On August 20th, under the influence of strong typhoon Rumbia, Dalian was hit by a rare storm, and a national key test platform moored at the south pier of 760 was in danger under the attack of huge waves.At a critical moment, for the sake of national property, military equipment, and the lives of compatriots, 12 comrades including the party committee member, deputy director, and researcher Huang Qun of the No. 760 Institute rushed to the dock to fight against danger to ensure the safety of the test platform and its four security personnel.

During the anti-dangerous process, Comrade Huang Qun, Comrade Song Yuecai, a Communist Party member and the person in charge of a test platform of the 760 Institute, and Comrade Jiang Kaibin, a Communist Party member and the electromechanical chief of a test platform of the 760 Institute, were unfortunately killed and sacrificed heroically. They used their precious lives to protectTo ensure the safety of the test platform and its personnel.

On August 19, Song Yuecai received the early warning notice of the Umber typhoon and made timely deployment to prevent the typhoon.Huang Qun and Sun Xun, the deputy director of the planning office, went to the wharf several times to check the implementation.In order to grasp the situation in real time, Huang Qun was on duty in the office all night that night.On the morning of August 20th, the typhoon continued to intensify, and the wind and waves hit the pier. Some cable piles on the test platform were severely deformed and broken due to excessive force, and the cables fell off. The safety was greatly threatened. The situation is very critical.If further measures are taken, it is very likely that the test platform will lose control, be damaged, capsize, sink and cause casualties of its support personnel.At this critical juncture, 12 comrades including Huang Qun, Song Yuecai, and Jiang Kaibin rushed to the pier without hesitation to strengthen the cables of the test platform.During the disaster relief process, the ensuing huge waves dragged seven people into the sea one after another.

After the danger occurred, Hu Wenming, secretary of the party group and chairman of CSIC, immediately deployed anti-danger rescue work, and arranged for He Jiwu, deputy general manager of the group company, to rush to the scene to direct.The leadership team of the No. 760 Institute made every effort to organize the rescue on the spot, and promptly reported to the Dalian Municipal Rescue and Emergency Office, Dalian Municipal Public Security Bureau, and Liaoning Provincial Maritime Safety Administration, and contacted the 120 Emergency Center to assist in the rescue.The Dalian Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Government attached great importance to it and quickly organized multiple professional forces to carry out the rescue.

After all-out rescue, 4 of the 7 people who fell into the water were rescued, and 3 comrades, Huang Qun, Song Yuecai and Jiang Kaibin, died heroically.

The test platform is a special sea test equipment used for scientific research and testing, which is of great significance to improving the level of many core key technologies of my country's ships.Huang Qun, Song Yuecai, Jiang Kaibin and other comrades put national interests above all else and comrades’ lives above all else. In critical moments, regardless of personal safety, they stepped forward and used their heroic feats and precious lives to protect the test platform and its support personnel.The safety of the company is an advanced model of the party members and cadres of CSIC in the new era who do not forget their original aspirations, keep their mission in mind, have firm beliefs, and promise to serve the party and the country.

On August 21, before the enlarged meeting of the party group held by the group company, all the participants stood up to pay tribute to the three comrades Huang Qun, Song Yuecai and Jiang Kaibin who died heroically in the disaster relief.The party group of CSIC requires that all party members of the group company should learn from Huang Qun, Song Yuecai, Jiang Kaibin and other comrades, firmly establish four consciousnesses, strengthen four self-confidence, be absolutely loyal to the party, and have infinite love for national defense.A world-class enterprise with global competitiveness and unremitting efforts to build a world-class navy.