The second meeting of the National Lawyers Congress of China revealed yesterday (1st) that Minister of Justice Fu Zhenghua issued instructions on the unfortunate death of lawyer Jin Zhong from Hunan Nanfang Law Firm in his office.Fu Zhenghua asked the Ministry of Justice's Lawyer Notary Department and the All China Lawyers Association to go to Hunan to convey their deep condolences to Jin Zhong's family, assist in the aftermath, and coordinate law enforcement and judicial agencies to punish the murderer according to law.

According to the Legal Daily report, commissioned by Fu Zhenghua, a working group from the Chinese Ministry of Justice went to Changsha and Hengyang in Hunan Province from last Friday (29th) to Saturday (30th) to conduct on-the-spot investigations on the murder of Jin Zhong.

According to preliminary understanding, the murder of Jin Zhong was a case of intentional homicide.The suspect is Xiong Mouping, a party to a civil compensation case represented by lawyer Jin, who has been arrested and brought to justice.

The working group also made a special trip to Jin Zhong's home to visit his widow and other relatives, conveyed the condolences of Fu Zhenghua and China's Vice Minister of Justice Xiong Xuanguo, and sent condolence money.

The report quoted Fu Zhenghua as pointing out that since the beginning of this year, 10 lawyers, including Zhao Yuelin, Song Yiping, and Zhang Kai, have passed away due to illness or fatigue, and many of them were in their prime.

There are also lawyers who are threatened, abused, and beaten in the process of performing their duties in accordance with the law, and some are even beaten by the opposing party in court or at the gate of the court. Lawyers face many risks and challenges in their practice activities.

Fu Zhenghua emphasized that to ensure that lawyers practice according to law is to safeguard the dignity of the law and safeguard social fairness and justice.China's judicial administrative organs at all levels and lawyers' associations must view the importance of protecting lawyers' rights and interests from this perspective, resolutely safeguard lawyers' practicing rights in accordance with the law, care for lawyers, and create a good environment for lawyers to practice in accordance with the law.