry Group, located on the 4th floor of Yingke Center in Sanlitun, Beijing. Evergrande Film and Television Company, Evergrande Brokerage Company, Evergrande Record Company, etc. are all established here.In fact, Evergrande Film and Television is one of the important shareholders of Fan Bingbing's studio, and has previously participated in the investment of many works produced by Fan Bingbing's studio, including the biography of Ba Qing, which has been unable to be broadcast for a long time.


According to people in the circle, although Fan Bingbing has many companies under her name, her brokers and publicists usually work here. Compared with Fan Bingbing's many other companies that are registered and serve as legal persons, this is her actual office.

This is an elevator leading directly to the office.Unlike the Wuxi studio where people go to the empty building, when the elevator door opens, although the office area is empty, but looking to the right, you can see that the light in the small kitchen is still on, and there are traces of use from the previous day in the trash can.

Open the wireless network search, the search interface shows that there are two networks related to Fan Bingbing's studio, namely fbbstudio and Fbbstudio.

Looking into the office on the left, there is a poster of Fan Bingbing hanging on the wall, black and white, with a cold and charming expression.The lights on the desktop computer monitor glow brightly.

Under the coffee table for guests in the hall, there is a whole table of magazines, Zhang Yuqi, Zhang Ziyi, Zheng Kai... the faces of movie and TV stars look through the glass of the coffee table and look through the magazines without Fan Ye.The cigarette butts in the ashtray are still fresh, and everything indicates that it is normal here.

But this is not just the exclusive office of Fan Bingbing's studio, the employees of Evergrande also work here.

A person close to Fan Bingbing's studio revealed to AI Finance and Economics that there are not many people in the studio, and work has basically stopped recently. Among them, the propagandists have been resting at home for more than a month, and this shutdown may last for another three years.According to this person familiar with the matter, Fan Bingbing will face the possibility of being banned for three years.Compared with many rumors related to Fan Bingbing, this news is not the worst.

A month ago, AI Finance and Economics conducted a visit to find Fan Ye.According to business information, we visited Beijing Meitao Zhongyi Culture Communication Co., Ltd. and Beijing Meiligong Cultural Exchange Co., Ltd. where Fan Bingbing is the legal person.The former has been used as a warehouse two or three years ago, while the latter has not appeared in the registered place.


It has been 99 days since Fan Bingbing last posted on Weibo, and she has slipped to 912th in the mainland star power list, with less than 1,000 Weibo views.Netizens said that it seems that Bingbing is really cold.

At the end of May this year, Fan Bingbing posted Wu Yue's very happy Weibo, which angered Cui Yongyuan and broke the yin and yang contract, dragging him into the field of public opinion.

This move is like a sweater with thread drawn, once it starts, it cannot be stopped.The public's condemnation of the star's high salary has finally found a vent, supervision and legal intervention have followed, and the dominoes have fallen one by one.

A person close to Cui Yongyuan told AI Finance and Economics that the local taxation department has long complained about the star's sky-high salary.It's just to hit the bird first.

In 2007, he was the first to set up a personal studio, later earned 300 million yuan a year, and ranked first in the Forbes China Celebrity List. Fan Ye is just such a big star in his early years.

The border of strict tax investigation has expanded from Fan Bingbing to the entire entertainment industry chain, and personal studios and publicity companies have become the hardest hit areas.The taxation method of star studios has changed from the previous quota collection to audit collection, which means that the tax amount will also increase significantly.

The bottom line on the supply side was also introduced immediately.On August 11, three video sites iQiyi, Youku, and Tencent Video, together with six major production companies, issued a joint statement to jointly boycott artists’ sky-high remuneration, tax evasion, yin-yang contracts and other illegal acts.The statement pointed out that the maximum remuneration (including tax) of an artist for a single episode shall not exceed 1 million yuan, and the total remuneration (including tax) shall not exceed 50 million yuan.

The statement emphasized that the corresponding taxes and fees generated by the remuneration shall be borne by the actors.

The boots fell to the ground, rumors swirled, but there was still no news about Fan Ye.This female star who has been controversial since her debut did not arouse any nostalgia or regret from the public in this disappearance case. All the efforts she made in the past evaporated with her disappearance.

On September 2, director Li Yu posted on Weibo, saying that he heard the soundtrack of Guanyin Mountain the night before, tears streaming down his face, and he missed the past time.Guanyin Mountain is the second collaboration between Li Yu and Fan Bingbing. This film made Fan Bingbing take back the best actress trophy at the Tokyo International Film Festival, which was the highlight moment on his way as an actor.

Now, this Weibo and the 34 comments under Weibo are the few warm feelings related to Fan Bingbing in public.

(Dong Yuqing also contributed to this article)