Chinese Vice President Wang Qishan today (26th) met with Laos Foreign Minister Salem Sai in Zhongnanhai.

According to Xinhua News Agency, Wang Qishan said that the national conditions of China and Laos are similar, the two parties share the same philosophy, and they are a brotherly socialist community with a shared future.Facing the complicated international and regional situation, China will, as always, firmly support Laos in pursuing a development path that suits its own national conditions.General Secretary Bounnhang and General Secretary Bounnhang of China recently realized a historic exchange of visits. China is willing to work with Laos to implement the important strategic consensus reached by the leaders of the two countries, strengthen mutual learning and mutual learning of experience in governing the party and the country, and do a good job in development.Strategic alignment, deepen practical cooperation, implement cooperation documents such as the joint construction of the Belt and Road Initiative, jointly maintain regional peace, and continuously promote Lancang-Mekong sub-regional cooperation.

Sharon Sai said that Laos and China are good comrades, good partners and good brothers.The Lao side will work with the Chinese side to maintain the good tradition of the annual meeting between the top leaders of the two parties and the two countries, conscientiously implement the important consensus reached by the two sides, and actively promote the construction of the Laos-China community with a shared future. China and the UK will deepen cooperation under the Belt and Road Initiative and expand service trade

On the 24th of this month, Chinese Minister of Commerce Zhong Shan and British Secretary of State for International Trade Fox co-chaired the 13th meeting of the Sino-British Joint Economic and Trade Committee in Beijing.The two sides exchanged in-depth views on issues such as China-UK economic and trade relations, Belt and Road cooperation, Sino-US trade frictions, China International Import Expo, and future arrangements for bilateral economic and trade relations.

According to a People's Daily report today (26th), Zhong Shan said that China-UK relations are currently in a golden age.The purpose of this joint committee is to further implement the consensus reached by the leaders of the two countries and promote new progress in China-UK cooperation in trade, investment, WTO and other fields.Fox said that the UK attaches great importance to bilateral economic and trade relations and the joint committee mechanism.It is hoped that the two sides will strengthen policy coordination, create new growth points for trade and investment, and reach a higher level of ambitious bilateral economic and trade relationship arrangements.

Regarding Sino-US trade frictions, Zhong Shan said that the US launched a trade war, which seriously violated WTO rules. It is unilateralism and bullying.The United States has smeared China in terms of intellectual property rights, which is inconsistent with the facts.There is no winner in a trade war. China does not want to fight a trade war, but it is not afraid of a trade war. It will resolutely defend the interests of the country and the people.Fox said that the UK firmly supports free trade and opposes unilateralism and trade protectionism, and hopes that China and the US can resolve their differences through consultations.

Zhong Shan welcomed the UK to participate in the first China International Import Expo held in Shanghai in November this year as the country of honor. He hoped that the UK would make good use of this platform to expand exports to China.Fox said that the UK attaches great importance to the import expo, and Prince Andrew and himself will lead a delegation to participate in the expo to promote more British products and services to enter the Chinese market.

The two sides agreed to continue to deepen cooperation under the China-UK Belt and Road Initiative, support enterprises of both sides to jointly develop third-party markets; speed up joint trade and investment assessments, and actively explore the possibility of negotiating a high-level free trade agreement between the two sides after Brexit; strengthen investment policy exchanges and promoteTwo-way investment, expanding service trade; deepening local and enterprise cooperation between the two countries.The two sides also exchanged views on cooperation in fields such as high technology and intellectual property rights, 5G communications, mutual recognition of standards, legal services, and facilitation of work visas.

After the meeting, the two ministers witnessed the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding on the establishment of the China-UK Service Trade Working Group.