The details of Liu Shengrui, a former executive of Shanxi Coking Coal Group, were officially disclosed.

Information map of Liu Shengrui

The case information disclosure website of the People's Procuratorate has released the indictment of Liu Shengrui for accepting and offering bribes (Clin Jian Xing Er Xing Su [2016] No. 6).

The indictment shows that Liu Shengrui accepted the entrustment of others, sought benefits for others, and illegally receivedThe total amount of property given by the 49 people was about 19.5388 million yuan.

The procuratorate accused Liu Shengrui of paying bribes to Bai Peizhong, the former chairman and party secretary of Shanxi Coking Coal Group Co., Ltd., in order to seek personal promotion.

The procuratorial organ believes that Liu Shengrui, as a state employee, took advantage of his position to illegally accept and solicit property from others alone or in collaboration with others.At the same time, Liu Shengrui should be investigated for criminal responsibility for the crime of offering bribes in order to seek illegitimate benefits and give property to state officials.

At present, the specific circumstances of Liu Shengrui's sentencing have not been publicly disclosed.An enforcement ruling from the China Judgment Documents Network shows that in December 2017, the Linfen City Intermediate People's Court found out in the execution of Liu Shengrui's criminal fines for accepting bribes, offering bribes, and huge amounts of property with unknown sources.Property is available for enforcement.The court ruled to terminate the enforcement procedure, and if it is found that the person subject to enforcement has property available for enforcement, the enforcement can be performed again.

Accused of accepting bribes of more than 19 million yuan

According to public information, Liu Shengrui, male, was born in 1964 in Yuxian County, Yangquan, Shanxi Province. He used to be the deputy general manager of Huozhou Coal and Electricity Group, the chairman of Shanxi Coking Coal Group Investment Co., Ltd., the general manager of Shanxi Coking Coal Group Coal Sales Corporation, Shanxi Coking Coal Group Co., Ltd.Deputy General Manager of the Group.

On March 24, 2015, Liu Shengrui was investigated by the organization for suspected serious violations of discipline and law.In May of the same year, Wang Rulin, then Secretary of the Shanxi Provincial Party Committee, listed two negative cases of fallen officials in a special party class on "Three Stricts and Three Honests".

Talking about one of them, Wang Rulin once said, one is a leader of our provincial state-owned enterprise group, who was sentenced to lsquo;In the future, I still go to the private club to eat and drink.From the off-road vehicle borrowed from a subordinate unit in 2012 to use by myself until the day of "two regulations", the vehicle was not returned.He deals in power and sex, and has many mistresses.Just the night before being "two rules", he invited one of the mistresses to the hotel to have fun.

Wang Rulin also revealed at the time: According to the investigation during this period, the bribes he has received from others are now more than 15 million, including US dollars, euros, gold, cars and so on.When he declared the property to the organization, he reported two sets.But according to preliminary information, he still has 7 properties, 4 parking spaces, and 1 shop in Taiyuan and Sanya.In the Spring Festival of 2015, he also received gift money.

Although Wang Rulin did not directly name the above-mentioned officials in his speech, The Paper learned from several people familiar with the matter that the speech was directed at Liu Shengrui.

In August 2016, the People's Procuratorate of Linfen City prosecuted Liu Shengrui for the crime of accepting bribes and offering bribes.

The indictment shows that Liu Shengrui took advantage of his position and accepted entrustments from others to seek benefits for 17 people in the coal business.More than ten thousand yuan.

The procuratorate also accused Liu Shengrui of knowing that others had entrusted matters in the construction project, seeking benefits for 5 trustees, accepting RMB 630,000 in total; seeking benefits for 6 trustees in equipment procurement, accepting a total of RMB 1.09 million;Provided assistance to 21 trustees in matters such as promotion and appointment, transfer placement, employment arrangement, etc., and received RMB 1.112 million, USD 53,000, EUR 10,000, a three-piece furniture set, and a jade handle, equivalent to more than RMB 1.56 million.

The above-mentioned bribery matters involved a total of about 19.5388 million yuan in property.

The Paper combed through the indictment and found that Liu Shengrui accepted bribes from businessmen and government officials;

For example, the procuratorate accused: From 2006 to 2013, Liu Shengrui received 2.42 million yuan and 30,000 US dollars from Yang Wenchao, chairman of Shanxi Yuwang Coal Gasification Co., Ltd.;

In the first half of 2008, Liu Shengrui received RMB 300,000 from Liang Yongming, then deputy director of Fangshan County Land and Resources Bureau of Lvliang;

In 2011, Liu Shengrui and his mistress Zhao Yaru jointly received RMB 993,000 from Yang Xiaohong from Taiyuan Public Transport Group;

From June and July to the end of December 2013, Liu Shengrui demanded RMB 500,000 from Hu Zhongfa, general manager of Beijing Zhuofang Yuanjian Technology Co., Ltd.

Accused of repeatedly bribing Bai Peizhong

Liu Shengrui, who has been accepting bribes for a long time, also seeks promotion for himself by bribing his superiors.

The procuratorial organ reviewed and found out that from April 2006 to the Spring Festival of 2009, Liu Shengrui, in order to thank Bai Peizhong, then chairman and party secretary of Shanxi Coking Coal Group Co., Ltd.Taiyuan Jinyang Club and other places gave Bai Peizhong RMB 520,000 and a gold bar worth 76,060 yuan.

The indictment also shows that during the Spring Festival in 2010, Liu Shengrui gave Bai Peizhong 100,000 yuan to thank Bai Peizhong for his help in being promoted to the chairman of Shanxi Coking Coal Group Investment Company.During the Spring Festival period from March 2011 to 2014, in order to thank Bai Peizhong for his help in promoting himself as the deputy general manager of Shanxi Coking Coal Group, he took advantage of opportunities such as his son’s marriage and his wife’s hospitalization to give Bai Peizhong 50,000 yuan and 70,000 yuan.US dollars and 50,000 yuan shopping card.

It is worth mentioning that Liu Shengrui's constant fawning boss was once the protagonist of the thief's anti-corruption case.

According to public reports by multiple media, in November 2011, Bai Peizhong, then chairman and party secretary of Shanxi Coking Coal Group Co., Ltd., was robbed at his home.After the incident, his wife falsely claimed that the value of the robbed property was 3 million yuan, but it was reported that the value of the robbed property was nearly 50 million yuan.

Under the focus of the outside world, Bai Peizhong was removed from relevant positions on December 22, 2011.A year later, the Intermediate People's Court of Jinzhong City, Shanxi Province made its first-instance verdict on the robbery case of Bai Peizhong's home.The amount of property robbed determined by the court was 10.78 million yuan, and the two defendants, Luo and Li, were sentenced to death, a two-year reprieve and life imprisonment.

As the truth gradually surfaced, Bai Peizhong also faced legal punishment for corruption.

On December 21, 2016, the Suzhou Intermediate People's Court publicly sentenced Bai Peizhong, the former chairman of Shanxi Coking Coal Group, for accepting and offering bribes. Bai Peizhong was sentenced to 13 years and six months in prison and fined RMB 3 million.

The court found that from 2001 to 2011, Bai Peizhong took advantage of his positions as general manager and chairman of Huozhou Coal and Electricity Group, chairman of Shanxi Coking Coal Group, and secretary of the party committee to help others in coal supply, job promotion, and job adjustment.Seeking benefits in other matters, and accepting property from Yang Zhenxing, Hu Jianwei and others, the total amount is equivalent to more than 35.13 million yuan.

court at the same timeLu, on November 13, 2011, Bai Peizhong’s home was robbed. In order to avoid exposing financial problems due to the mismatch between family property and income, Bai Peizhong asked Dai Laiwei, then deputy director of the Taiyuan Public Security Bureau, to help him reduce the amount of property stolen.Hu Jianwei and others gave Dai Laiwei RMB 200,000.

On the same day that Bai Peizhong was sentenced, several officials from the Taiyuan Public Security Bureau, including Dai Laiwei, were sentenced for abuse of power, corruption, and bribery in the case of Bai Peizhong's home robbery.

Among them, Dai Laiwei, the former deputy director of the Taiyuan Public Security Bureau, was sentenced to ten years in prison;Sentenced to 12 years and 6 months in prison, Xu Wenjing, former deputy head of the Homicide Squadron of the Second Brigade of the Criminal Investigation Detachment of Taiyuan City Public Security Bureau, was sentenced to 6 months in prison with a one-year probation.

According to the news released by the Higher People's Court of Jiangsu Province, on January 8, 2018, Su Hao, the former deputy director of the Shanxi Provincial Department of Justice, was sentenced to 13 years in prison and fined RMB 4 million for accepting bribes, abusing his power, and offering bribes.Yuan.

Among the related issues identified by the court, after Bai Peizhong’s home was robbed, Su Hao, then director of the Taiyuan Public Security Bureau, violated regulations and ordered his subordinate Dai Laiwei to not count the stolen goods at the scene of the arrest, reducing the amount of stolen property, which seriously affected the robbery crime.The investigation and punishment of the case caused bad social impact.

The briber and the mistress have been sentenced separately

Regarding Liu Shengrui's sentencing, it has not been publicly disclosed as of the press release of The Paper.

An enforcement ruling from the China Judgment Documents Network shows that in December 2017, the Linfen City Intermediate People's Court found out in the execution of the case of Liu Shengrui's criminal fines for accepting bribes, offering bribes, and a huge amount of unknown property source that the person subject to execution was temporarilyNo property available for enforcement.If the court decides to terminate the execution procedure for some reason, the execution may be carried out again if it is found that the person subject to execution has property available for execution.

In addition, The Paper also found two criminal judgments directly related to Liu Shengrui's bribery through the China Judgment Documents Network.

A fact involving bribery by Meng Mingxing and others from Shanxi Xinjin Industry and Trade Co., Ltd. to Liu Shengrui.

The court found that from 2010 to 2013, Meng Mingxing, the general manager of Shanxi Xinjin Industry and Trade Co., Ltd., and Zhang Bo, the deputy general manager, gave Liu Shengrui 50% of the shares of a real estate in Sanya, Hainan (worth 8 million yuan) for profit.And paid more than RMB 1.61 million for the house in Taiyuan New Territories (property name) for Liu Shengrui.

In the verdict, Meng Mingxing, Liu Shengrui and others confessed that 50% of the dry shares of Sanya Real Estate were registered in the name of Liu Yu, Liu Shengrui's son.In response to anti-corruption, the real estate in Taiyuan New Territories was transferred to Meng Mingxing in name, but it was actually managed by Liu Yu.

The verdict also shows that from 2010 to 2013, according to Liu Shengrui's request, Meng Mingxing gave him Fenjiu worth more than 240,000 yuan, and gave Liu Shengrui's mistress Zhao Yaru 500,000 yuan.

The court held that Shanxi Xinjin Industry and Trade Co., Ltd., the defendant unit, bribed state officials in order to seek illegitimate interests.Personnel, whose behavior has also constituted the crime of bribery by the unit, and the two defendants jointly participated in and implemented the bribery process by the unit, which is a joint crime.

The court also pointed out that during the investigation period, Meng Mingxing and Zhang Bo voluntarily confessed the criminal facts of bribery by the unit that the case-handling agency has not yet grasped.

In May 2017, the People's Court of Jiancaoping District, Taiyuan City made a first-instance judgment that Shanxi Xinjin Industry and Trade Co., Ltd. committed the crime of bribery by a unit and was sentenced to a fine of RMB 500,000.Defendants Meng Mingxing and Zhang Bo committed the crime of bribery by their employers and were sentenced to two years in prison, suspended for two years.

Another verdict involved Liu Shengrui's mistress Zhao Yaru taking bribes.

The court found that Zhao Yaru was born in 1990 and had a lover relationship with Liu Shengrui.In 2011, the trustee Yang Xiaohong asked Zhao Yaru to use his identity to ask Liu Shengrui to help sign a coal sales contract.Zhao Yaru agreed and offered help. After that, Yang Xiaohong gave Zhao Yaru 993,000 yuan in benefits seven times.

The verdict also revealed that in 2012, Zhao Yaru took advantage of his lover relationship with Liu Shengrui, and through Liu Shengrui's help, he contracted the boiler project of Pang Pangta Coal Mine, a subsidiary of Shanxi Coking Coal Luliangshan Company, for his friend Peng.Afterwards, Peng gave Zhao Yaru 50,000 yuan in benefits.

The court held that Zhao Yaru, together with Liu Shengrui, took advantage of Liu Shengrui's position as a national employee to illegally accept other people's property, the amount was huge, and sought benefits for others. His behavior constituted the crime of accepting bribes and was a joint crime.

At the same time, Zhao Yaru, as a person close to Liu Shengrui, took advantage of Liu Shengrui's authority and status as a state official to seek illegitimate benefits for others and accept other people's property, and the amount was relatively large., whose behavior has constituted the crime of taking bribes by using influence.

According to the judgment, Zhao Yaru took the initiative to expose other criminal facts of Liu Shengrui's suspected bribery that the judiciary has not yet grasped, which played a positive role in solving Liu Shengrui's case.Zhao Yaru had a good attitude in pleading guilty during the trial, and she could be given a lighter punishment as appropriate.

In December 2016, the People's Court of Jiancaoping District, Taiyuan City made the first-instance judgment. Zhao Yaru was guilty of accepting bribes and using influence to accept bribes. He was punished for several crimes and sentenced to four years' imprisonment and a fine of RMB 400,000.