On May 28, Chinese Vice President Wang Qishan (right) held talks with Belarusian Prime Minister Kobyakov in Minsk.(Xinhua News Agency)

At the invitation of the Belarusian government, Chinese Vice President Wang Qishan visited Belarus from May 27 to 29 and held meetings with President Lukashenko and Prime Minister Kobyakov in Minsk.

According to China News Agency reports, when meeting with Lukashenko, Wang Qishan first conveyed the cordial greetings and best wishes from the Chairman of the Chinese leadership, saying that President Xi expects Lukashenko to attend the Qingdao Summit of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization and meet again.A new and strong impetus has been injected into the relationship development.

Wang Qishan said that President Xi Jinping attaches great importance to China-Belarus relations.In recent years, under the guidance of the two heads of state, China-Belarus relations have maintained a high level of operation. The two countries have established a comprehensive strategic partnership featuring mutual trust and win-win cooperation, which has opened up broad prospects for cooperation in various fields.The political mutual trust between the two sides has been continuously enhanced, they share the same or similar views on major international and regional issues, and they firmly support each other on matters concerning each other's core interests and major concerns.China respects the development path chosen by Belarus based on its own national conditions, and is pleased that Belarus has achieved remarkable achievements in political stability and economic and social development under the wise leadership of President Lukashenko.China supports Belarus in playing an important role in promoting regional security and stability.

Wang Qishan said that with the joint efforts of both sides, the mutually beneficial cooperation between the two countries has been continuously expanded and deepened, covering the fields of economy, security, and people-to-people and cultural exchanges, involving the central, local, and non-governmental levels, and has achieved fruitful results.The two sides should continue to deepen political mutual trust and join hands to build a community of shared future; they should promote the deep integration of interests, strengthen the docking of economic development strategies and plans, and achieve common development and prosperity.The China-Belarus Industrial Park is a key project personally promoted by the two heads of state, and positive progress has been made so far.The two sides should strive to make it a landmark project of the Belt and Road cooperation.China welcomes Belarus to participate in the first China International Import Expo held in Shanghai this year.

Wang Qishan said that China appreciates and will continue to support Belarus as an observer state of the SCO and play a constructive role in promoting the development of the SCO.

Lukashenko asked Wang Qishan to convey his cordial greetings and best wishes to Chairman Xi, and looked forward to attending the SCO Qingdao Summit and meeting with Chairman Xi.He said that Belarus and China have long-term friendship, mutual trust and equality, and Belarus is a completely reliable strategic partner for China.The Belarusian side very much agrees with and supports the idea of building a community with a shared future for mankind and the Belt and Road Initiative put forward by the Chinese leader Chairman, and is willing to actively connect the development strategies of the two countries and build the Belarus-China Industrial Park into a pearl on the Silk Road Economic Belt.Belarus is making careful preparations to participate in the first China International Import Expo, and is willing to continue to strengthen cooperation with China within the framework of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization.

During the talks with Kobyakov, Wang Qishan conveyed the cordial greetings and best wishes from Premier Li Keqiang.He said that practical cooperation is the ballast of China-Belarus relations.In the construction of the Belt and Road Initiative, the exchanges and cooperation between the two countries in various fields have continued to deepen, with fruitful results.The two sides should continue to implement the consensus reached by the two heads of state, give full play to the role of the intergovernmental cooperation committee and other mechanisms, and coordinate the planning of priority directions and key areas; expand the scale of bilateral trade and promote the balanced development of trade; solidly promote the construction of large projects, and give full play to demonstration and radiationpromote investment and financial cooperation, and gradually realize investment-led and innovation-driven; expand cultural and local exchanges, and deepen the understanding and friendship between the two peoples.

Kobyakov asked Wang Qishan to convey his cordial greetings and best wishes to Premier Li Keqiang.He said that Belarus and China have great potential for economic and trade cooperation.The Belarusian side is committed to deepening practical cooperation between the two countries, and agrees to improve the level of trade between the two countries, optimize the trade structure, and provide convenient conditions for Chinese enterprises to invest in Belarus.

Before the talks, Kobyakov held a grand welcome ceremony for Wang Qishan.During the visit, Wang Qishan also laid a wreath at the Belarusian Victory Monument.

The Belarusian ambassador to China demanded in March this year that the country's Chinese name be changed from Belarus to Belarus to avoid misunderstanding that it is a province of Russia.