The two deputy directors are Chen Yixin, Secretary-General of the Central Political and Legal Committee, Fu Zhenghua, Minister of Justice, and several other members

Leading members of the Office of the Central Commission for Comprehensive Law-based Governance (hereinafter referred to as the Central Office of Law-based Governance) located in the Ministry of Justice made an appearance.The director is concurrently served by Guo Shengkun, secretary of the Central Political and Legal Committee, and the two deputy directors are Chen Yixin, secretary-general of the Central Political and Legal Committee, Fu Zhenghua, minister of justice, and several other members.

According to the news from the WeChat public account of the Ministry of Justice on September 8, on the same day, the Office of the Central Committee for Comprehensively Governing the Country by Law held a symposium for experts in the field of law.Guo Shengkun, director of the Office of the Central Committee for Comprehensive Rule of Law, emphasized that we must strive to promote the construction of the rule of law in China in the new era and open up a new situation.Chen Yixin and Fu Zhenghua, deputy directors of the Central Office of Governance by Law, and members of the Central Office of Governance by Law Li Fei, Yuan Shuhong, Jing Hanchao, Bai Shaokang, Lei Dongsheng, and Xiong Xuanguo attended the symposium.

The leadership of the Central Committee for Comprehensive Law-based Governance (hereinafter referred to as the Central Committee for the Rule of Law) was announced at the end of August.According to Xinhua News Agency, on August 24, the leader of the Central Committee for Comprehensive Law-based Governance presided over the first meeting of the Central Committee for Comprehensive Law-based Governance and delivered a speech.Li Keqiang, Li Zhanshu, and Wang Huning, deputy directors of the Central Committee for the Comprehensive Rule of Law, attended the meeting. sorted out the leading members of the Central Committee for the Rule of Law and its office as follows:

The Central Committee for the Rule of Law is a newly established institution in this round of reform.According to the plan for deepening the reform of the party and state institutions issued on March 21, in order to strengthen the centralized and unified leadership of the Party Central Committee on the construction of the rule of law in China, improve the system and working mechanism for the party to lead the comprehensive rule of law, and better implement the basic strategy of comprehensive rule of law, the organizationCentral Committee for the Governance of the State by Law.

The Central Law-based Governance Committee is responsible for the top-level design, overall layout, overall coordination, overall promotion, and supervision of implementation of the comprehensive law-based governance of the country.The Central Office of Governance by Law is located in the Ministry of Justice.