Over the past three years since the corruption case was exposed, PetroChina has been clearing up the previous political smog.

On August 10, the China Disciplinary Inspection and Supervision News published an article entitled Clearing the Political Smog and Inspiring the Entrepreneurial Enthusiasm of Party Members, Cadres and Officers PetroChina Clearing the Fog and Sailing Again, which reviewed the internal and external difficulties of PetroChina more than three years ago.

At that time, under the influence of Zhou Yongkang, Jiang Jiemin, Liao Yongchun, Wang Yongchun, etc., some members of the party group deviated from the spirit of Daqing and the spirit of Iron Man, forming cliques, buying and selling officials, and transferring interests, which caused serious political conflicts within the group.smog.

Externally, with the international oil price falling off a cliff and continuing to fluctuate at a low level, the survival and development of PetroChina have been impacted and challenged.Accidents occurred one after another in individual enterprises within the group, causing the public to question the corporate governance capability.

At that time, PetroChina formed the impression of corruption, accidents, monopoly, huge profits, and big, rough, and arrogant in the hearts of the public.

The formation of PetroChina’s political smog is not unrelated to Zhou Yongkang’s years of deep cultivation of the oil system.The above mentioned Jiang Jiemin, Liao Yongyong, Wang Yongchun and other former PetroChina executives are all members of Zhou Yongkang's oil gang.

Zhou Yongkang participated in the petroleum system for more than 30 years in his early years. After graduating from Beijing Petroleum Institute in 1966, he worked in Daqing Oilfield and Liaohe Petroleum Exploration Bureau. In 1985, he served as the former vice minister of the Ministry of Petroleum Industry.Manager, General Manager, Party Secretary.

During Zhou Yongkang's tenure, he promoted a group of senior officials and executives in the petroleum system.

On August 26, 2013, Wang Yongchun, then deputy general manager of PetroChina, was sacked; on September 1, Jiang Jiemin, then director of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council and deputy secretary of the party group, was sacked.Jiang was the chairman and party secretary of PetroChina.In March 2015, Liao Yongyong, former general manager of CNPC, was also investigated.

In addition, PetroChina's former deputy general manager Li Hualin, former vice president of PetroChina and general manager of Daqing Oilfield Branch Ran Xinquan, former chief geologist of PetroChina Wang Daofu, former chief accountant Wen Qingshan, former secretary of the CNPC International Party Committee Shen Dingcheng and other executives were investigated.

The political smog left by Zhou Yongkang, Jiang Jiemin and others in PetroChina can be seen from the inspection feedback of the central inspection team.

From February 28 to April 30, 2015, the Central Second Inspection Team conducted a special inspection on PetroChina.

At that time, the inspection team pointed out five major problems of PetroChina: lax management of the party, poor implementation of the main responsibility for building a clean and honest government, weak awareness of discipline and rules among some leaders, frequent occurrence of violations of regulations and disciplines, building a clean and honest government and anti-corruption efforts.The situation of the struggle against corruption is still severe and complicated; the spirit of the eight central regulations is not strictly enforced, small coffers are repeatedly prohibited, problems such as public travel, purchase of shopping cards, and illegal distribution of allowances and subsidies still exist, and the management of public vehicles is chaotic;, the management and supervision of leaders is not strict enough, sick and sick promotions happen from time to time, and there is a phenomenon of inbreeding that violates the avoidance principle;If the management is not in place, there is a risk of integrity.

In September of that year, PetroChina stated that it would resolutely eliminate the political smog.During their inspection and rectification, they listed a number of rectification measures, and said that they will clearly adhere to the party's leadership over state-owned enterprises, strengthen the construction of anti-corruption and uphold integrity, learn lessons deeply, resolutely eliminate the bad influence of Zhou Yongkang and others, and always maintain a high-pressure anti-corruption situation, carry out special rectification in key areas, and create a clean and upright political ecology.

During this period, many people in PetroChina were punished.

According to public data, in the first half of 2015 alone, CNPC investigated and dealt with 112 cases of top leaders at all levels, and punished or planned to punish 129 people; 9 party committee members including 3 party committee secretaries were punished for violating regulations and disciplines; for leaders who helped relatives and friends22 people were punished or planned to be punished for contracting project problems, including 5 bureau-level cadres.

In May 2016, the PetroChina Party Group issued a circular, issuing opinions on the handling of Jiang Jiemin, Wang Yongchun and other persons involved in the case.

According to the report, the handling personnel are all involved in Jiang Jiemin, Wang Yongchun and other cases. The party group of the group company comprehensively considers factors such as the motivation, amount, circumstances, consequences, and attitude of violating discipline, and unifies the handling standards.Give party and government disciplinary sanctions, admonishment talks, transfer to local discipline inspection commissions, etc.

In addition to completing the rectification of the central inspection team, PetroChina has also made a three-year full-coverage inspection deployment.

Zhengshi noticed that from 2015 to 2017, PetroChina conducted 8 rounds of internal inspections, covering 146 units, 24 government departments and 6 professional companies. A total of 4,779 problems were found and 689 clues were handed over., 800 people were organized and admonished to talk; 176 cases were filed, and 235 people were punished by party discipline and government affairs; economic losses of more than 700 million yuan were avoided or recovered.

At the same time, the group has successively established 6 regional discipline inspection and supervision centers, as the dispatched agencies of the party group discipline inspection team, to specifically undertake the discipline inspection work and strengthen supervision.After the establishment of the six centers, a total of 1,128 inspection tasks were completed, and 482 cases were filed and ordered by the Discipline Inspection Commission of enterprises and institutions.

In the field of overseas investment, PetroChina also dispatched two inspection teams to go abroad to inspect 18 overseas enterprises, focusing on the leading groups and main persons in charge of the party organizations of overseas enterprises. A total of 321 various problems were found, and 2.3 economic losses were avoided or recovered.billion.

Over the past three years, after a series of combined blows to eliminate the bad influence of Zhou Yongkang and others, PetroChina has gradually emerged from the political smog.According to CNPC's annual report in recent years, in 2014, CNPC's net profit fell by 17.3% year-on-year; in 2015, its net profit fell by 66.7% year-on-year; in 2016, it was only 7.9 billion, a drop of 77.8%.

After strengthening the party building and rectification work, in March this year, PetroChina announced its financial report. In 2017, the group's annual net profit has risen to 22.8 billion yuan, a substantial increase of 190% year-on-year.

According to the latest data, in the first half of this year, PetroChina achieved revenue of 1.31 trillion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 17.5%; total profit was 63.28 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 110.1%.

The Central Commission for Discipline Inspection commented on this: Solid efforts in party building have revitalized PetroChina.