On the afternoon of August 23, Tsinghua University School of Economics and Management announced the administrative change. Chen Xu, Secretary of the Party Committee of Tsinghua University, and Xu Qinghong, Member of the Standing Committee of the Party Committee of Tsinghua University and Director of the Organization Department attended the meeting.Gao Jian, Secretary of the Party Committee of Tsinghua SEM presided over the meeting.

At the meeting, Xu Qinghong read out Tsinghua University's notice on the appointment and dismissal of administrative officers of Tsinghua SEM.Appointment: Bai Chongen is the Dean of the School of Economics and Management; Chen Yubo, Xu Xin, Zhong Xiaohan, and Li Jizhen are the Vice-Presidents of the School of Economics and Management; Qian Yingyi is no longer the Dean of the School of Economics and Management; Qian Xiaojun is no longer the Dean of the School of Economics and ManagementVice President position.

Former dean Qian Yingyi (right) shakes hands with new dean Bai Chongen

Chen Xu, Secretary of the Party Committee of Tsinghua University, said in his speech that for the long-term development of the school, Dean Qian Yingyi has expressed to the leaders of Tsinghua University many times that he hopes not to be re-elected as the dean of the School of Economics and Management, and that younger people should take itDean's job.On behalf of Tsinghua University, she expressed sincere gratitude and deep respect to Dean Qian Yingyi for his contributions and efforts to Tsinghua University and Tsinghua SEM over the years.

Chen Xu pointed out that in the new administrative team of Tsinghua SEM, the new dean, Professor Bai Chongen, has high academic level and strong professional ability. He is a well-known expert in the field of economics at home and abroad.The situation is very familiar.

Chen Xu put forward three hopes for the new administrative team of Tsinghua School of Economics and Management and the work of the school: First, we must always put talent training at the top of the school's work, and we must keep in mind that the General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China will meet with the consultants of Tsinghua School of Economics and ManagementWhat the committee said - talent is the foundation and core element of innovation, and training talents depends on education.

The second is to better strengthen the cultural construction of the college, especially the construction of teacher ethics, teacher style, study style, and school style, and strive to enhance the cohesion and centripetal force of the college.The third is to do a good job in the construction of the team itself, to be brave in innovation at work, to be the vanguard of reform, and to be strict with ourselves, to be fair and just, to dare to adhere to principles, to be honest and self-disciplined, and to be an example for teachers and students in the school.

Qian Yingyi, the former dean, said in his speech that the development of the college to this day cannot be separated from the leadership of the school, the foundation laid by the leadership of Deans Zhu Rongji, Dean Zhao Chunjun, and Dean He Jiankun, and the faculty and staff of the school.Our efforts are also inseparable from the contributions of our fellow students, alumni and friends.

The new dean Bai Chongen said in his speech that during the past 12 years when Professor Qian Yingyi served as the dean of the college, he took the work of the college as a career, devoted himself to it, and made outstanding contributions to the development of the college.

Bai Chongen pointed out that since the 40 years of reform and opening up, China's economic development has achieved world-renowned achievements, but China's economic management circles still need to tell the story of China academically, and develop from the practice of China's economic management.Outstanding academic achievements.

As a researcher in economic management, he should shoulder this responsibility. On the one hand, he must adhere to high academic standards, and on the other hand, he must dare to innovate boldly.

The origin of Tsinghua SEM can be traced back to the Department of Economics established in 1926.In 1952, when the departments were adjusted, the Department of Economics was merged into other institutions.In 1979, Tsinghua University established the Department of Economics and Management Engineering.

In 1984, Tsinghua School of Economics and Management was formally established. Zhu Rongji served as the first dean for a term of 17 years (1984-2001), Zhao Chunjun served as the second dean (2001-2005), and He Jiankun served as the third dean (2005-2005).2006), Qian Yingyi was the fourth dean, and his tenure also exceeded 10 years (2006-2018).

Group photo of the former four deans of the college: He Jiankun, Zhu Rongji, Qian Yingyi, Zhao Chunjun from left to right

On May 19, 1984, Tsinghua University held the inaugural meeting of the School of Economics and Management.This is the first school divided by disciplines established by Tsinghua University after the adjustment of departments in 1952, with Zhu Rongji as the first dean. As the outgoing dean Qian Yingyi said, the development of the college today cannot be separated from the foundation laid by Deans Zhu Rongji, Deans Zhao Chunjun, and Deans He Jiankun.

Among them, as the first dean hired by Tsinghua School of Economics and Management, Zhu Rongji has 17 years of experience, and his influence on the school is continuous and profound.

When he served as Premier of the State Council and Tsinghua School of Economics and Management, Zhu Rongji once said that when he was on business trips, people often came to him and called him Dean Zhu, which made him very happy.

When Qian Yingyi served as the dean, Zhu Rongji was mentioned in almost all important speeches.In 2011, in the first annual report of Tsinghua School of Economics and Management, Qian Yingyi published the dean’s words. He wrote: On April 22, during the centennial celebration, the first dean of the school, Zhu Rongji, and his wife, Lao An, returned to the school and receivedThe warm welcome of more than a thousand students from the School of Economics and Management is a touching scene that will be unforgettable for a lifetime.

Dean Zhu has served as the dean for 17 years, and is deeply respected and loved by the teachers and students of the college.This time he returned to the college and communicated with teachers, students and alumni for more than an hour.While giving high praise to the work of the college, he also earnestly taught the students to "tell the truth", lsquo;tell the truth".

During the trip back to the hospital as described by Qian Yingyi, Zhu Rongji presented his four-volume, 1.2 million-word transcript of Zhu Rongji’s speech to the college students. He said: I give you my experience as a leader of the State Council for 12 years..I give you my experience.Please take a look, whether what I have said in the past ten years is nonsense, or the truth, or the truth.Please identify.

I think this book has great reference significance for students of the School of Economics and Management, whether they are officials, people, or entrepreneurs.Being a human means more than being an official.Zhu Rongji told the teachers and students present that the 1.2 million characters were selected from the 15 million characters. It is not easy to read it, but it is even more difficult to follow it.

At the professional level, Zhu Rongji once placed his expectations on Tsinghua SEM: building socialism with Chinese characteristics requires a large number of economic management talents who master the general laws of the market economy, are familiar with its operating rules, and understand the real situation of Chinese enterprises.

In terms of being a person and learning, Zhu Rongji once sent a message to Tsinghua students: When you come to Tsinghua, you must learn not only how to learn, but also how to be a human being.Be strict in learning, be strict and serious, rigorous and realistic, and be upright, upright, upright and honest.

In addition, Zhu Rongji is currently the honorary chairman of the Advisory Committee of the Tsinghua University School of Economics and Management, and Wang Qishan is among the honorary members.

The Tsinghua University School of Economics and Management Advisory Committee was established on October 6, 2000. At the inaugural meeting on that day, Zhu Rongji, who was then Premier of the State Council and concurrently the Dean of Tsinghua School of Economics and Management, attended and spoke.He said that the purpose of setting up the advisory committee is to strengthen the relationship between Tsinghua University School of Economics and Management and well-known domestic and foreign enterprises and management schools, and help us run this management school well.

Through the Advisory Committee, the School of Economics and Management of Tsinghua University can better learn the management experience of successful companies, learn the teaching content, methods and means of the world's outstanding management schools, and continue to receive suggestions from the Advisory Committee for running the School of Economics and Management well.

On October 30, 2017, Chinese leaders met with overseas members of the Advisory Committee of Tsinghua University School of Economics and Management and members of Chinese entrepreneurs in the Great Hall of the People.Chinese leaders appreciated the positive contributions made by the committee members to promote the development of China's economy and management education, and to promote exchanges and cooperation between China and foreign countries.It is hoped that the committee members will give full play to their own advantages, offer more suggestions and suggestions for China's development, carry out more mutually beneficial cooperation with China, introduce China more objectively and comprehensively to the world, and enhance mutual understanding and friendship between the Chinese people and the people of other countries.

In the afternoon of the same day, Zhu Rongji and his wife Lao An were in the Diaoyutai StateThe museum met with the advisory committee members who participated in the 2017 meeting of the Advisory Committee of Tsinghua University School of Economics and Management.He especially thanked the members of the Advisory Committee for their work for Tsinghua SEM in the past 17 years, and hoped that the members would continue to persevere from this starting point.

Resume of the new dean Bai Chongen

Freeman Chair Professor of Economics and Dean of the School of Economics and Management, Tsinghua University, Director of the China Institute of Finance and Taxation, Tsinghua University.Ph.D. in Mathematics from the University of California, San Diego, Ph.D. in Economics from Harvard University.Research areas are institutional economics, economic growth and development, public economics, finance, corporate governance, and the Chinese economy.

Currently serving as a member of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, an expert member of the 13th Five-Year National Development Planning Expert Committee, a member of the China Economic 50 Forum, a member of the China Finance 40 Forum, a member of the China Information 100, a member of the Executive Committee of the International Economic Association, and the Advisory Committee of the Asian Development Bank Academycommittee member.He was a member of the Monetary Policy Committee of the People's Bank of China and a non-resident senior fellow at the Brookings Institution.He once served as vice president of Beijing State-owned Assets Management Co., Ltd.