There is an old saying that there is a god standing three feet above the head. In the era of big data, the god on the head is no longer illusory. His name is: Yun...

According to the China Discipline Inspection and Supervision News, the 2018 China International Big Data Industry Expo opened in Guiyang on May 26.In the congratulatory letter, the leaders of the state president pointed out that at present, the new generation of information technology represented by the Internet, big data, and artificial intelligence is changing with each passing day, which has brought significant and far-reaching impacts on the economic and social development, state management, social governance, and people's lives of all countries..The innovative application of big data has also expanded new means for discipline inspection and supervision agencies.

For example, Fu, Party branch secretary of Yuannongli Village, Mayang County, Hunan Province, would never have imagined that his daughter, who received poverty alleviation subsidies, was caught by the Internet+ surveillance platform for buying a house and a car in the county town.Negligence of duty was warned and punished by the party... The relevant person in charge of the Hunan Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision stated that the use of big data for supervision has changed from being watched by people to being counted by clouds.

One of the cloud discoveries: He paid water, electricity and property fees for 11 suites

Paying water, electricity, and property fees to 11 suites showed its original shape

According to Xinhua News Agency, Harbin has innovated technological means and continued to promote big data to fight corruption and promote corruption. It is at the forefront in comparison, so it was selected as a pilot for the information management system of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection to supervise discipline enforcement and accountability.In this regard, the local government breaks down the barriers of government affairs and social big data to achieve sharing.The platform has 11 modules, collecting 201 categories and 31.2 billion pieces of data, covering the information of more than 470,000 party members, cadres and civil servants in the city. It can provide one-stop query for key information such as identity, real estate, vehicle, enterprise registration, and bank track.

According to reports, the reason why Zhu Hai, the former director of the Budget Work Committee of the Harbin Municipal People's Congress, showed his true form is thanks to big data resources.Zhu Hai has as many as 11 properties, but he is cunning and did not write all these properties under his own name.However, just when he thought it was safe, investigators from the Harbin Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection used big data to discover that Zhu Hai paid the water, electricity, and property fees for 11 houses!

In May 2016, the Harbin Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection filed a case against Zhu Hai for review.After investigation, Zhu Hai seriously violated political discipline, provided false information to the organization during the organizational review period, covered up the facts, and resisted organizational review; violated the spirit of the eight central regulations and used public funds to purchase shopping cards; seriously violated organizational discipline, deliberatelyConcealment and non-reporting; Serious violation of integrity and discipline, using public funds to purchase shopping cards to distribute employee benefits, and reimbursement of expenses that should be borne by the company; Taking advantage of the position to buy a house at a low price; Serious violation of work discipline, privately depositing public funds and misappropriating special funds; Serious violation of life discipline.Among them, misappropriating special funds to cause major economic losses and taking advantage of one's position to buy a house at a low price are suspected of crimes.

Cloud discovery 2: He changed from flying economy class to frequently flying first class

The big data platform for supervision and discipline enforcement in Harbin also found that the consumption level of Hou Baoguang, the former director of the Traffic Police Detachment Inspection Division of the local Public Security Bureau, had changed significantly before and after he took office: Hou took 54 flights in his 5 years in office, 24 of which were in first class.He took 19 flights without a first-class cabin; after taking office, his wife went abroad (border) 18 times, and only once before.

After these data records attracted attention, the discipline inspection and supervision personnel followed the clues and found out that Hou Baoguang had serious violations of discipline and law.

According to the China Disciplinary Inspection and Supervision News, in February 2011, Hou Baoguang became the director of the Examination Division of the Traffic Police Detachment of the Harbin Public Security Bureau.More than 10 exam venues.Although the director of the testing department is not high-ranking, he is a powerful faction.After becoming the director of the testing department, Hou Baoguang has more and more bosses and friends around him. These people try their best to show their hospitality. One of the bosses, surnamed Zhang, no matter when or who he is, as long as Hou Baoguang passes the ID number of the passenger to him., he immediately booked air tickets and hotels for him. After a few years, the expenditure on this item alone reached more than 100,000 yuan.

In July 2011, Hou Baoguang appointed a technology development company in Harbin to install an access control system for the traffic police detachment inspection office without going through formal bidding procedures, and spent a total of more than 500,000 yuan.Later, Zeng, the person in charge of the company, approached Hou Baoguang and asked him to help promote his company's access control system in driving schools and examination halls.Therefore, Hou Baoguang asked more than 10 examination centers in the city to install the company's access control system in the name of the examination office.Later, Zeng fulfilled his promise and sent Hou Baoguang 200,000 yuan.

In March 2016, due to serious violation of six disciplines including political discipline, organizational discipline, integrity discipline, mass discipline, work discipline, and life discipline, Hou Baoguang was expelled from the party and dismissed from public office.

Cloud Discovery No. 3: These two small village officials concealed their identities after being involved in crimes and taking drugs

According to the China Disciplinary Inspection and Supervision News, Luo Yunbin, deputy director of the Yanglin Village Committee of Xiaolan Economic Development Zone, Nanchang City, Jiangxi Province, had a dispute with construction workers of a certain company in April 2016., disturbing the order of the construction site.At that time, Luo Yunbin was arrested by the public security organs and was punished by administrative detention for 10 days. However, he concealed his identity as a party member and deputy director of the village committee, thus temporarily evading party discipline punishment.

In September 2017, the Nanchang Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection summarized the basic information of the members of the two village committees in the city, established an information database, and shared information with the departments of public security, letters and visits, civil affairs, and poverty alleviation.As a result, through big data comparison, Luo Yunbin showed his flaws and was punished by the party discipline.

Coincidentally, in December 2014, Ying Bin, deputy secretary of the Gongyuan Village Party Branch of the Xianshi Lake Management Office in Donghu District, Nanchang City, and others were caught on the spot by the police for taking drugs in a hotel, and were punished by administrative detention for 15 days. At that time, Ying BinParty membership was also concealed.In September 2017, his illegal case was also found out by the big data system. The Discipline Inspection Commission of Donghu District also followed the clues and found that he had illegally sublet village collective assets for illegal profits and extorted property from villagers.Subsequently, Ying Bin was expelled from the party.

Cloud Discovery No. 4: These grassroots cadres pluck all kinds of funds and subsidies

Previously, the Xiaoxiang Morning News reported that Mayang County, Huaihua City, which plans to remove the title of poverty-stricken county in 2018, used big data analysis technology to create an Internet + discipline inspection and supervision platform to monitor the whereabouts of people's livelihood funds and prevent grassroots geese from plucking hairs.corruption.For example, comparing the two databases of deceased persons and rural subsistence allowances, or the two databases of people who buy houses and cars and low-rent housing subsidies, or comparing the two databases of public officials and dilapidated house renovation subsidies, many suspicious points can be found, andThe well-designed platform will automatically alert when suspicious points are found, providing clues for the Commission for Discipline Inspection.

As a result, at the beginning of the establishment of the big data platform, some grassroots cadres were frightened and actively surrendered.Received a certain subsidy...hellip;hellip;

It can be said that cloud computing of big data has been very skilled in uncovering grassroots cadres and extorting various funds.For example, the Hubei Daily reported that the Jingzhou Discipline Inspection Commission used big data to find out 53.7784 million yuan of illegal funds within a few months, including grass-roots cadres' fraudulent access to subsistence allowance funds, rural five-guarantee funds, and illegal collection of low-rent housing subsidies.funds, arbitrage of food subsidy funds,Various violations of discipline and law, such as taking the national dilapidated house renovation subsidy funds, arbitrarily taking the national subsidy funds for returning farmland to forests and ecological public welfare forests, etc.

Not long ago, the website of the Guizhou Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection announced that the local government has strengthened the construction of data cages to improve the accuracy of supervision and discipline enforcement.It is reported that the first phase of Guizhou Provincial People's Livelihood Fund Supervision System has covered four levels of discipline inspection committees at the provincial, city, county, and township levels.The system uses big data technologies such as mathematical modeling, and builds supervision and comparison models such as repeated issuance, abnormal analysis of serious illness medical treatment, and mutual exclusion of funds by drawing a map of abnormal clues.Up to now, the system has found more than 188,000 pieces of problem data through comparison, involving an amount of 590 million yuan, 5,568 violations have been found in verification, 49 cases have been filed, and more than 730,000 yuan has been recovered.

The cloud god above his head still needs to increase his mana

Facts have shown that the detective power of the super agent of big data is amazing.In related reports, we will find that many of the corrupt officials who were investigated tried to hide cash, and on the day of their fall, they even let the money counter count the money until they died of overwork, but this is not because corrupt officials especially like to stay at home.Counting money to play, but in the era of big data, they dare not deposit money in the bank.

In addition to tracking down after the fact, cloud computing can also prevent corruption.The website of the Zhejiang Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection once reported that during the implementation of a project in Pingshui Town, Keqiao District, Shaoxing City, there were problems with the amount of work, the unit price of the project, and the total price of the project greatly exceeding the budget.This information was captured.After investigation and verification by the District Commission for Discipline Inspection, relevant persons in charge of the town and village, including 3 members of the team, were interviewed.Fortunately.

However, although Yunshen has great supernatural powers, he is still in the stage where his mana needs to be further improved.On the one hand, many databases such as public servant list database, vehicle database, real estate database, entry-exit database, and industrial and commercial registration database must be sorted out to improve accuracy and coverage, and break the state of information islands to achieve effective networking.On the other hand, the discipline inspection and supervision departments also need to improve their data analysis capabilities, develop efficient software, and analyze and compare massive amounts of data, so as to fully tap the anti-corruption value of big data.

In addition, as long as such big data exists, it is possible to leak the personal privacy of citizens and even leak state secrets.Therefore, it is also an important aspect of big data construction to fully guarantee data security and establish a layer-by-layer authorization system so that people other than discipline inspection and supervision personnel cannot see it.