Chinese actress Fan Bingbing was suspected of tax evasion, and the Chinese tax agency intervened in the investigation.(AFP)

(Beijing/Wuxi Comprehensive News) Cui Yongyuan, former famous mouthpiece of China Central Television, broke the news that actress Fan Bingbing is suspected of tax evasion.

The person in charge of Fan Bingbing's studio responded exclusively to Sina Entertainment, saying that Fan Bingbing and his studio had never signed a Yin-Yang contract, and expressed that they would fully cooperate with relevant departments to verify according to law.

According to Legal Daily, Cui Yongyuan posted on Weibo on May 28th and 29th that Fan Bingbing asked for 60 million yuan (S$12.5 million) in four-day film remuneration, and started suspected tax evasion rules such as large and small contracts and yin and yang contracts.

Fan Bingbing's studio immediately issued a solemn statement, saying that Cui Yongyuan's public release of confidential contracts and openly insulting Fan Bingbing not only violated business rules, but also allegedly violated Fan Bingbing's legitimate rights and interests.

The statement also pointed out that although Cui Yongyuan did not clearly identify the actor who signed the contract, he deliberately alluded to Fan Bingbing.Afterwards, many media and Internet users spread rumors that Fan Bingbing was asking 60 million yuan for a four-day film without verification, which has been suspected of constituting defamation against Fan Bingbing.

Cui Yongyuan responded that there is no obligation to protect the secrets of the contract. As a public figure, if Fan Bingbing refuses to accept it, he can come out and tell the truth to the public.

The day before yesterday, Cui Yongyuan exposed a yin-yang contract in his hand on Weibo, and also posted Article 201 of the Chinese Criminal Law on tax evasion, saying that there seems to be a law that can govern this matter.

After the incident ignited public opinion, it attracted official attention. According to CCTV news client reports, the State Administration of Taxation has instructed tax authorities in Jiangsu and other places to carry out investigations and verifications in accordance with the law.If any violation of tax laws and regulations is found, it will be dealt with strictly according to law.

Cui Yongyuan said in an interview with a reporter from Jiangsu News Broadcasting yesterday that he was willing to cooperate with the taxation department in the investigation, and also proposed to provide his contact information directly to the relevant department.

Jiangsu Provincial Local Taxation Bureau and Wuxi Municipal Local Taxation Bureau, where Fan Bingbing's studio is located, also issued a message saying that investigation and verification will be carried out in accordance with the requirements of the State Taxation Bureau, and any violations of laws and regulations will be dealt with strictly according to the law.

Some analysts believe that Cui Yongyuan's anger against Fan Bingbing may just be the tip of the iceberg to expose celebrity tax evasion.The governor of Chang’an Street, a WeChat account affiliated with Beijing Daily, quoted Professor Cai Daotong, the dean of the Law School of Nanjing Normal University, as saying that the tax authorities are obliged to use this as an important clue to the case, to find out whether there is a yin-yang contract, whether Fan Bingbing is involved in tax evasion, and whether this is even true.It is an isolated case, or is it a common unspoken rule in the entertainment industry.