On August 15, 2018, Zhu Jun, a well-known Chinese host, issued a lawyer's statement on the sexual harassment of interns spread online, saying that those who spread rumors should be held accountable.

According to Sina.com, the statement stated: Since July 2018, a large amount of false information related to "Zhu Jun's sexual harassment (obscene) interns" has appeared on the Internet.Afterwards, many Internet users and media reposted it rashly without investigation and evidence collection, and it quickly fermented on the Internet.

Zhu Jun's statement also stated: "We will continue to carry out investigations and evidence collection in accordance with the law, and we will hold accountable the Internet users and media who continue to publish or fail to delete the above-mentioned false information!" The cause of the incident was that the rumor-monger anonymously published "Zhu Jun sexually harassed an intern" on Weibo without real-name authentication.Eating melons is not too big of a deal. The matter quickly fermented and was reposted by many people who eat melons. In the end, the incident got out of hand.At present, the rumor-mongers have been prosecuted to the People's Court of Haidian District, Beijing. Zhu Jun hopes to protect his rights and interests through legal means, and let the rumor-mongers get the punishment they deserve.

On July 25, 2018, the METOO topic on Weibo calling on women who have been sexually assaulted to speak out about their experiences received widespread attention. The number of views on the topic quickly exceeded 50 million, and sexual assault incidents continued to ferment.

Today (July 26), Zhu Jun was also exposed to sexual harassment.A woman claimed to have been sexually harassed by Zhu Jun, a well-known host, and molested through clothes, but Yan Weiwen interrupted her.The woman's self-explosion was sent by Luo Changping, a financial media person with millions of followers.(Luo Changping used to be the core reporter of the Beijing News, editor-in-chief of the in-depth report department, and deputy editor-in-chief of the Financial Magazine.)

According to the woman’s own revelation, when she was in the TV editing and directing class in her junior year, the teacher assigned her to practice in the art life program group. This program is centered on the host Zhu Jun. He has great power and enjoys everyone’s favour. The practice in the group is to practice before each program recording.Sheng went to his dressing room to deliver fruit drinks and chat with him to pass the time.

According to reports, once, the woman went to deliver fruit with another intern, and the other intern left beforehand, leaving the woman to accompany Zhu Jun alone. It was broad daylight, and the dressing room of the old CCTV building was outside the studio.Close to the corridor, where audiences and staff come and go, Zhu Jun began to mention his various rights, including letting her stay in the TV station. The more he talked, the more excited he was, and he began to try to moles the woman through his clothes, regardless of the woman's resistance.Fortunately, Yan Weiwen, the guest of that episode, came in and the woman was able to leave.

Afterwards, the woman called the police. During the entire night of recording and collecting evidence, the police found in the corridor monitor video that the woman had subconscious actions that could be used as evidence after she left the dressing room. At the same time, she took fingerprints and blood from the woman's clothes and hair.

But the next day, the girl's choreography teacher called the TV station leader in front of her, saying that the little girl was fine, and advised her not to insist on calling the police, which would have a devastating blow to her career.Afterwards, there were persuasion and warnings from other parties, but in the end the matter was left alone.

The woman who broke the news said that after confirming that she would not expose the matter, the relevant parties did not notify her of any investigation progress, and she did not even know whether the matter was filed procedurally.

At present, the above-mentioned revelations about Zhu Jun come from an anonymous woman, and Zhu Jun has not responded yet.

If the news is true, then Zhu Jun in the news is too different from the persona Zhu Jun presented to the public before.

Zhu Jun's rule: you have to listen to whoever takes the job

Zhu Jun once talked about his principles at the press conference of the music master class program, and the word "rules" was repeatedly mentioned by him.He believes that no rules are not worth being forgiven.

According to media reports, his son knows the rules very well, which makes him feel a lot of face: when eating at the same table, if the adults do not move the chopsticks first, the son will never move the chopsticks;I'm back, or Dad, I'm back; a dish on the dinner table must not be allowed to cross the dish to stir in the bowl, and you will be punished if you pick and choose; you must call someone uncle or aunt when you meet.

The report also said that Zhu Jun's emphasis on rules may come from his father's subtle influence.

Zhu Jun's rules also involve housework and women, which has caused controversy.He once said in the program: Never wash the dishes, that's what women should do.

He himself has been sticking to CCTV very well.He said: You have to listen to whoever you take the job from.

He also said: I am a person who can stabilize myself, and I will definitely not do it when the answer is not clear.

According to various media reports, Zhu Jun is a rule-abiding person who is almost rigid, and is also very rigorous and steady.However, in the anonymous woman's revelation, Zhu Jun emphasized his own power, and he took the risk of trying to moles the woman in a crowded environment, and did not stabilize himself.

Letter from Zhu Jun to himself: A covenant between two gentlemen

On June 18, 2018, at the closing episode of his program Letter China, Zhu Jun wrote himself a letter to himself three years later, and made two promises for himself, one is a soldier, and the soldierThe son of a soldier always demands himself with the standards of a soldier; the second is a gentleman, a gentleman in life.In family and friends, strive to exert your positive influence, and always be yourself.

He also said in an interview with the media that the greatest skill of being a host is kindness and sincerity.When promoting the letter to China program, he also said that to do a work of conscience, he must be worthy of his ancestors and worthy of his children.

According to the self-requirements that Zhu Jun flaunts in front of the public, he must strictly follow the standards of a soldier and a gentleman to always correct himself.However, Zhu Jun in the news broke the news, regardless of the woman's pushback, and forcibly attempted to be obscene, which ran counter to his own gentleman's requirements, let alone being worthy of his ancestors and children.Moreover, a person who flaunts kindness and sincerity, Xiaofan really can't associate him with a person who forcibly molested a female intern.