(Morning Post) In response to the Changchun Changsheng vaccine incident, Premier Li Keqiang of the State Council of China issued instructions: The vaccine incident has broken the bottom line of human morality, and the people of the whole country must be clearly explained.

According to news from ChinaGovernment.com, Li Keqiang requested in his instructions that the State Council should immediately send an investigation team to conduct a thorough investigation of the entire process and chain of all vaccine production and sales, and find out the truth as soon as possible.Severe punishment will never be tolerated.

He also emphasized that we will resolutely crack down on all illegal and criminal acts that endanger people's lives and safety, resolutely punish criminals according to law, and resolutely and strictly hold accountable for dereliction of duty and malfeasance in supervision.Return the people to a safe, secure and trustworthy living environment as soon as possible.

Prior to July 16, Li Keqiang had issued instructions on the vaccine incident, demanding a thorough investigation. Beijing is brewing hutong tour standards, commercial toilets should be open to tourists for free

On the 20th, the Beijing Municipal Tourism Commission issued a notice on its official website about soliciting opinions on Beijing's local standard hutong tour service specifications, and launched a month-long public opinion solicitation.The draft for comments proposes that hutong tours should have clear spatial boundaries, boundary marks should be clearly visible, hutongs should be equipped with blind paths and barrier-free facilities, and commercial toilets should be open to tourists for free.

According to the Legal Evening News report, the draft for comments requires that hutong tours should set up a local management agency, and should allocate full-time staff and special funds to ensure the work of the local management agency of hutong tours.At the same time, the management agency should formulate a service quality manual for local hutong tours, clearly and expressly expressing service quality standards.

In terms of public toilet construction, it is required that public toilets should be set up in alleys, with reasonable distribution, sufficient quantity, and prominent signs; facilities and equipment that are convenient for disabled people should be provided, and hand-cleaning equipment, hand sanitizer, and paper supplies should be equipped;Visitors are free to use.

In terms of service, it is required that hutong tour service personnel should provide more than one foreign language service; they should undergo on-the-job training, master the basic knowledge and skills required for the post, and be proficient in operation; receive tourists, and explain hutong scenery, history, culture, folk customs, etc.Relevant regulations; special occupations and positions should have corresponding qualifications and work with certificates.

In addition, it is also required that all kinds of activities of the hutong tour should not affect the normal life of the surrounding residents.