On August 18, 2018, the Standing Committee of the Party Committee of Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region held a meeting to listen to the report of the Yinchuan Municipal Party Committee on Tairui Pharmaceutical's unauthorized resumption of production and to study and deal with it.Shi Taifeng, secretary of the party committee of the autonomous region, presided over the meeting.

The meeting pointed out that in July 2016, the No. 8 Environmental Protection Supervision Group of the Central Committee found problems such as Tairui Pharmaceutical's odor nuisance and other problems during its inspection in Ningxia, and required rectification within a time limit.In June of this year, the second environmental protection inspection team of the central government conducted an environmental inspection in Ningxia and found that Tairui Pharmaceutical had made false rectifications, which were exposed in the media. Yinchuan City and Yongning County ordered the company to immediately stop production for rectification.On June 22, Tairui Pharmaceuticals issued an announcement, promising to the whole society to stop production and implement the relocation plan.Recently, Terry Pharmaceuticals started 7 fermentation tanks without authorization to resume production in violation of regulations.This is an incident with extremely bad circumstances and a very serious nature. The meeting decided to remove Qian Kexiao as a member of the Standing Committee of the Yinchuan Municipal Party Committee and Secretary of the Yongning County Party Committee. According to legal procedures, Xu Qing, deputy mayor of Yinchuan City, and Li Runjun, county magistrate of Yongning County, were removed from their positions. The party committee of the autonomous region established an investigation team to investigate and deal with the above-mentioned responsible persons.The Yinchuan Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Government are ordered to conduct in-depth inspections of the Party Committee and the government of the autonomous region, and the Yinchuan Municipal Party Committee is instructed to seriously hold accountable those responsible in Yinchuan City and Yongning County.

According to China Environment News, on June 1 this year, within a few hours after the Central Second Environmental Protection Supervision Team held a mobilization meeting in Yinchuan, they received 13 reports of odor pollution from Tairui Pharmaceuticals in the Yongning area.In the following week, there were 117 complaint calls and 29 letters, all of which reflected the problem of Tairui Pharmaceutical's emission of foul-smelling gases. In response to the public's concentrated complaints about the environmental pollution problems of Tairui Pharmaceutical and Qiyuan Pharmaceutical, the Central Second Environmental Protection Supervision Group immediately gave feedback to the Ningxia Coordination and Liaison Group, and issued a written transfer form and supervision form.Subsequently, the inspection team conducted spot checks on Terry Pharmaceuticals and found that Terry Pharmaceuticals was suspected of false rectification. On June 6, the inspection team met with Yang Yujing, Mayor of Yinchuan City, and Xu Qing, Deputy Mayor of Yinchuan City, regarding the mass reporting on Ningxia Yinchuan Tairui Pharmaceuticals, Genesis Pharmaceuticals and other companies.At that time, a deputy magistrate of Yongning County was held accountable for this. In other words, after the central environmental inspection team interviewed the mayor and deputy mayor and dealt with a deputy county magistrate in Yongning, the company resumed production without authorization, and the Yongning county party committee and county government still did not pay enough attention.Yongning County Party Secretary Qian Kexiao and county magistrate Li Runjun, who were dismissed and investigated, were previously punished with reprimands. Qian Kexiao was born in 1966. In Yongning County, he served as deputy county magistrate, member of the Standing Committee of the county party committee, deputy county magistrate, county magistrate, and secretary of the county party committee.In November 2016, when the leadership of the Yinchuan Municipal Party Committee was changing, Qian Kexiao, then Secretary of the Yongning County Party Committee, was promoted to the Standing Committee of the Yinchuan Municipal Party Committee, and was listed at the deputy department level, belonging to the high-level county Party committee secretary. Last year, Qian Kexiao was reprimanded and dealt with due to poor progress in the elimination of backward production capacity.

According to the official report, from March 2011 to December 2016, Yongning County and others failed to fulfill their duties, failed to strictly implement the relevant regulations of the state and the autonomous region, and failed to promote the elimination of some backward production capacity.By the time of the environmental protection inspection, the outdated production capacity of small thermal power units and intermediate frequency furnaces of the 11 enterprises in the above-mentioned cities and counties (districts) had not been shut down as required or were still in production.In accordance with the cadre management authority, 14 people including Yinchuan Municipal Party Committee Standing Committee and Yongning County Party Secretary Qian Kexiao (deputy department level) were given admonitions. According to the website of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, admonishment talks and disciplinary actions (warnings, serious warnings, revocation of party positions, party probation, expulsion from the party), organizational handling (transfer from post, resignation, ordered resignation, dismissal, demotion)Their duties are all measures taken by the party organization to educate, manage, and supervise party members with problems.

The Law Office of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection once explained: the admonishment talks are mainly aimed at the problems that leading cadres have caused adverse effects although they do not constitute violations of discipline, or that they are exempted from party discipline and government disciplinary sanctions according to relevant regulations although they constitute violations of discipline.Small glitches turn into big problems.Its purpose is to educate, remind, and warn leading cadres, and it does not belong to organizational processing.

Li Runjun, the county magistrate of Yongning who was dismissed this time, was born in 1968. He served as deputy director of the General Office of the Poverty Alleviation Office of the Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region and deputy director of the Office of the Development and Reform Commission of the Autonomous Region.In 2013, he replaced Qian Kexiao, who was promoted to the secretary of the county party committee, and served as the county magistrate of Yongning.

Similarly, Li Runjun has also been dealt with. In 2016, due to inaccurate feedback to the Central Environmental Protection Supervision Group, the Yinchuan Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection was held accountable. Five responsible persons, including Li Runjun, the mayor of Yongning County, were punished and dismissed. From July 12 to August 12, 2016, the Central Eighth Environmental Protection Supervision Group was stationed in Ningxia to carry out environmental protection supervision.On July 29, in the circular issued by Yinchuan City on the investigation and handling of environmental pollution problems reported by the public by the Central Eighth Environmental Protection Supervision Group, Yongning County reported the problem of smoke and dust emitted by Yongning Shoufeng Metal Products Co., Ltd. for many years.The investigation result announced by the inspection team is that the company has ceased production in August 2015 due to market reasons. However, the investigation team of the Yinchuan Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection came to Yongning County Shoufeng Metal Products Co., Ltd. to conduct a field investigation.According to the investigation, from 2015 to July 2016, the enterprise had been in normal production state, and did not stop production until July 25, 2016. The results of the investigation showed that the Yongning County Party Committee and the county government’s investigation results that the company had ceased production in August 2015 due to market reasons were seriously inconsistent with the facts, and there were deviations from what was reported to the Central Eighth Environmental Protection Inspection Team and announced to the media.The Yinchuan Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection decided to give Li Runjun, the magistrate of Yongning County, admonishment. The vice mayor of Yinchuan City, Xu Qing, who was dealt with this time, was born in 1964 and also worked in Yongning County for a short period of time. From January 2009 to January 2010, he was the deputy secretary of the Yongning County Party Committee (director level). On August 19, Ningxia Daily published a commentary that if you fail to be responsible, you must ask questions, and accountability must be strict.

According to the commentary, Tairui Pharmaceuticals resumed production without authorization. The circumstances are extremely bad and the nature is extremely serious.The strict accountability of the Party Committee of the autonomous region is to alert enterprises and leading cadres at all levels: if they do not take responsibility or act, they will be severely punished by party discipline and state laws!Only with a real determination to supervise, a thunderous discipline enforcement, and punitive measures that must be questioned and strictly held accountable can prevent the system from idling, ensure the smooth flow of government orders, promote the proper performance of cadres, and promote the institutionalization of accountability, Normalization. The China Environment News published on the 20th commented on why Yongning always stumbles in environmental protection?.

According to the commentary, this is not the first time that Yongning County has stumbled because of environmental protection issues.Implementing the same responsibility of the party and the government for environmental protection is by no means a slogan; strict accountability for dereliction of duty in the field of environmental protection is being normalized and institutionalized.To a certain extent, serious accountability for Tairui's unauthorized resumption of production is not only a rectification of the environment and ecology, but also a rectification of the local political ecology.