The Buddhist Association of China will hold a board meeting today to accept Xuecheng's resignation as president.

(Reported by Sing Tao Daily) The "MeToo Movement" spread to Buddhism in the Mainland.Master Xuecheng, the president of the Buddhist Association of China and the abbot of Longquan Temple in Beijing, was recently reported by his real name for sexually assaulting a female disciple, causing a sensation at home and abroad.According to authoritative sources in Buddhist circles, the Buddhist Association of China will hold a board meeting today to accept Xuecheng's resignation as president.It is reported that Xuecheng will also resign from social positions such as the Standing Committee of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference. The two former supervisors of Longquan Temple, Shi Xianjia and Shi Xianqi, jointly wrote a 95-page report document, reporting that the abbot of Longquan Temple, Shi Xuecheng, had sexually assaulted a female disciple.The whistleblowing documents were exposed on the first of this month. Because Xuecheng is the number one Buddhist figure in China, it aroused strong social repercussions, and the central leaders also paid close attention to it. The national religious circles intervened in the investigation. According to sources from Buddhist circles, the State Administration of Religious Affairs has made preliminary investigation results, "Xuecheng has recently been taken back to Fuzhou, where he is "closed behind closed doors" in a small courtyard and prohibited from going abroad."Due to the serious negative impact of the incident on the social image of Chinese Buddhism, the Buddhist Association of China will hold a council meeting as soon as today to accept Xuecheng's resignation as president.The meeting will also call on Buddhist disciples to seriously reflect and deeply understand the importance and urgency of teaching style construction.According to sources, after Xuecheng resigns, the work of the Buddhist Association will be presided over by the two vice-chairmen, Venerable Daoci and Venerable Yanjue. According to the news, Longquan Temple is currently closed, and many monks have left.Longquan Temple has a long history and is located in Beijing Fenghuangling Natural Scenic Park.The two whistleblowers are both Ph.Ds in engineering from Tsinghua University. Shi Xianqi received inquiries from this newspaper yesterday but did not respond. He only said in a text message that he was "in a meeting." On the 1st of this month, a ninety-five-page accusation document jointly written by Shi Xianjia and Shi Xianqi was circulated on the Internet, shocking the Buddhist circle.The content of the report includes the SMS chat records between Xuecheng and female disciples, etc., and mentions Shi Xuecheng's many illegal behaviors, including sexual harassment by sending short messages to female disciples, sexually assaulting many female disciples who became monks, and using various methods to mentally control female disciples.Disciples, "Dual Cultivation of Men and Women", etc.The document also alleges that the temple has illegal buildings and the flow of funds is unknown, and calls on the authorities to pay attention to it and help save the "evil teacher" Shi Xuecheng. Longquan Temple issued a solemn statement that night, saying that the background of the matter was complicated, the organization was operating, and the intentions were sinister. Shi Xianqi and Shi Xianjia collected forged materials, distorted the facts and spread false reporting materials, framed Buddhist virtues, and misled the public.crime.The next day, the State Administration of Religious Affairs stated that it paid close attention and attached great importance to it. "Our bureau has received the reported materials and has started investigation and verification work." Fifty-two-year-old Master Xuecheng is a native of Fujian with a postgraduate degree. He became the abbot of Guanghua Temple in Putian, Fujian at the age of 23. He was once the youngest and most educated abbot in Chinese Han Buddhist temples.In 2005, Xuecheng became the abbot of Longquan Temple. In 2015, he became the president of the Buddhist Association of China. Xuecheng is also a member of the Standing Committee of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, deputy director of the Ethnic and Religious Committee, a member of the Standing Committee of the Beijing Municipal Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, and concurrently the executive vice chairman of the China Religious Circles Peace Committee, the vice chairman of the Chinese People's Association for Peace and Disarmament, the chairman of the Fujian Buddhist Association, and the Shaanxi FufengAbbot of Famen Temple, vice president of Beijing Normal University Advanced Institute of Humanities and Religion, etc.