According to Sina Finance, Hu Jinghui, vice president of My Love My Home Group, posted on Moments today (18th) that he would resign from all positions in My Love My Home Group with immediate effect due to well-known reasons.

Hu Jinghui said in a post on Moments that the rapid rise in housing rents that he personally pointed out to the media recently has attracted the attention of high-level central officials, and he believes that it will be properly resolved.

I love my family also issued a statement on Hu Jinghui's bombardment of long-term rental apartments for raising rents on August 17. My love for my family group stated that Hu Jinghui's remarks about long-term rental apartments for raising rents only represent his personal attitude and do not represent the company's views.

Facing the accusations from the outside world, as of press time, Ziroom and Danke have not responded.

But what was unexpected was that on the morning of August 18, Hu Jinghui announced his resignation from the position of vice president of My Love My Family in WeChat Moments, saying that the reason for his resignation was a well-known reason.

However, regarding the skyrocketing rents and the phenomenon of individual housing rental companies driving up rents to seize housing resources, the Beijing Municipal Commission of Housing and Urban-rural Development, together with the Municipal Banking Regulatory Bureau, Municipal Finance Bureau, Municipal Taxation Bureau and other departments, interviewed Ziroom on August 17., Xiangyu, Eggshell Apartments and other major housing leasing companies, the interview meeting clearly required housing leasing companies not to use bank loans and other financing channels to viciously compete to seize housing resources; not to rent higher than the market level or to drive up rentSeize the house; it is not allowed to seize the house by increasing the rent to induce the landlord to terminate the lease contract in advance.

Whoever viciously speculates on rent will be strictly controlled by the government.

Graduation season with rising rent

The signs of rising rents should start from last year.After the Xihongmen fire incident in Beijing in 2017, Beijing stepped up efforts to crack down on non-compliant housing. One of the biggest impacts was that regular housing was hot, and the renter market raised rents, and tenants had to pay the bill.It is worth mentioning that Ziroom, who is now bombarded by My Love My Home as a manipulator of rent increases, has reaped a wave of good news by promising that all rental properties in Beijing will not increase by a penny before December 31, 2017 after the fire.Sensitivity.

By July and August this year, a large number of fresh graduates flooded into the housing leasing market, which to a certain extent increased the number of housing leasing contracts and rent trends, and the overall transaction scale of the leasing market continued to expand.

According to the data provided by Zhuge Xunfang, the average price in the east and west cities in July was close to 150 yuan/month/square meter.In addition to the six districts of the city, the average price in the suburbs of Daxing District and Changping District is also close to 90 yuan/month/square meter.Among them, the average rental price in Tongzhou in July rose by nearly 40% year-on-year.

This data has also been confirmed in the interview of the reporter of China Real Estate News.Ms. Hu, who started renting a room in Changying area of Chaoyang in September last year, her rental contract is about to expire. When negotiating with the agency to renew the contract, she was told that the rent would need to increase by 20%, which is already the most favorable price.

During the graduation season, the reporter also interviewed the housing agency on the housing issue.Previously, both the agent and the tenant were tacit about breaking down the partition for rent, but after a big partition removal operation at the end of last year, everyone paid more attention to it.With the lack of partitions, there is a shortage of single-room and full-rent houses with relatively low rents that most graduates require.Xiao Jin, a broker of a well-known brand intermediary agency, said that the supply of high-end houses with a rent of more than 10,000 yuan/month is relatively sufficient.

They are all vying for houses to fight for rent pricing rights

Who is pushing up the rent in Beijing?

Guo Shiying, an analyst at the Zhuge Housing Data Research Center, said that there are many reasons for the rapid increase in rents in Beijing and other places this round: first, the rapid rise in housing prices in the past two years has a strong driving effect on rent increases;The city's rectification of the rental market has reduced the supply of rental housing, and the overall rent has risen to a certain extent; third, with the continuous development and growth of long-term rental apartments, the rental price of long-term rental apartments is generally higher than ordinary rents, resulting in an increase in overall rents;It is currently the peak season for graduation. With the influx of a large number of fresh graduates, the market demand has skyrocketed and the supply is tight, causing rents to rise.

Among the above four reasons, the voices of long-term rental apartments pushing up rents continue to emerge.The reason is that, compared with individual landlords’ direct rental housing, many renters who exchange rents have found that the rent increases for institutionalized long-term rental apartments are higher.There are thousands of waves, and the voices of renters condemning such institutions are one after another.

Netizen Leonardo commented that the rental price of the neighbor’s two-bedroom apartment was 5,000 to 5,500 yuan/month during Chinese New Year last year, and he was willing to make a deal. However, the agent directly offered 8,000 yuan/month for a 3-year lease, and the property was finally rented to the agent.A week later, I saw his house in the intermediary circle of friends: the living room was partitioned as a three-bedroom sub-let, and the whole rent was 9,500 yuan/month.

Many long-term rental apartments adopt the model of purchasing/renting housing for decoration and refurbishment and then renting or sub-leasing, so competition for housing is inevitable.In the process of scrambling for houses, there will be high price competition.Some homeowners revealed that when they listed their houses on related websites, the first thing they received was definitely not calls from the tenants but from these agencies; what’s more, they received calls from these agencies within half an hour after posting the rental information.9 intermediary phone calls, competing to raise prices after inquiring other intermediary quotations.

Xia Lei, deputy director of Evergrande Research Institute, wrote an article pointing out that capital also played a certain role in this round of rent rises.At present, many long-term rental apartment operations are based on the second-landlord model.Under the pressure of huge housing competition, the aggressive expansion of housing resources to seize the market and the radical acquisition of housing resources will inevitably push up the rent prices of the entire market.In order to compete for market share, each brand will most likely choose the scale-oriented development model of financing-acquiring projects-refinancing-reacquiring projects to seize market share and strive for the pricing power of rent.The capital is operating from the money-burning mode to the money-making mode, and the rent increase is an inevitable result.

Regulatory shot

Under the background that the government encourages both rental and sales, brands such as long-term rental apartments have been favored by capital and expanded rapidly.

The main financing situation of leading companies in my country's domestic long-term rental apartment market shows that the most prominent companies are Lianjiaziroom, YOU+, Mofang Apartment, and Mushroom Apartment.These apartment brands have all entered the rapid development stage of enterprises, and have entered the C round and post-strategic financing stage.

As more and more capital enters the long-term rental apartment market, the transformation of low-end rental properties into mid-to-high-end ones actually drives up rental prices.Zhang Dawei, market director of Beijing Centaline Real Estate, said that the establishment of a housing system that promotes both rental and purchase is not only one of the long-term real estate regulation policies, but also stabilizes the rental relationship and gives more rights to renters..But at present, as a lot of funds enter the leasing market in an orderly manner, and no company can explore the possibility of direct profit, an impulse to increase prices has formed.

Zhang Dawei suggested regulation from two aspects: one is to increase the supply of rental housing; the other is to restrict and standardize the behavior of intermediaries eating up the price difference and second landlords hoarding houses, so as to avoid the formation of de facto conflicts in this field related to people's livelihood.monopolist.

Now, the government will take action to curb the chasing up of the rental market, and launched a joint special law enforcement inspection on housing rental companies: strictly investigate the behavior of using financing funds that are not used according to the agreed purpose; strictly investigate the behavior of driving up rents to disrupt the market; strictly investigateFailure to carry out lease registration and filing in accordance with regulations.Once verified, all departments will punish severely and jointly.