Original title: He set a rule for himself: no more than 30,000 gifts each time

●Confessor: Geng Guoshun

●Original position: Deputy Director of Wuyou Street Office, Chengnan New District, Yancheng City, Jiangsu Province

●Crime: accepting bribes, offering bribes

●Judgment result: On September 29, 2017, the Yancheng Economic and Technological Development Zone Court sentenced Geng Guoshun to three years and three months in prison for accepting bribes and a fine of 220,000 yuan; he was sentenced to six months in prison for offering bribes; decidedHe was sentenced to three years and five months in prison and fined 220,000 yuan.

●Criminal facts: From 2006 to 2016, Geng Guoshun took advantage of his position to seek benefits for others and accept bribes when he served as director of the Wuyou Town Financial Office, Chengnan New District, Yancheng City, deputy mayor, and deputy director of Wuyou Sub-district OfficeIt is equivalent to RMB 492,900; from 2008 to 2011, Geng Guoshun paid bribes to others seven times in order to seek personal promotion opportunities, totaling RMB 45,000.

It is difficult for me to accept the role contrast from a respected street office leader to a prisoner.But because I made a big mistake, I deserved it because I got to this point.

When I first became the director of the Finance Office, my sense of discipline was not weak, and I resolutely refused to accept tobacco and alcohol.Later, because my son urgently needed money for college, employment, house purchase, and marriage, money became my primary goal.After struggling and hesitating, greed finally defeated reason, and it was out of control-I accepted all the gifts from real estate developers and individual bosses with a smile.I even absurdly set a rule for myself: no more than 30,000 yuan is accepted for gifts, because less than 30,000 yuan is small money, and it doesn't matter if you accept it.

As the amount of projects under my management gradually increased, project funds of several million yuan to tens of millions of yuan began to pass by me.When I think of the completion of the project, the construction bosses will have a profit of millions of yuan, and I have worked hard to help them solve many problems in the construction but have achieved nothing. I feel very unbalanced.When they bribed me tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of yuan, I actually broke the rules and took it for granted.

After becoming the director, I have the privilege of financial approval. Except for the secretary of the town party committee and the mayor, other members of the team must respect me three points.In order to secure this position, I continued to give money and goods to win the favor of the leaders, and racked my brains to get into the corrupt circle of Wang, who was the main leader of the town at the time, and others.During the day, they talked about anti-corruption and honesty on stage, but at night they accepted banquets from real estate developers and individual bosses. After dinner, they either sang at KTV or played cards all night long.After I became familiar with their hobbies, I followed their preferences, looking for dinner games during the day, and poker games at night..

As Wang and others fell one after another, I often had nightmares.I thought about surrendering myself, but when I thought that I might be punished or even go to jail after surrendering, I was afraid and unwilling, so I felt lucky and smartly handed over 27,000 yuan in cash to the district clean government account, intending to get away with it.

Do not stretch out your hand, you will be caught if you stretch out your hand. This is what Marshal Chen Yi said, and it is also the confession of many corrupt officials.Unexpectedly, this sentence was finally verified by me.