The Ministry of Ecology and Environment interviewed the principals of Jincheng in Shanxi Province, Handan in Hebei Province, and Yangquan in Shanxi Province on May 3 because they failed to meet the air quality improvement goals for autumn and winter last year.

The Ministry of Ecology and Environment recently conducted an assessment on the completion of the air quality improvement goals of 2+26 cities in Beijing, Tianjin, Hebei and surrounding areas.

According to the evaluation and assessment results, from October 2017 to March 2018, the average concentration of PM2.5 in Jincheng City dropped by 3.7%, failing to meet the target requirement of a 10% drop, and the completion rate of the target task ranked first among the 2+26 cities;The average concentration of PM2.5 in Handan City decreased by 15.7%, and the target requirement for a 20% reduction was not fulfilled. The completion rate of the target task ranked second to last among the 2+26 cities;With a target requirement of 15%, the completion rate of the target task ranks the third from the bottom among the 2+26 cities.

The interview made it clear that the three cities should formulate rectification plans and submit them to the Ministry of Ecology and Environment within 20 working days, and copy them to the relevant provincial people's governments; the Ministry of Ecology and Environment will suspend the approval of new air pollutant emission construction projects in the three citiesFor environmental impact assessment approval (except for projects involving people's livelihood and energy conservation and emission reduction), the environmental protection departments at the provincial and municipal levels need to simultaneously and strictly implement them.

In May 2014, the former Ministry of Environmental Protection officially issued the Interim Measures for Interviews with the Ministry of Environmental Protection, which pointed out that the environmental protection department may interview the relevant responsible persons of the local government and its related departments that have not performed their environmental protection duties or performed their duties in a timely manner and conduct legal consultations.Admonish the conversation, point out relevant problems, put forward rectification requirements, and urge the rectification to be in place.

The method also proposes that the environmental protection department can propose relevant rectification requirements and a time limit for completion according to the law, and the interviewed party must express its position on the implementation of the rectification requirements.The introduction of this method indicates that the interview system of the environmental protection department has changed from supervising enterprises to supervising government.

At the meeting, the Ministry of Ecology and Environment pointed out that from the multiple rounds of inspections organized by the former Ministry of Environmental Protection, there are many problems in Jincheng, Handan, and Yangquan, and there are still obvious weak links in the work.

Jincheng is the only city among the 2+26 cities that failed to meet the improvement targets for PM2.5 concentration and days of heavy pollution.During the autumn and winter tough period, the former Ministry of Environmental Protection strengthened supervision and found a total of 1,819 various environmental problems, ranking first among 2+26 cities in terms of the number of problems.In particular, the supervision and inspection in March 2018 found that some iron and steel and foundry enterprises in Gaoping City, Jincheng City and Zezhou County did not implement the emergency shutdown requirements for heavy pollution weather.Not in place.

Handan City was publicly interviewed by the former Ministry of Environmental Protection in August 2017 due to ineffective rectification of problems assigned by strengthened supervision and inspection. However, since autumn and winter, the inspection and inspection of the former Ministry of Environmental Protection found 61 outstanding problems in the atmospheric environment of industrial enterprises in the city.At the same time, the emergency response to heavily polluted weather in the city is not in place. Many enterprises such as Hebei Guangao Glass Decoration Engineering Co., Ltd. and Handan Fangyuan Barrel Industry Co., Ltd. have not implemented the suspension and production limit requirements, and many construction sites have not implemented the suspension requirements.

Yangquan City discovered a large number of air pollution problems during the inspection and inspection organized by the former Ministry of Environmental Protection, and the rectification was slow, especially in the air pollution control campaign.In addition, the inspection also found that the city's dust pollution problem is very prominent, unorganized emissions from enterprises occur frequently, materials are stacked in the open air, coal is not converted into sheds and warehouses as required, and daily watering and dust reduction measures are not in place.

At the interview meeting, Jincheng Mayor Liu Feng, Handan Mayor Wang Litong, Yangquan Mayor Lei Jiankun, the deputy mayor in charge of environmental protection, and the director of the Environmental Protection Bureau expressed their acceptance of the interview and faced the problem squarely.

Lei Jiankun was elected mayor of Yangquan on March 30 this year, and it has only been one month.Liu Feng became the mayor of Jincheng in November last year, and Wang Litong became the mayor of Handan in April last year.

In other words, when the Ministry of Ecology and Environment evaluated the air quality improvement of the three cities from October 2017 to March 2018, Lei Jiankun did not officially take charge of Yangquan, while Jincheng Mayor Liu Feng and Handan Mayor Wang Litong did office.

In the face of the interview, Liu Feng stated that the next step will be to face up to the gap, face the problem head-on, compact the responsibility, strike hard, make precise efforts, further strengthen the four measures of coal control, pollution control, vehicle management, and dust reduction, and resolutely winDefense of the blue sky.Jincheng will take this interview as an opportunity to strictly implement the specific requirements put forward. We are confident in completing this year's blue sky defense mission.

Wang Litong stated that we feel deeply guilty and ashamed for failing to achieve the set goals.On behalf of the Handan Municipal Government, I sincerely accept the interview and criticism.We must learn from the pain, be brave after knowing our shame, fight back with the attitude of a strong man breaking his wrists, catch up, fight for our mission, fight for our dignity, and resolutely win the battle to defend the blue sky.

Immediately afterwards, Yangquan Mayor Lei Jiankun made a statement.She said that this interview was a wake-up call, an education, but also a spur and help.We accept all the problems raised and rectify them immediately.

Lei Jiankun said that in the next step, in response to the problems raised in the environmental protection interview and its own shortcomings, Yangquan City will follow the rectification requirements, implement precise policies, and pay close attention to rectification to ensure refined control, strict law enforcement, normalized supervision, and environmental quality.It can only get better and not worse.It is necessary to take this interview as an opportunity to change passiveness into initiative and pressure into motivation. According to the established goals, speed up the progress of rectification, make every effort to win the battle of pollution prevention and control, and effectively improve the quality of the atmospheric environment.

Zhengshi (WeChat ID: xjbzse) noticed that the day before Lei Jiankun was interviewed by the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, that is, on May 2, Yangquan Daily published that our city had successfully completed the Ministry of Environmental Protection's strengthened supervision and cooperation guarantee work, saying that environmental protectionDuring the period when the ministry's strengthened inspection team was stationed in our city, a total of 25 rounds of inspections were conducted, 5,584 enterprises were inspected, and 2,000 environmental problems were assigned to our city.

Our city attaches great importance to this supervision and inspection work, and regards cooperating with the Ministry of Environmental Protection to strengthen supervision as a very important political task. It requires the whole city to fully understand the importance and seriousness of the Ministry of Environmental Protection to strengthen supervision and inspection.Take responsibility and take full responsibility to do a good job in cooperating with guarantee work.The article said.

Before being interviewed this time, Lei Jiankun also went to the site many times to conduct environmental protection supervision.

On January 7, two days after assuming the role of acting mayor, Lei Jiankun went to the city's sludge disposal construction project under the key supervision of the central environmental protection department to supervise the company's staggered production, industrial dust control, and heavy-duty transport vehicles., and supervised the implementation of the central environmental protection supervision and rectification tasks on the spot.

On April 25, Lei Jiankun led a team to make a surprise inspection of the environmental protection management of some key enterprises and the current outstanding environmental protection problems.

She emphasized that it is necessary to thoroughly implement the socialist thought with Chinese characteristics in the new era of the leaders of the Communist Party of China, conscientiously practice the concept that green waters and green mountains are golden mountains and silver mountains, adhere to the five strengthenings in accordance with the relevant requirements of the central and provincial environmental protection supervision, and pay close attention to the four iron requirements.Environmental governance, with the courage of a strong man to cut his wrists and the courage to scrape his bones to cure poison, resolutely fight the battle of pollution prevention and control, and promote the continuous improvement of the ecological environment.