Due to the deterioration of local air quality in 2017, Hebei Province has recently implemented responsibility investigations on the responsible persons in Handan City and five counties and urban areas.Among them, the secretary of the Cixian County Party Committee was warned by the party, and the county magistrate was severely warned by the party and dismissed.

Gao Heping, Deputy Mayor of Handan City

A few days ago, the General Office of the Hebei Provincial Party Committee and the General Office of the Provincial Government jointly issued a circular on the implementation of accountability for the deterioration of air quality in Handan City and Ci County, Longyao County, Wuji County, Yongnian District of Handan City, and Wu'an City in 2017.Strictly implement the same responsibility of the party and the government, one post with two responsibilities and relevant regulations. The Provincial Atmospheric Office put forward accountability suggestions for the relevant party and government leaders in Handan City and Ci County, Longyao County, Wuji County, Yongnian District of Handan City and Wu'an City.The Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision conducted a case review on the relevant responsible persons and imposed disciplinary sanctions; the Organization Department of the Provincial Party Committee made a research decision to organize and deal with the relevant responsible persons.

Among them, Gao Heping, deputy mayor of Handan City, was exhorted to speak.Ci County Party Secretary Wu Congjiang, Xingtai CPPCC Vice Chairman and Longyao County Party Secretary Li Guoyin, Wuji County Party Secretary Lu Zhilin, Yongnian District Party Secretary Hou Youmin, and Wu'an City Party Committee Secretary Wei Xuesheng 5 people, because of violating work discipline, the implementation of comprehensive air pollution control party and government share responsibility, One post and two responsibilities are not in place, and the responsibility of the first responsible person for local ecological and environmental protection work is not correctly performed. He is responsible for the serious deterioration of the city's ambient air quality and other issues, and was given a warning within the party.

Li Jianqiang, deputy secretary of the Longyao County Party Committee and county magistrate, Wang Yongjun, deputy secretary of the Wuji County Party Committee and county magistrate, Zhang Hehong, deputy secretary of the Yongnian District Party Committee and district mayor, Qiang Yanfeng, deputy secretary of the Wu'an Municipal Party Committee and mayor, because of the impact on the environment of the county (district, city)The severe deterioration of air quality and other issues bear important leadership responsibilities, and have also been given warnings within the party.

Liu Haofeng, deputy secretary of the Cixian County Party Committee and county magistrate, was dismissed.According to the report, Liu Haofeng violated work discipline, did not pay enough attention to the implementation of the decision-making and deployment of the Party Central Committee and the Provincial Party Committee on the comprehensive control of air pollution, and did not implement it thoroughly.Responsibilities, the county failed to complete the 2017 annual air pollution comprehensive control goals and tasks, and had important leadership responsibilities for problems such as serious deterioration of ambient air quality. He was given a serious warning within the party and removed from his post as deputy secretary of the Cixian County Party Committee and county magistrate..

In addition, Lin Baobin, the deputy county magistrate of Ci County, violated work discipline and failed to lead in promoting the comprehensive control of air pollution in Ci County.Leadership responsibility, was given a serious warning within the party.Wang Xiaoyan, deputy county magistrate of Longyao County, Zhao Haozhan, member of the Standing Committee of Wuji County Party Committee and deputy county magistrate, Wang Yugang, deputy district mayor of Yongnian District, and Guo Quansheng, deputy mayor of Wu'an City, were given serious warnings within the party and were removed from office.

On April 28 this year, the Leading Group for Air Pollution Prevention and Control of Hebei Province notified the results of the 2017 comprehensive air pollution control assessment.Among them, Handan City, a city divided into districts in Hebei Province, was unqualified; among the unqualified counties (cities, districts), Wu'an City, Yongnian District of Handan City, Longyao County, Wuji County, and Ci County ranked the last fivebit.

One month before the announcement of the assessment results, that is, on March 29, the Hebei Provincial Government held a public interview with the main person in charge of the Handan City Government and Ci County, Longyao County, Wuji County, Yongnian District of Handan City, and Wu'an City.Party and government principals meeting.

The interview pointed out that Handan City is the only city divided into districts in the province where the average concentration of PM2.5 and the comprehensive air quality index did not fall but rose in 2017; the average concentration of PM2.The decrease has increased by more than 10%. The Ministry of Environmental Protection has strengthened supervision, and the provincial atmospheric environment special supervision and law enforcement inspections have found many problems, reflecting problems such as insufficient implementation of air pollution control responsibilities and ineffective measures.

At the meeting, the mayor of Handan City and the secretaries of the 5 county (city, district) party committees made speeches and commitments to rectification.The provincial government requires Handan City and the five counties (cities, districts) to take the interview as an opportunity to identify the problem, find out the root cause, and confirm the measures.Efforts will be made to control coal-burning pollution, remediation of scattered and polluting enterprises, prevention and control of dust and motor vehicle pollution, prohibition of straw and open-air burning, strict law enforcement and supervision, serious accountability and accountability, and practically get through the last mile, using the blue sky index to test the effectiveness of governance, making a positive contribution to the improvement of air quality in the province.

Now, after two months of interviews, the main leaders have all been punished.Because the air quality improvement goals for autumn and winter last year were not met, on May 3, the Ministry of Ecology and Environment interviewed the principals of three local municipal governments, including Handan City.

In July 2015, the 14th meeting of the Central Leading Group for Comprehensively Deepening Reform reviewed and approved the Environmental Protection Supervision Program (Trial), which proposed to strengthen environmental protection lsquo; Party and government share responsibilities rsquo; and lsquo;Relevant units and individuals are held accountable for prominent problems.In December 2016, the Central Office and the State Office issued the evaluation and assessment methods for ecological civilization construction goals, proposing that the evaluation and assessment of ecological civilization construction goals implement the same responsibility for the party and the government, and that local party committees and government leaders have dual responsibilities for ecological civilization construction., scientific norms, highlight key points, pay attention to actual results, and reward and punishment simultaneously.

In April last year, the General Office of the Hebei Provincial Party Committee and the General Office of the Provincial Government jointly issued the Hebei Provincial Ecological Civilization Construction Target Evaluation and Assessment Measures, which clearly stipulated the assessment results: for cities that fail the assessment level, they will be criticized in a circular, and aboutTalk about the main person in charge of the party and government, and put forward a request for rectification within a time limit; for the main person in charge of the party and government and relevant responsible persons (including those who have been transferred, promoted, and retired) in cities with obvious ecological environment damage and frequent incidents of responsibility, according to the party and government leading cadresResponsibility investigation for ecological and environmental damage (Trial) and other regulations shall be carried out.

The Measures for the Accountability of Party and Government Leading Cadres for Damage to the Ecological Environment (Trial Implementation) stipulates that local party committees and governments at all levels shall take overall responsibility for the protection of the ecological environment and resources in the region.Take corresponding responsibilities.

The forms of accountability for ecological and environmental damage of party and government leading cadres include: admonishment, ordering a public apology; organizational handling, including transfer from post, resignation, order to resign, dismissal, demotion, etc.; party discipline and government discipline.Organizational treatment and party discipline and government discipline can be used alone or at the same time.If the object of accountability is suspected of committing a crime, it shall be promptly transferred to the judicial organ for handling according to law.

On May 20, the Hebei Provincial Party Committee held an enlarged meeting of the Standing Committee to convey the spirit of the important speech made by the General Secretary of the leader at the National Ecological Environmental Protection Conference and the spirit of the speeches of Premier Li Keqiang and Vice Premier Han Zheng.Wang Dongfeng, secretary of the Hebei Provincial Party Committee, presided over the meeting and delivered a speech.

The meeting pointed out that we must adhere to the strictest system and the most stringent rule of law, increase law enforcement inspections, pay close attention to a number of major cases and negative examples, and give full play to the role of warning education.It is necessary to establish and improve the target responsibility system, and strictly implement the main responsibilities of party committees and governments at all levels, the first responsibility of the main party and government leaders, and the supervision responsibilities of functional departments.