On December 25, 2017, Lin Yuzhong, former deputy director of the Land Acquisition Office of Yudong New District, Yulin City, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, was publicly tried in the Yuzhou District Court on suspicion of accepting bribes and abusing power.The procuratorate accused Lin Yuzhong of seeking benefits for others in the process of compensation for land acquisition and demolition during his tenure as assistant director and deputy director of the Yudong New Area Land Acquisition Office from 2012 to 2015, and accepting bribes totaling RMB 8.24 million alone or in collaboration with others;Abuse of power, falsification of demolition and relocation compensation approval materials, so that others illegally obtained a total of 1.111293 million yuan of compensation for land requisition and demolition.After the trial, the Yuzhou District Court confirmed 40 of the 44 bribes alleged in the indictment, and the bribes amounted to 789 yuan; it believed that Lin Yuzhong's alleged crime of abusing power was unclear and the evidence was insufficient, so it was not accepted.

On March 23 this year, the Yuzhou District Court made a first-instance judgment and sentenced Lin Yuzhong to ten years and six months in prison for the crime of accepting bribes, a fine of 600,000 yuan, and recovery of illegal gains of 7.89 million yuan.On April 4, the Yuzhou District Procuratorate believed that the judgment was wrong in determining the facts, inappropriately applying the law, and the sentence was abnormally light, and filed a protest with the Yulin City Intermediate Court.On July 6, the second instance of the Yulin City Intermediate Court heard the case.As of press time, no verdict has been pronounced.

National cadres should use their powers to do practical things for the benefit of the people, but Lin Yuzhong couldn't stand the temptation of money and became an insatiable "big rat". His transformation is embarrassing and thought-provoking.When it comes to the experience of handling cases, the prosecutor is very touched.

Stepping on the red line to taste the sweetness for the first time

Lin Yuzhong joined the Yulin City Land and Resources Bureau in 1986. After years of working at the grassroots level, his working ability has been greatly improved.In 2009, Yudong New District of Yulin City was established.As the only new area in Yulin City that implements special zone management, Yudong New Area is positioned as a comprehensive new urban area and a new core of urban economic growth.For this reason, Yudong New District must vigorously carry out infrastructure construction, land acquisition and demolition work is the top priority, and the New District has set up a land acquisition office for this purpose.Considering that Lin Yuzhong had participated in land acquisition and demolition work for a long time and accumulated rich work experience in this field, he was arranged to join the Land Acquisition Office to participate in and preside over the land acquisition and demolition work of several projects.

At the beginning, Lin Yuzhong devoted himself to his work, set an example everywhere, and worked conscientiously.He often said: Demolition work is like poking a hornet's nest, and you have to risk being stung by a hornet.Although the work is intense and the conflicts involved are complicated and easy to intensify, Lin Yuzhong is never afraid of difficulties, will put his mind and effort, and finally completed the phased demolition tasks in the jurisdiction on time, quality and quantity, and was recognized by the superiors.Soon, he was promoted from a staff member of the Land Acquisition Office to the head of the working group.

After being promoted, Lin Yuzhong has a certain degree of discretion in land acquisition and demolition work.For example, in terms of compensation for young crops, house area review, etc., he has the right to make decisions about how much is given and how little is given, and there is a lot of room for manipulation. If you want to make a profit, you can do it with ease.In the face of all kinds of temptations, Lin Yuzhong's outlook on life and values failed to withstand the test.Just as he said in self-reflection after the incident: When he thought of how much he had paid for the land acquisition and demolition work, he felt that he should get some benefits.

Since 2006, projects such as the Yudong New District Fuanju Project, the extension project of the East Education Road, and the construction of Guishan Avenue have started construction one after another. Lin Yuzhong participated in the land acquisition and demolition work.In 2012, when responsible for expropriating the first batch of land for the Fuanju project, a furniture factory with an area of about 1,100 square meters in Wangyao Community, Yudong New District was expropriated by the Land Expropriation Office. After the staff counted the young crops and attachments on the collective land,The determined compensation amount is around 180,000 yuan.Cheng, the owner of the furniture factory, thought that the compensation was too little, so he discussed with Lin Yuzhong and asked him to help him get more compensation, and said that Lin Yuzhong's benefits would be indispensable after the incident was completed.Lin Yuzhong hesitated again and again, but in the end he couldn't stand the temptation, so he proposed to Cheng that he could get 500,000 yuan in compensation, but he would get 100,000 yuan in benefits.Cheng readily agreed, and finally paid Lin Yuzhong a total of 300,000 yuan in favors in two installments.

Tasting the sweetness of corruption for the first time, Lin Yuzhong was amazed that a small land expropriation office leader had so much power, that the money that could not be earned in half his life was paid into his own pocket with just a few tricks.In the same year, he helped 16 people, including Tan, Fan, Zeng, and Luo, obtain high compensation and accept bribes in the same way.After the incident, according to statistics, Lin Yuzhong accepted bribes as little as 50,000 yuan each time. In 2012 alone, he accepted 2.78 million yuan in bribes.

When the prosecutor handling the case was interrogated, Lin Yuzhong said that when he first accepted bribes from the demolished households, he felt a little panic in his heart, but he soon found a reason to comfort himself: I have such outstanding work ability and contributed so much to the land acquisition and demolition work.It is only natural to receive some benefits.With such thoughts in mind, Lin Yuzhong was completely controlled by his desire for profit, and acted boldly, sinking deeper and deeper into the quagmire of crime.

From accepting bribes to extorting bribes

Demolition work often encounters a lot of resistance.When dealing with these resistances, Lin Yuzhong has always been very good at establishing good relations with grassroots cadres and people with more prestige in the local area.After taking the first step of corruption, he believed that it is very important to manage a network, and he devoted a lot of time and energy to various entertainment activities. The corruption of life further accelerated his degeneration.

In March 2013, Lin Yuzhong was appointed as the assistant to the director of the Yudong New Area Land Acquisition Office and the chief (concurrently) of the Land Acquisition Business Section. In December of the same year, he was promoted to the deputy director of the Yudong New Area Land Acquisition Office.At this time, the construction of Yudong New District is entering a stage of rapid development. Lin Yuzhong is in charge of the demolition work of Wucai Garden and other projects.He is familiar with bribery, and his selfish desires are rapidly expanding. Waiting for others to come to his door to offer bribes as before, can no longer satisfy his appetite.He began to change from taking bribes to asking for bribes, extending his greedy tentacles further.When encountering relocated households who want to get more compensation, he will make various explicit hints to them, indicating that he can help if necessary, but he will charge a certain benefit fee.As time went on, the amount of money it demanded became larger and larger.

In 2014, during the land expropriation process of the tenth batch of urban-rural integration projects in Yulin City, Yang, a household subject to land expropriation and demolition, went to the land expropriation office several times to demand more compensation, otherwise he would not agree to the demolition.Lin Yuzhong saw this person's strong desire to demand high compensation, and took him into his office alone on the grounds of appeasing the emotions of the demolished people.There are ways, but if I really want to do it, I have to take a lot of risks, and there must be some rewards.Lin Yuzhong spoke bluntly, and Yang immediately agreed.Later, Lin Yuzhong helped Yang's family handle the registration procedures for land acquisition and demolition compensation, forged relevant certificates, increased the amount of compensation, and accepted Yang's bribe of 400,000 yuan after Yang received the compensation.For Lin Yuzhong at the time, the benefit fee of 300,000 to 400,000 yuan was just a trivial matter, and it was nothing at all.In 2015, during the land expropriation process of the first batch of Fu'anju project in Yulin City, Lin Yuzhong demanded 800,000 yuan for hard work from the relocated household Zhang by the same means.

The initial trace of panic had long since been thrown away by Lin Yuzhong. He was no longer afraid, nor did he blame himself at all, let alone rein in his horse. Instead, he continued to pamper himself, making excuses and cover for accepting bribes, in an attempt to use excuses to deal with future inspections.

Confession before ironclad evidence

There is no impenetrable wall in the world, and Lin Yuzhong's various black-box operations caused dissatisfaction among the masses.In 2015, the Yulin Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government issued a work plan to combat two violations and one construction. Against this background, the Yuzhou District Procuratorate locked Lin Yuzhong based on the clues reported by the masses.

The investigators talked to Lin Yuzhong, but Lin Yuzhong remained calm.Thinking that the houses to be demolished had already been razed to the ground, it could be said that there was no proof of death, so he felt that nothing would happen to him.In the face of the prosecutor, on the one hand, he made a big show of his merits, saying how he devoted himself to the work of land acquisition and demolition, how he assisted the demolition team to do the work of the masses, and how he earnestly completed every file, and put a lot of effort into it;On the one hand, he said that he was just a deputy director, mainly doing some related data calculations and table statistics, and had no knowledge of the specific measurement and compensation..

In the first contact between the two parties, Lin Yuzhong played Tai Chi with the investigators in this way.In order to crack down on this hard bone, the Yulin District Procuratorate set up two case-handling teams, and the soldiers were divided into two groups.One group continued to study the interrogation strategies against Lin Yuzhong, and the other group went to the land acquisition office and the homes of demolished households to collect evidence, and the investigators of the two groups cooperated.

The evidence collection team thoroughly checked and verified more than 1,000 archives of land acquisition and demolition compensation, found the bribers one by one, explained the law to them, analyzed the pros and cons, and persuaded them to take the initiative to explain the facts of bribery.By questioning witnesses and obtaining journals, the case-handling team collected the testimony of relevant personnel and formed a solid chain of evidence.The interrogation team presented evidence in due course, breaking Lin Yuzhong's illusion of exoneration.After several confrontations, Lin Yuzhong's attitude gradually softened, from refusing to confess to partial confession, and finally pleaded guilty in the face of iron evidence, acknowledging the fact that he accepted favor payments from 44 people including Cheng.

The upper beam is not straight and the lower beam is crooked

Lin Yuzhong has pleaded guilty, but the investigators did not stop working, but took advantage of the victory to pursue.According to their analysis, the land acquisition and demolition work is like a huge profit cake. There are many people who want to get a piece of the pie. Lin Yuzhong is crazy about accepting bribes and cheating. Can he complete various specific operations alone?Do other demolition office workers also have illegal and criminal facts?

The case-handling team continued to dig deep into the case, and the results were as expected.As the saying goes, the upper beam is not straight and the lower beam is crooked. Lin Yuzhong is the land expropriation manager of the project he is in charge of, and the calculation of ground attachments, young crop compensation, demolition compensation and other specific work is mainly performed by Tang Weifeng, Yang Wensheng, Huang De and others from the land acquisition office.conduct.In view of Lin Yuzhong's admission of the facts of his crime, in line with the principle of lenient confession and strict resistance, the prosecutor handling the case gave some ideological education to these staff members, and they quickly confessed that they each assisted Lin Yuzhong in forging procedures and extorting stateThe illegal and criminal facts of land acquisition compensation and profit from it.

On May 26, 2016, Tang Weifeng was sentenced to two years in prison by the Yuzhou District Court for the crime of accepting bribes, suspended for three years; Yang Wensheng was sentenced to one year in prison by the Yuzhou District Court for the crime of abuse of power, suspended for one year and sixmonths; Huang De was sentenced to two years in prison by the Yuzhou District Court for committing the crime of abusing his power.