Sanxiang Discipline News released news: Bai Guanghua, the former party secretary and director of the Chenzhou Civil Air Defense Office, who had retired for more than three years, was expelled from the party and canceled his retirement benefits; Li Shiping, a member of the Chenzhou Civil Air Defense Office's party group and deputy director, was double dismissed.

The Office of Civil Air Defense seems to be a cold yamen, but the reporter found out that the officials of this yamen are actually one of the favorite targets of bribery and hunting by developers.The money tripped and fell.

The former director and deputy director of Chenzhou Civil Defense Office were reported to have improper sexual relations with others

Today, Sanxiang Disciplinary Network announced that Bai Guanghua, the former party secretary and director of Chenzhou Civil Air Defense Office, was expelled from the party and canceled his retirement benefits; Li Shiping, a party member and deputy director of the Civil Air Defense Office, was double dismissed.

Bai Guanghua retired in June 2015.After investigation, Bai Guanghua violated political discipline, colluded with others, resisted organizational review; violated the spirit of the eight central regulations and integrity discipline, accepted red envelopes, and was mainly responsible for the behavior of the Municipal Civil Defense Office for distributing allowances and subsidies in violation of regulations, and engaged in profit-making activities in violation of regulationsAnd make profits, conniving and tacitly allowing relatives to use their positions to influence their interests; violating organizational discipline, failing to report personal real estate matters truthfully, and tampering with personal files; violating work discipline, and taking the main leadership responsibility for organizing and arranging some cadres to travel with public funds by the Municipal Civil Defense Office, Intervene in violation of regulations to intervene in the contracting of construction projects, greet others to contract projects; violate life discipline, have improper sexual relations with others; violate national laws and regulations, and bear the main leadership responsibility for the establishment and use of small treasuries by the Municipal Civil Defense Office;Taking advantage of the convenience of one's position, accepting other people's property through the unit and seeking benefits for others is suspected of accepting bribes; extorting other people's property and seeking benefits for others is suspected of accepting bribes; embezzling public property by illegal means is suspected of corruption; improper performance at workresponsibilities, causing large losses to public property, and being suspected of crimes of abusing power.

After investigation, Li Shiping violated political discipline, colluded with others, and resisted organizational review; violated the spirit of the eight central regulations and integrity discipline, accepted red envelopes, and was responsible for the leadership of the Municipal Civil Defense Office for distributing subsidies in violation of regulations, and engaged in profit-making in violation of regulationsActivities and profits; Violation of organizational discipline, not truthfully reporting personal real estate matters, not truthfully explaining problems when organizing conversations and correspondence inquiries; Violation of work discipline, agreeing to the Municipal Civil Defense Office to organize some cadres to travel with public funds and approve travel loans, responsible for thisHas important leadership responsibilities; violates life discipline and has improper sexual relations with others; violates national laws and regulations, and bears direct responsibility, main leadership responsibility, and important leadership responsibility for the establishment and use of small treasuries by the Municipal Civil Air Defense Office;Accepting other people's property through the unit and seeking benefits for others is suspected of accepting bribes; extorting other people's property and seeking benefits for others is suspected of accepting bribes; embezzling public property by illegal means is suspected of corruption.

Cold yamen not cold Civil Air Defense Office officials frequently sacked

The full name of the Civil Air Defense Office is the Civil Air Defense Office. Some media claim that its task is to mobilize and organize the people to take protective measures to fight against air raids.Some experts also concluded that in addition to wartime air defense, it is also responsible for popularizing earthquake prevention and disaster mitigation and national defense education knowledge to the public on weekdays.

In peacetime, it looks like a cold yamen here, but in fact, in recent years, people in the Civil Air Defense Office have frequently been dismissed for corruption and bribery.

On July 22 this year, Yin Jianying, the former party secretary and director of the Tongchuan Civil Defense Office, was expelled from the party and dismissed from public office.

On July 6 this year, Kuang Xiaobin, the former director of the Civil Defense Office of Gaoan City, was double fired.After investigation, Kuang Xiaobin violated political discipline and resisted organizational review; violated the spirit of the eight central regulations and integrity disciplines, issued overtime pay and transportation subsidies to cadres in violation of regulations, and accepted gift money from others in violation of regulations; violated public discipline and collected corporate fees in violation of regulations; violated national laws and regulations, taking advantage of the convenience of his position to seek benefits for others and accepting huge bribes.

In December last year, Jiang Guangyou, the former deputy director of the Dazhou Civil Defense Office, was double fired.After investigation, Jiang Guangyou violated the spirit of the eight central regulations by accepting invitations in violation of regulations; in violation of integrity and discipline, he accepted gifts that may affect the fair execution of official duties; in violation of national laws and regulations, he used his power to provide convenience for others in construction projects and accept property.Suspected of accepting bribes; arranging subordinates to go through the formalities of civil air defense relocation for others in violation of regulations, causing heavy economic losses to the country, and suspected of abusing power.

In May of this year, Lai Yueliang, the former director of the Civil Defense Office of Guilin City, was double fired.

In November last year, Jiang Qin, the former party secretary and director of the Luoyang City Civil Defense Office, was double fired.After investigation, Jiang Qin violated national laws and regulations, took advantage of his position to seek benefits for others, accepted huge amounts of property from others, and was suspected of accepting bribes.

Also in November last year, Chen Changbin, the former director of the Civil Defense Office of Dazhu County, Sichuan, was double fired.After investigation, Chen Changbin took advantage of his position to give care to a company in Hebei in the procurement of communication command vehicles and payment of funds for the County Civil Air Defense Office, and accepted property. He was suspected of accepting bribes.

In February last year, Liu Yue, former member of the party group and deputy director of the Civil Defense Office of Jingzhou City, Hubei Province, was double fired.After investigation, Liu Yue used his position to seek benefits for others and accept other people's property.For the crime of accepting bribes, Liu Yue was sentenced to three years and one month in prison and fined RMB 200,000.Prior to this, Chen Jin, the former party secretary and director of the Jingzhou Civil Defense Office and the party secretary and director of the Municipal Earthquake Bureau, was also sentenced for accepting bribes.

A little earlier, in October 2016, Cao Qihua, the former party secretary and director of the Civil Air Defense Office of Anyang City, was double-opened; in September 2016, Zang Xiaojun, the former party member and deputy director of the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region Civil Defense Office was double-opened.

The official newspaper of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection once exposed the double-faced life of the director of the Civil Defense Office

What is the corruption strategy of the director of the Civil Defense Office?Previously, the China Disciplinary Inspection and Supervision News had analyzed the case of Wang Zuocheng, the former party secretary and director of the Civil Defense Office of Zhangjiajie City, Hunan Province. This case can be said to be of typical significance.

According to reports, one day in November 2012, Shu Mochun, a real estate developer, called Wang Zuocheng to drink tea in his office. Wang Zuocheng said that he should come to my office to talk about something.But Shu Mouchun said that it would be more convenient to come to my office to talk, so Wang Zuocheng changed his mind, and then drove to Shu Mouchun's office by car.

After some haggling, Wang Zuocheng fully agreed to Shu Mochun's request to halve the construction cost of the civil air defense project in another place and postpone the payment. So Shu Mochun forcefully handed over a colorful cloth bag to express his heart.The cloth bag was brought back to the office.Wang Zuocheng went back to the office and opened it, and he couldn't help but be pleasantly surprised—there was 300,000 yuan in cash in the assorted cloth bag!

After this frightening collection of money, Wang Zuocheng, who was lucky, quickly adapted to the exchanges with all kinds of businessmen who wanted him in return—towards the end of 2012, real estate developer He Moucai invited Wang Zuocheng to the companyDrinking tea in the office, Wang Zuocheng immediately drove there, after some haggling over the construction fee of the transaction site instead of the civil air defense project, He Moucai forced a tea bag containing 200,000 yuan in cash, and Wang Zuocheng took it back to the office as usual;

Around New Year's Day in 2013, Wang Zuocheng wanted to buy a private car of Volkswagen Tiguan. The garden developer Huang Moubing immediately paid for it with more than 260,000 yuan.Leave it to Huang Moubing to do it;

According to reports, from July 2011 to May 2015, during his less than four-year tenure as the director of the Municipal Civil Air Defense Office, he took advantage of his position to illegally approve the non-construction of civil air defense projects, reduce or postpone the payment of relocation construction fees for civil air defense projects,Participating in engineering project contracting and other means to make profits for others, and received benefits as high as 2.02 million yuan.

The reporter inquired on the website of China Judgment Documents that Wang Zuocheng committed the crime of accepting bribes and was finally sentenced to five years in prison and fined RMB 200,000.

Leng Yamen's big deal Guilin Civil Defense OfficeThe director accepted 4.24 million bribes

On May 22 this year, the People's Court of Lingui District, Guilin City held a public trial of the first instance on the case of abuse of power, embezzlement, and bribery by Lai Yueliang, director of Guilin City's Civil Defense Office.

The People's Procuratorate of Lingui District, Guilin City accused: From August 2011 to June 2015, the defendant Lai Yueliang took advantage of his position to engage in favoritism and malpractice when he presided over the overall work of the Civil Air Defense Office of Guilin City, and allowed others to work in the civil air defense tunnel without authorization.The mouth department built a house in the name of a disguised house in violation of regulations, causing heavy losses to the interests of the country and the people; taking advantage of the convenience of the position, illegally received a total of RMB 4.245 million in cash from others to seek benefits for others; and taking advantage of the convenience of the position, falselyIssued invoices to defraud public funds of 48,000 yuan.

From the trial process of this case, we can find that what tripped Lai Yueliang was still the problem of the construction of civil air defense projects in different places.According to reports, in January 2012, when a real estate development company in Guilin City was developing a real estate project, because the first phase of the project did not build an underground civil air defense project, when it was developing and constructing the second and third phases of the project, it reported to the city's civil air defenseDifficulties were encountered in the process of reporting the design conditions for the construction of air defense basements.

In order to pass the approval of the Municipal Civil Defense Office, the owner of the real estate development company gave Lai Yue 200,000 yuan.On December 17 of the same year, Lai Yueliang signed and agreed on the approval form for air defense basement design conditions submitted by the company.

According to Guangxi Daily, Guilin is a typical karst landform. After hundreds of millions of years of weathering and erosion, the limestone all over the city has formed a unique landscape with beautiful caves and rocks.However, as the director of the Civil Air Defense Office, Lai Yueliang did not better combine Guilin's geographical advantages with the civil air defense project, but used these to enrich himself——Huang, the person in charge of an investment company in Guilin, wanted to rent aThe mouths of two national defense tunnel fortifications in Tonggu Mountain, Xiangshan District, Guilin City, have a relationship with Lai Yueliang.

Subsequently, the company illegally built a long corridor real estate project at the mouth of the national defense tunnel fortifications in the name of building a camouflage house under the name of the Municipal Civil Defense Office, and finally built six seven-storey buildings with a total area of more than 13,327 square meters.

After the house was built, Huang's company was not satisfied with the share of the house construction, and sold the house in the name of the Municipal Civil Defense Office.Lai Yueliang knew it was wrong, but he couldn't intervene even after receiving the money, so he had to ask his subordinates to publish an advertisement in the newspaper, declaring that the sale of the house had nothing to do with the Municipal Civil Defense Office.

At present, the case of Lai Moon has not yet been sentenced.

The procuratorate focuses on the construction cost of the civil air defense relocation to carry out special recovery

At the end of last year, the People's Court of Horqin Right Middle Banner in Inner Mongolia heard the case of Yang Yuping, former party secretary and director of the Ordos Civil Defense Office, suspected of corruption and accepting bribes.The public prosecution agency accused the defendant Yang Yuping of embezzling 520,000 yuan and accepting bribes of 2.55 million yuan and 20,000 U.S. dollars.The verdict shows that most of the bribers in Yang Yuping's bribery case were also asking him to reduce or exempt the payment of the construction fee for the relocation of civil air defense.Because of surrender, Yang Yuping was finally sentenced to six years and six months in prison and fined RMB 500,000.

It can also be found on the Chinese Judgment Documents website that Chen Jin, the former director of the Jingzhou Civil Defense Office, has been sentenced to three years in prison and fined 200,000 yuan.The verdict shows that Chen Jin sought benefits for others in matters concerning the approval and construction of civil air defense projects, the relocation of civil air defense projects, and the payment of construction fees for relocation of civil air defense projects.

According to the data, the civil air defense relocation construction fee is called the civil air defense basement relocation construction fee.According to relevant laws and regulations, civil construction projects must simultaneously build air defense basements according to regulations. If it is indeed impossible to build an air defense basement due to objective conditions such as geology, terrain, and construction, the construction unit must report to the competent civil air defense department for approval;The construction unit shall pay the relocation construction fee of the civil air defense project to the competent civil air defense department in accordance with the standards stipulated in the relevant regulations, and the competent civil air defense department shall organize the relocated construction in a unified manner.

It was such a sum of money that tripped up many directors and deputy directors of the Civil Defense Office.

Fortunately, the procuratorate has been eyeing the money.After searching, we can find that the procuratorial organs in some places have carried out special operations to recover the relocated construction fees of civil air defense projects.

Last month, Hunan Daily middot; Huasheng Online reported that Hengyang Zhuhui District Procuratorate, Yanfeng District Procuratorate and Shigu District Procuratorate have successfully handled 5 series of administrative public interest litigation cases of unpaid civil air defense relocation construction fees.The state recovered more than 41.8 million yuan in civil air defense relocation construction costs.

Obviously, to prevent the corruption of the civil air defense office, collect the money that should be collected and put it into the national treasury, and cut off all the black hands that extend to the money. This is exactly what the relevant departments are doing.