[Editor’s Note: On May 24, 2018, the First Intermediate People’s Court of Chongqing opened a public hearing on the bribery case of Yu Haiyan, former member of the Standing Committee of the Gansu Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China and former deputy governor of the provincial government.

The prosecution accused Yu Haiyan of taking advantage of her positions as director, deputy general manager and chief engineer, general manager, chairman of the steelmaking plant of JISCO Group, director of Gansu Provincial State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission, deputy governor of Gansu Province, member of the Standing Committee of the Gansu Provincial Party Committee, LanzhouThe secretary of the municipal party committee and other positions seek benefits for relevant units and individuals in product sales, project contracting, real estate development, job adjustment and promotion, etc., and receive property from relevant units and individuals directly or through his wife Li Yanhua, totaling RMBMore than 65.63 million yuan.The case is scheduled for sentencing.

At the same time, Yu Haiyan's secretary, Jin Jinzhe, recently filed a public prosecution with the Tianshui City Intermediate Court by the Tianshui City Procuratorate.]

On January 11, 2017, Yu Haiyan, member of the Standing Committee of the Gansu Provincial Party Committee and executive vice governor who was attending the Gansu Provincial Two Sessions, was taken away.At 22:00 that day, the website of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision announced the news of Yu Haiyan's fall.From then on, in the eyes of many people in the political and business circles in Gansu, it was only a matter of time before Wang Sanyun had an accident.

Many interviewees told Caixin reporters that Wang Sanyun’s son and relatives took projects in Lanzhou New District, and contracted for infrastructure construction projects such as transportation in Lanzhou City, and most of them were implemented through Yu Haiyan, then Party Secretary of Lanzhou City.However, Yu Haiyan placed Jiugang cadres in some important departments, which would have been difficult to achieve without Wang Sanyun's support.

Among Wang Sanyun’s violations of laws and disciplines reported by the government, in addition to acquiescing, condoning and even instigating his family members to seek illegitimate interests, taking advantage of the convenience or influence of his position to seek benefits for others and accepting huge amounts of property, he also violated organizational discipline and disregarded the party’s selection and appointment of personnelThe system and organizational principles allow cadres who have violations of discipline to choose leadership positions, provide help to others and accept property in the selection and appointment of cadres-the most typical one is Yu Haiyan.


The westernmost end of the Ming Great Wall, leaning against Qilian in the south and facing the desert in the north, Jiayuguan, known as the most majestic pass in the world, is a city developed due to Jiugang.Over the years, Jiuquan Iron and Steel (Group) Co., Ltd. has contributed a lot to local taxation and played an extraordinary role in Jiayuguan's political life. Most of the main leaders of Jiayuguan are from Jiuquan Steel.In addition, there are Railway Bureau, CNNC 404 base and local government, which together with Jiugang constitute the complex political situation in Jiayuguan.

JISCO, founded in 1958, is the fourth iron and steel industrial base planned and constructed by the state after Anshan Iron and Steel, Wuhan Iron and Steel, and Baotou Steel.After more than 50 years of development, JISCO has become the largest iron and steel complex in western China, with assets scale and annual operating income of more than 100 billion yuan. It has been listed in the top 500 Chinese enterprises and Chinese manufacturing enterprises for many years. Its A-share listed company JISCO Hongxing (600307.SH).However, in recent years, due to various reasons such as the sluggish steel market and lack of leadership, the company suffered serious losses.In 2015, JISCO lost 2 billion yuan.

Jiuquan Steel was originally a very good large-scale integrated iron and steel enterprise, with mines and power plants. Although the coal needs to be transported from other places, the transportation is convenient. Jiayuguan is also a famous city and a very good place. What have these people been struggling with?A retired employee of Jiuquan Steel said indignantly.

Among these people was Yu Haiyan.

Yu Haiyan, 57 years old, is from Yiwu, Zhejiang Province. She is the second batch of college students who resumed the college entrance examination after the Cultural Revolution.In the summer of 1982, Yu Haiyan graduated from the Steelmaking Department of the Metallurgical Department of Xi'an Institute of Metallurgy and Architecture (now Xi'an University of Architecture and Technology), and was assigned to Xinjiang Iron and Steel Company as a technician. Three years later, she was transferred to JISCO.In Jiuquan Steel, Yu Haiyan rose step by step from the dispatcher of the steel plant, the deputy director of the workshop to the chief of the section and the deputy director of the factory.In October 1996, Yu Haiyan went to Lanzhou as the deputy director of the Production Scheduling Division of Jiuquan Iron and Steel Co., Ltd., and served as the deputy director of the Energy Division of the Planning Commission of Gansu Province for one year.

This internship is extraordinary for Yu Haiyan. Since then, her promotion path has changed from the step-by-step process of the past 11 years.After returning to JISCO, he was appointed as the deputy director of the steelmaking plant at the director level, and soon became a regular. In December 1998, he was promoted to assistant to the general manager and director of the production department. In October 1999, he was further promoted to a member of the Standing Committee of the Party Committee of JISCO, Deputy General Manager and Chief Engineer.In November 2002, 41-year-old Yu Haiyan was promoted to the general manager of JISCO and became the second in command of the largest local state-owned enterprise in Gansu at that time, assisting Ma Honglie, the veteran head of JISCO.

At that time, JISCO had a troika: Ma Honglie, Yu Haiyan and Feng Jie, who were also the top three in a row at JISCO.The 72-year-old Ma Honglie is a native of Huang County, Shandong Province. From working at the age of 19 to retiring, he spent most of his life in JISCO as a driver, publicity officer, and branch factory manager.In the summer of 1983, Ma Honglie served as a member of the Standing Committee of the JISCO Party Committee and deputy manager. In 1991, he briefly left JISCO to serve as the deputy director of the Metallurgical Industry Department of Gansu Province. He returned to JISCO four years later and served as manager, chairman and general manager. In 2000He also served as the chairman of the listed company Jiuquan Hongxing under the group, and was a representative of the 9th and 10th National People's Congress and a member of the 11th National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference.

Ma Honglie, who has been in charge of JISCO for more than ten years, has a decisive influence in JISCO and even Jiayuguan City where JISCO is located.Some old Jiugang people recalled that when the Jiayuguan Stadium was completed, Ma Honglie’s speech on the rostrum received more applause than the secretary of the municipal party committee. In Jiayuguan, Ma Honglie was better than the secretary of the municipal party committee.

In April 2002, Ma Honglie resigned as the chairman of the listed company JISCO Hongxing, and at the end of the same year as the general manager of JISCO Group, both positions were taken over by Yu Haiyan.In February 2008, Ma Honglie finally retired as the chairman of the group, and Yu Haiyan returned to JISCO from his post as secretary of the Tianshui Municipal Party Committee to take over in an all-round way.Four years later, Yu Haiyan was promoted to vice-governor of Gansu Province. Her successors, Feng Jie and Yu Haiyan, had worked together in JISCO for many years. Both of them were Ma Honglie's right-hand men, but they were also competitors.

Feng Jie, who is two years younger than Yu Haiyan, is a native of Shanghai and one of the second batch of college students after the Cultural Revolution. In the summer of 1982, he graduated from the Department of Chemical Engineering of Tianjin University, majoring in dye intermediates. He worked as a technician, deputy section chief, section chief andCoking plant workshop director, deputy director.In January 1996, he and Yu Haiyan were transferred to the deputy director of the Production Scheduling Department of JISCO at the same time. They worked together for more than half a year;Director, Feng Jie is the deputy director of the Production Division of the Provincial Economic and Trade Commission.In October 1997, Feng Jie returned to JISCO as the director of the coking plant. In December 1998, he and Yu Haiyan were promoted to assistants to the general manager of JISCO. Yu Haiyan was also the director of the production department, and Feng Jie was also the general manager.The director of the office is in charge of the core departments within the group.

Yu Haiyan was single-handedly selected by Ma Honglie, and Feng Jie was also a talent Ma Honglie admired.According to the old employees of Jiuquan Iron and Steel Co., the battle for successor between Yu and Feng was quite momentary.After several open and secret battles, Yu Haiyan won. In October 1999, he was promoted to the deputy general manager of JISCO half a year earlier than Feng Jie. Feng Jie was promoted to deputy general manager in March 2000 and left JISCO headquarters at the same time.Pioneer of the steel group's eastward expansion strategy, went to Yicheng County, Shanxi Province to build a steel base, and served as the general director of the construction of Jiuquan Yicheng Steel Plant.In March 2004, Feng Jie left JISCO and was transferred to the deputy director of Gansu Provincial State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission.

However, people from Jiugang said that Yu Haiyan and Ma Honglie also gradually developed a rift.In December 2004, Yu Haiyan, the general manager of JISCO at the time, left JISCO after 19 years of work, and was promoted to the director and party secretary of Gansu Provincial State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission.Interestingly, one month before Yu Haiyan became the director of the provincial SASAC, Feng Jie left the provincial SASAC and was transferred to Baiyin Nonferrous Metals Group Co., Ltd., another large local state-owned enterprise in Gansu, as the chairman and general manager until September 2007.Then he returned to his official career and was transferred to the director and party secretary of the Gansu Provincial Environmental Protection Bureau.

At the same time, Yu Haiyan's position has also changed. In May 2007, he came to Tianshui, Gansu's second largest city, as the secretary of the municipal party committee.

Yu Haiyan went to Tianshui, Gansu political capitalIt is estimated that he is only gilded.Yu Haiyan publicly said at the first city-wide cadre meeting after taking office: Don’t send me money, because none of you have as much money as me.The above-mentioned sources said that when the directors of some provincial departments or old friends come to Tianshui, even if they are on official business, he will treat guests with his personal card.But after he returned to Lanzhou, he usually held banquets or attended banquets at the Jiugang Building in Donggang, Lanzhou, and it was probably just a rumor that he paid the bill personally.

In February 2008, Ma Honglie retired, and Yu Haiyan, who had been in Tianshui for less than ten months, returned to Jiugang.When Yu Haiyan left, no one expected that he would come back with a horse and shoot him.It was not until August 2011 that Yu Haiyan, who had been appointed vice-governor of Gansu Province, left JISCO and actually took charge of JISCO for three and a half years;He was transferred to the chairman of JISCO Group. In May 2015, he was removed from all positions for investigation due to serious violations of discipline and law, and he was in charge of JISCO for nearly four years.

Ma, Yu, and Feng have little difference in the evaluation of JISCO employees.Several retired employees of JISCO said that from the end of Yu Haiyan's tenure to Feng Jie's era, JISCO's profits have declined year by year, and by 2015 it had lost 2 billion yuan.The company was in a downturn, and the employees naturally did not give good reviews. But to be fair, JISCO’s profits during Ma Honglie’s era were largely due to the high price of steel. At that time, the market price of steel reached more than 6,000 yuan per ton.

A retired employee of JISCO said: Enterprises are different from localities, and enterprises lack supervision, especially the top leaders, who have great power and control the money bag.When Ma Honglie was in office, there was a dormitory building for maintenance workers in Jiugang. Each unit had one elevator and two households, a total of eight households in four floors.Ordinary staff residences are only 40 square meters, but some leaders occupy the entire unit, a full 320 square meters, and there is a basement.

Most of the JISCO employees interviewed believe that Yu Haiyan is capable and domineering, and suitable to be the top leader.In the later period of JISCO, Yu Haiyan quarreled with Feng Jie and Ma Honglie successively, but she was still successful in her official career. Not only did she successfully take over as the chairman of JISCO, she was later promoted to the vice governor of Gansu Province.When Yu Haiyan went to the province to take office, she pulled a whole carload of Qilian jade, and a good piece of Qilian jade cost tens of thousands of yuan.A JISCO worker who has a good relationship with Yu Haiyan's driver said.

Feng Jie fell a year and a half earlier than Yu Haiyan.JISCO sources told Caixin reporter that in early May 2015, when Feng Jie returned to Gansu from Beijing, JISCO’s office in Lanzhou did not receive Feng Jie, and they called everywhere to find out that Feng Jie was directly arrested by relevant departments at Lanzhou Zhongchuan Airport.take away.On May 7, the website of the Gansu Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision announced that Feng Jie was suspected of serious violations of discipline and law and was being investigated by the organization.Soon, Wang Tiecheng, director and deputy general manager of Jiuquan Iron and Steel Group, was also investigated for serious violations of discipline.

People familiar with the matter said that Feng Jie's fall was due to his report to Yu Haiyan.Over the years, more than 20 JISCO middle-level officials have reported Yu Haiyan, Feng Jie and others, and Feng Jie has also reported Yu Haiyan.Feng Jie was reporting Yu Haiyan in the late stage of Jiugang.Later, Yu Haiyan became the deputy governor of the province, a member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, and Secretary of the Lanzhou Municipal Party Committee. The officials became more and more powerful, and Feng Jie was still reporting.In order to get Yu Haiyan off the horse, Feng Jie really put in a lot of thought. There was a liar who claimed to be related to the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection. Feng Jie gave the liar 1 million yuan in order to sue Yu Haiyan.For Feng Jie, people hired by Feng Jie were illegally detained for several days, waited for an opportunity to escape and reported the case to the relevant parties, and Feng Jie was involved in the case.

A worker rides a bicycle past the factory of Jiuquan Iron and Steel Company.Jiayuguan is a city developed by Jiugang, and Jiugang also played an extraordinary role in Jiayuguan's political life.

After Feng Jie was arrested, Yu Haiyan was really happy for a while, thinking that she finally got rid of her heart disease.But after Feng Jie entered, he bit Yu Haiyan to death, and accelerated the destruction of Yu Haiyan, who was already in the sight of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection.Said the above-mentioned person familiar with the matter.