On August 21, 2018, the case of Cao Aihua (at the main hall level), the former Secretary of the Liaoning Provincial Party Committee of the Communist Youth League and the former executive deputy mayor of Dalian, which was prosecuted by the Shenyang Railway Procuratorate of Liaoning Province, was disclosed in the Shenyang Railway Transportation Intermediate Court according to law.sentencing.

Cao Aihua was sentenced to eight years and six months in prison for corruption and accepting bribes, and was fined RMB 1.5 million, and the illegal gains were recovered.She said in court that she obeyed the judgment and did not appeal.

According to reports from the People's Procuratorate of Liaoning Province, Cao Aihua had held important positions in Yingkou City, the Youth League Committee, and Dalian City for many years.It is the first-instance public prosecution case of duty-related crimes with the highest rank and the greatest political influence undertaken by the Shen Tie Procuratorate since its restoration and establishment.The case has received widespread attention from the society, and the public opinion has had a huge response.

After the case was accepted, upon the decision of the Chief Prosecutor of the Shen Tie Procuratorate Branch, a Public Prosecution Team was established headed by Deputy Chief Prosecutor Cao Jian and assisted by prosecutors from the Public Prosecution Office.64 cases involving more than 12 million yuan.On November 23, 2017, the public prosecution team completed the review and prosecution task as scheduled, and after deliberation and approval by the Procuratorial Committee of the Branch Court, Cao Aihua was charged with corruption and bribery with the Shenyang Railway Transportation Intermediate Court according to law.

On July 24 this year, the case was heard in court, which lasted five hours.According to reports, the public prosecution team formulated several sets of court trial plans after prior preparations, and combined with digital technology to integrate thousands of evidence materials in the 47 volumes of the case into 86 multimedia demonstration animations.

Cao Aihua was born in January 1968 and has worked in the Communist Youth League system for many years. In 2007, at the age of 39, he served as secretary of the Liaoning Provincial Committee of the Communist Youth League at the departmental level.

From 1995 to 2000, Cao Aihua successively served as deputy secretary and secretary of the Yingkou Municipal Committee of the Communist Youth League.From 2000 to 2002, after being a member of the Standing Committee of the Yingkou Municipal Party Committee and Minister of Propaganda for two years, he returned to the League system again and served as the deputy secretary of the Liaoning Provincial Party Committee of the Communist Youth League, and later served as secretary.

In August 2010, 42-year-old Cao Aihua left the league system and became a member of the Standing Committee of the Dalian Municipal Party Committee and Deputy Mayor of Dalian. In January 2013, he was appointed Executive Deputy Mayor of Dalian.In September 2016, Cao Aihua was investigated.

The above resume shows that Cao Aihua has worked in the Communist Youth League system for 13 years, and has held important positions since leaving the Communist Youth League system.

Although the standing committee member and executive deputy mayor of Dalian are only at the bureau level, among the three northeastern provinces, Dalian's position is extremely important, and it is an important economic, trade, port, and tourist city on the eastern coast.

An insider close to the Dalian Municipal Government once told Political Affairs that Cao Aihua is the youngest member of the Dalian Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government, with a vigorous and resolute style of work.

In September last year, Liaoning Daily published two reports on our province's use of warning education to continuously purify and repair the political ecology, and our province's transformation of case resources into educational resources to carry out warning education in a solid manner, mentioning Cao Aihua.

According to reports, after being sacked, Cao Aihua confessed that they were not dealing with me, but with my chair.

After Cao Aihua was sacked, she, Wang Min, Su Hongzhang, Wang Yang, Zheng Yuzhuo, Wu Yesong and other sacked officials were packaged and dealt with, forming warning education materials such as confession and analysis, and distributed to leaders of Liaoning Province, major cities and provincial departments.

In March last year, Cao Aihua was double-opened.According to the report, Cao Aihua is not only involved in the big case of canvassing and bribery in Liaoning, but also seeks benefits and accepts property for others in the selection and appointment of cadres, seeks benefits for others and accepts property in business operations, and other issues such as buying and selling officials.

During Cao Aihua's work in Dalian, he successively received several million yuan in money and goods from more than 50 people in his subordinate units, and thus involved a group of leading cadres in Dalian.Tan Zuojun, member of the Standing Committee of the Liaoning Provincial Party Committee and secretary of the Dalian Municipal Party Committee, said that there can be no second Cao Aihua!To this end, Dalian City gathered top leaders and held a special warning education conference.At the meeting, a person in charge of a department directly under the Dalian Municipal Government heard Cao Aihua's briefing and said that she did not expect such a serious violation of discipline.

Prosecutorial Fengyun Magazine Official Talk|Supplement everything, let it be destiny's article said: Cao Aihua is a complete official fan, and everything makes way for his promotion.She did things for the leader, bribed the leader, and even did things that a woman, a wife, a daughter, and a mother should not do.After gaining political sweetness, he got out of control until he got involved with Ling Jihua's wife, Gu Liping.Cao Aihua wrote in his confession: My life ended at the age of 48, and there is a monument of shame on it.