After the storm hit the city, Bozhou City, Anhui Province held a review and reflection meeting on the drainage and rescue work in the downtown area overnight on the evening of August 20.On August 22, the official website of the Bozhou Municipal Government published a document disclosing the details of the review meeting.

At the beginning of the meeting, Du Yanan, the mayor of Bozhou City, took the initiative to make a review. Bozhou is home and the people are parents.A heavy rain has damaged people's property and affected their lives. We have a guilty conscience, we should reflect on it, and we must review it.

The heavy rain that Du Yanan mentioned refers to the heavy rain that fell in Bozhou City from August 17th to 18th due to the impact of Typhoon Rumbia.

In this torrential rain, the cumulative rainfall exceeded 150 millimeters, with a maximum of 362 millimeters. The average rainfall was the second highest since Bozhou City had complete meteorological records in 1966. Many trees were broken by the strong wind and fell in the middle of the road. There were many sewers.The roads were blocked, the roads were seriously flooded, and even the underground palace of the Cao Cao family's tomb was flooded.

According to local media reports, some farmed freshwater fish were washed into the Songtang River in the old city by the rain, and some citizens began to fish, at most one to two hundred catties a day.

After the rainstorm, Bozhou City held the above-mentioned review and reflection meeting.According to the official website of the Bozhou Municipal Government, the original theme of the meeting was a summary and analysis meeting, but Du Yanan requested to change it to a review and reflection meeting.

At the meeting, each member unit of the Urban Flood Control Headquarters made a review one by one.Du Yan'an would lsquo;remind rsquo; the key points of his speech from time to time; if he didn't say anything else, he would reflect on what problems existed in his work?How to rectify?What concrete measures are there?Are the 76 flood-prone points all there?How to dredge each of the seven seriously waterlogged road sections?Can we guarantee that when such extreme weather occurs again, there will no longer be water everywhere?

For this year's flood control work, Bozhou City held a teleconference on flood control and drought relief in 2018 on May 18, and made arrangements for the city's flood control and drought relief work in 2018.

Du Yan'an requested at this meeting: focus on improving the emergency relief system, quickly improve the emergency plan system, quickly form a strong emergency rescue team, and quickly prepare emergency rescue supplies; focus on improving monitoring and early warning capabilities, pay attention to inspections, monitoring, monitoring, research and judgmentFocus on early warning and strong services; focus on ensuring smooth flood drainage, clearing various illegal facilities, ensuring smooth drainage in urban and rural areas, improving the drainage plan for polder areas, and ensuring the safety of wading projects during floods.

However, the heavy rain from August 17th to 18th exposed many problems and loopholes in our city's urban management and emergency work, Du Yanan said at the review and reflection meeting.

He said that 365 days a year, even if there is only one day of "watching the sea", the masses are still dissatisfied; people-centered and people-oriented are not written on paper, read on the lips, or hung on the wall, but must fall into theIn actual action.The satisfaction and dissatisfaction of the masses is the yardstick for testing the quality and effectiveness of government work.All departments should act quickly after the meeting, and transform the review and reflection just now into specific actions and rectification results, so as not to repeat the same mistakes every year.The masses are satisfied, and everyone's hard work is not in vain.

According to the official resume, Du Yanan was born in November 1966 in Dangshan, Anhui. He graduated from the Chinese Department of Anhui University in 1988, majoring in journalism.After graduation, he worked in the General Office of the Standing Committee of the Anhui Provincial People's Congress. He has successively served as a staff member, assistant secretary, and secretary of the General Office of the Standing Committee of the Anhui Provincial People's Congress.In 2004, he served as deputy director of the General Office of the Standing Committee of the Anhui Provincial People's Congress.

In 2009, Du Yanan served as the deputy secretary-general of the Standing Committee of the Anhui Provincial People's Congress and a member of the leading party group.Two years later, he was promoted to the deputy secretary-general of the Standing Committee of the Anhui Provincial People's Congress at the departmental level.In 2013, he served as a member and deputy secretary-general of the Standing Committee of the Anhui Provincial People's Congress.

In 2014, Du Yanan left the Standing Committee of the Anhui Provincial People's Congress, where he had worked for 26 years, and was transferred to be the deputy secretary of the Bozhou Municipal Party Committee. Since 2016, he has been the mayor of Bozhou City.

Before the rainstorm, another major event happened in Bozhou City this year.On March 20, the State Food and Drug Administration notified that Anhui Guangyintang Traditional Chinese Medicine Co., Ltd. was suspected of serious violations of laws and regulations in the production of Chinese herbal decoction pieces.

The circular pointed out that Anhui Guangyintang Traditional Chinese Medicine Co., Ltd. had tampered with the production date of Chinese herbal medicines, changed the long-term stock of Chinese herbal medicines to the batch numbers produced recently;The material labels are harvested in the main production area. On-site inspections found that the harvest time marked on the Chinese medicinal materials was later than the marked storage time and other issues. Anhui Food and Drug Administration was instructed to draw inferences from one instance and conduct a comprehensive inspection of all Chinese herbal medicine production enterprises in Bozhou City.

Before the China Food and Drug Administration’s notification was exposed, Du Yan’an, a deputy to the National People’s Congress, seized the last three minutes at the Anhui delegation’s group meeting on March 8 and took out the Bozhou specialty traditional Chinese medicine granules that he carried with him to publicizeThe benefits of Chinese medicine granules.In an interview, he said that the traditional Chinese medicine industry is the first industry in Bozhou City, and Bozhou City is making full efforts to build the world capital of traditional Chinese medicine.

After Anhui Guangyintang Traditional Chinese Medicine Co., Ltd. was exposed by the State Food and Drug Administration, on April 20, Du Yanan investigated the comprehensive rectification of pharmaceuticals and medicinal materials in the city, requiring strict supervision of the production, processing, and operation of traditional Chinese medicinal materials, and severely cracking down on illegal production., Storage, and sale of medicines and medicinal materials, anyone who administers drugs will be discredited, and his job will be smashed.

According to local media reports, in Anhui Guangyintang Traditional Chinese Medicine Co., Ltd., Du Yanan came to the company's raw material warehouse, carefully checked the drug location card records and the warehouse administrator's verification records, and looked at the inspection records of the regulatory authorities.Du Yanan pointed out that the company should learn from the painful lessons, actively cooperate with the inspections of the national and provincial bureaus, rectify existing problems strictly and quickly, improve the internal management mechanism, strengthen daily inspections, strictly regulate management, and ensure the quality of medicines and medicinal materials.