One year after Gong Qinggai, the former deputy director of the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council, was imprisoned, another heavyweight official from the system was dropped.On the 4th, Chen Guoxing, the former director of the Taiwan Affairs Office of the Guangdong Provincial Party Committee, was announced to be under review and investigation.

Just 20 days ago, his old subordinate Hou Zhenfu, deputy director of the Taiwan Affairs Office of the Provincial Party Committee, was investigated.During the previous inspection, the unit was accused of having a small treasury, and retired cadres illegally obtained part-time jobs for remuneration.

Chen Guoxing

According to the official resume, Chen Guoxing, who was born in November 1956, is from Gaoming, Guangdong. He worked in the Taiwan Affairs Office of the Provincial Party Committee from the age of 34 until he left at the age of 60, which lasted 26 years.

Among them, he was promoted to deputy director in June 2003, and became a full-time member (department level) four years later.After stepping down as director of the Taiwan Affairs Office in September 2016, Chen Guoxing went to the Provincial Political Consultative Conference as a member of the Standing Committee and director of the Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan Committee, and retired in January this year.

It should be noted that on May 15, Hou Zhenfu, deputy director of the Taiwan Affairs Office of the Guangdong Provincial Party Committee, was under review and investigation for suspected serious violations of discipline and law.

Hou Zhenfu

Hou Zhenfu, who is a round younger than Chen Guoxing, is also a veteran of the Taiwan Affairs Office. He joined the Taiwan Affairs Office of the Guangdong Provincial Party Committee at the age of 27, and it has been 23 years since then.From the Secretary and Personnel Office to the Liaison Office, and then back to the Secretariat as Director, Hou Zhenfu was promoted to Deputy Director in August 2013.

Comparing the resumes of the two, it can be found that Hou Zhenfu's tenure as the director of the Secretariat and his promotion to deputy department-level cadres all happened during Chen Guoxing's tenure as the director of the Taiwan Affairs Office.

The intensive sacking of these two people is also related to the inspection.In the first half of last year, the 15th round of inspections by the Guangdong Provincial Party Committee was launched, and the party groups of 12 units, including the Taiwan Affairs Office of the Provincial Party Committee, became the targets of inspections.

When reporting back on the inspection situation, the unit was accused of still having a small treasury problem, and that the office building renovation project was carried out in violation of regulations.The inspection team also specifically mentioned that some retired leading cadres violated the regulations by taking part-time jobs in social organizations to get paid, and some clues to the problem have been forwarded to relevant departments for handling.

It has happened from time to time before that the subordinates in the same unit are defeated and then lead out the superiors.For example, in July last year, Si Jitao (deputy department level), deputy director of the Management Committee of Ningdong Energy and Chemical Base in Ningxia, was sacked.Two months later, Zhang Yong (at the main hall level), the executive deputy secretary of the Party Working Committee of the base, was investigated.

In May of this year, Zhang Yong was sentenced to 12 years in prison at the first instance for accepting bribes of RMB 11.369 million and USD 510,000.The court found that he had used his leadership position at the base to enrich himself.As for Si Jitao, he was prosecuted in February this year.The prosecution accused him of taking advantage of his position at the base to accept entrustments and seek benefits for others.

According to the law, those who expose and report others and verify the truth can be called meritorious service, and then get a lighter or mitigated punishment.

Previously, Ji Wenlin, the former vice-governor of Hainan, Li Daqiu, the former vice-chairman of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference in Guangxi, Wan Qingliang, the former party secretary of Guangzhou, and Shen Peiping, the former vice-governor of Yunnan, all exposed other people's major crimes through reports, or voluntarily provided information to the case-handling authorities.Detect important clues in other major cases, and then obtain leniency.

Reporting and exposing corrupt officials or infighting are not routine weapons for anti-corruption. Only by locking power in the cage of the system can we achieve institutionalized integrity.