On April 28, 2018, the Organization and Personnel Department of the Jiangxi Provincial Department of Transportation issued a pre-appointment announcement: Deng Xiaojian, currently a cadre of the Safety Technology Department of the Jiangxi Provincial Highway Administration, intends to be the Director of the Veteran Cadres Division of the Provincial Highway Administration, with a trial period of one year.

The publicity period is from April 28th to May 8th.At the same time as the Jiangxi Provincial Department of Transportation issued the pre-appointment announcement, it also issued a statement on the appointment of Comrade Deng Xiaojian (hereinafter referred to as the statement).

Deng Xiaojian was born in November 1970. He is a member of the Communist Party of China and has a university degree. He came back after being dismissed for more than two years.

The statement stated that in December 2015, due to Deng Xiaojian’s violation of relevant regulations, the Party Committee of the Jiangxi Provincial Department of Transportation decided to remove him from the post of Director of the Maintenance and Management Division of the Provincial Highway Administration Bureau while imposing administrative sanctions.In order to give full play to his professional expertise, the Provincial Highway Administration Bureau decided to transfer him to the Safety Technology Division of the Provincial Highway Bureau to work on road safety production.

During his work in the Safety Technology Department, Deng Xiaojian organized a special operation for safety production, a major inspection of the province's road system safety production, formulated the implementation plan for the safety production supervision of the province's road system, and carried out various forms of safety training such as the Jiangxi Highway Ankang Cup Safety Knowledge Debate Competition.Production month activities, and actively do a good job in the tasks assigned by the leaders.

From February 2017 to March 2018, as an outstanding cadre, Deng Xiaojian was recommended by the Provincial Department to train and train in the Letters and Calls Bureau of the Jiangxi Provincial Party Committee and Provincial Government.During the work of the Letters and Calls Bureau, I always took ls"the issue of letters and visits is related to the vital interests of the people, it is the link between the party and the government to connect with the people, and the window to understand the social conditions and public opinions" as the working principle, and treated the people enthusiastically and answered seriously.The window received 1442 batches of visitors and 3513 person-times.It can actively resolve outstanding contradictions, further strengthen the concept of the masses, further improve communication and coordination skills, and comprehensive ability has been greatly exercised.

The above statement stated that in view of the fact that the administrative sanction against Deng Xiaojian has been lifted, the impact period of the accountability process has passed, the accountability incident has been properly handled, and Deng Xiaojian has deeply reflected on his mistakes, has a good attitude towards correcting mistakes, and has a greater ideological awareness.Improvement, active work, obedience to arrangements, and due diligence have been recognized by the cadres and workers of the overall situation and the Letters and Calls Bureau of the Provincial Party Committee and Provincial Government.According to the relevant regulations of the Provincial Party Committee Jiangxi Province to promote the implementation of leading cadres' ability to go up and down (trial implementation), after the influence period expires, the performance of morality and ability and work performance are outstanding, and the recognition of cadres and the masses is high. Due to work needs and inspections, they meet the qualifications for employment.If so, they can be re-appointed in accordance with relevant regulations.In order to give full play to his characteristics of steadfast work, patience, prudence, and enthusiastic service, and continuously promote the development of the work of veteran cadres of the Provincial Highway Bureau, after research by the Party Committee of the Provincial Highway Bureau, Deng Xiaojian was recommended as the director of the Veteran Cadre Division of the Provincial Highway Bureau.

The Party Committee of the Jiangxi Provincial Department of Transportation conducted democratic recommendation, democratic evaluation, and organizational inspection for the position of the Director of the Veteran Cadre Division of the Provincial Highway Bureau. From the recommendation votes, evaluation results, and public responses, Deng Xiaojian's proposed position as the Director of the Veteran Cadre Division was highly recognized..The Party Committee of the Provincial Department of Transportation reported to the Organization Department of the Provincial Party Committee for review and approved Deng Xiaojian's re-employment.The Party Committee of the Provincial Department of Transportation decided at the meeting that Deng Xiaojian would be the Director of the Veteran Cadres Division of the Provincial Highway Administration for a trial period of one year.

In June 2016, Jiangxi Province issued the Jiangxi Provincial Implementation Rules (Trial Implementation) for Promoting Leading Cadres to Go Up and Down (hereinafter referred to as the Implementation Rules (Trial Implementation)).Among them, it is proposed that those who are transferred from their posts, transferred to non-leadership positions, or dismissed because they are not suitable for the current position shall not be promoted and reused within one year; those who are demoted shall not be promoted and reused within two years;implement.

For those who do not temporarily assign duties after dismissal, the implementation rules (trial implementation) propose that temporary and special work may be arranged as appropriate.Temporary non-assignment time generally does not exceed one year, during which the treatment is treated as non-leading positions at the same level.After the expiration of the influence period, those who have outstanding performance in morality and ability and work performance, and have a high degree of recognition among cadres and the masses, who are required by work and meet the qualifications after inspection, can be reappointed in accordance with relevant regulations.

So, what are the conditions for the sanctioned officials to come back?

Xu Yaotong, a professor at the Central Party School (National School of Administration), said that it has become normal for officials who have been punished to come back. Now, the treatment of cadres is not to kill officials who have made mistakes, but to deal with them if they make mistakes, and to give them a chance to be reappointed if they make mistakes.

He believes that three conditions are required for the comeback of the sanctioned officials. The first is that after the officials make mistakes or are punished for their mistakes, they must have attitudes and actions, be able to accurately deal with their own mistakes, and be able to truly understand why they made mistakes and where the reasons are.There must be a clear statement, humbly accept the punishment, and then correct it with practical actions.Second, the organization must carefully examine how the comrades who made mistakes are doing, and the organization must give recognition and make a truthful and pertinent evaluation.The third is to obtain the approval of colleagues in the work unit and superiors and subordinates. There is no objection to his comeback, and everyone votes in favor of it.

Xu Yaotong said that Deng Xiaojian's removal from office in December 2015 was a relatively serious punishment.There is no time limit for being dismissed, but after performing well, the organization can consider its lsquo;comeback rsquo;.The organization's decision to let him continue to serve as a department-level cadre is a great encouragement to him personally.

He hopes that in the future, the organization department will follow up on the erring comrades, and continue to help, remind, and encourage them to help the erring comrades get over the hurdles.For such cadres, if they are reappointed, the incentive effect will be better.

The CCP Accountability Regulations stipulates that leading cadres of the CCP can be held accountable in four ways: notification, admonishment, organizational adjustment or handling, and disciplinary action.Among them, the item of organizational adjustment or organizational handling refers to those who are dereliction of duty, the circumstances are serious, and they are not suitable for the current position. Measures such as suspension from duty, inspection, adjustment of position, order to resign, demotion, and dismissal should be taken according to the situation.

The Regulations on the Selection and Appointment of Party and Government Leading Cadres, revised in 2014, also stipulates that Party and government leading cadres who take the blame and resign, order to resign, or are dismissed due to accountability, shall not be assigned positions within one year, and shall not hold positions higher than the original position within two years.duty.

Zhengshi has noticed that in recent years, many places have introduced relevant management measures to make provisions for the appointment of leading cadres who are affected by party discipline and government discipline or organizational handling.Some of the sanctioned officials have returned.

In September 2008, Wu Xianguo, then member of the Standing Committee of the Hebei Provincial Party Committee and Secretary of the Shijiazhuang Municipal Party Committee, was directly responsible for the failure to report the incident and the ineffective handling of the incident due to his leadership responsibility for the Sanlu milk powder incident. With the approval of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, Wu Xianguo was arresteddismissed.In 2013, Wu Xianguo returned and served as the deputy head of the rural work leading group of the Hebei Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Government. In May 2015, reports showed that he had become a member of the Hebei Provincial Government Party Group.On the eve of the Spring Festival in February this year, he participated in condolences in this capacity.