Legal Evening News middot; Opinion News (Reporter Yue Sanmeng) In June last year, Song Chuan (deputy department level), member of the Standing Committee of the Heilongjiang Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection, was double-opened.

Opinion news reporters noticed that a second-instance ruling was made public recently, disclosing the inside story of Song Chuan’s human and money transactions with the businessman: Song came forward to solicit connections and engage in approval, while the businessman offered a house in Dalian with both hands.

Moreover, in order to avoid disciplinary inspection, Song Chuan played Mingxiu plank road and secretly made a secret: he transferred 2.3 million yuan to the merchant in the name of his father-in-law, and then took away the merchant's bank card.

The old disciplinary inspection team who fell from the horse was awarded the national advanced

According to public information, Song Chuan, who was born in April 1963, is a veteran discipline inspector. He once served as the deputy director of the Disciplinary Inspection and Supervision Office of the Heilongjiang Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection. In 2008, he was promoted to the first office director (deputy department level).In 2011, this person was rated as an advanced worker in the national discipline inspection and supervision system, and enjoyed the treatment of an advanced worker at the provincial and ministerial level and a model worker.From 2012 to before the incident, he was elected as a member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection, assisting in the management of the first and fourth rooms.

On January 10, 2017, the Heilongjiang Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision held a press conference to review the 2016 anti-corruption report card.When it comes to strictly investigating and dealing with blackouts under the lights, the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection revealed that it has seriously investigated and dealt with six serious violations of discipline, including Song Chuan and Jing Zeyu, the former head of the discipline inspection team of the Provincial Poverty Alleviation Office.pure.

On June 5 of the same year, Song Chuan was double opened and transferred to the judiciary for handling.The notice states:

Song Chuan violated political discipline, colluded with and transferred, concealed evidence, and resisted organizational review; violated organizational discipline, did not truthfully report personal matters in accordance with regulations, and used the convenience of his position to seek benefits for others in violation of regulations in employee recruitment;

Violating integrity and discipline, engaging in power transactions, accepting gifts, gift money, consumer cards, engaging in profit-making activities in violation of regulations, engaging in power and sex transactions; violating work discipline, interfering in judicial and discipline activities in violation of regulations, leaking undisclosed disciplinary review information, and privately retaining disciplineExamining materials, disposing of clues to violations of discipline and law and the money and property involved in the case in violation of regulations; violating life discipline and having improper sexual relations with others;

Taking advantage of the convenience and influence of his position to seek benefits for others and accepting and extorting huge amounts of property is suspected of accepting bribes.During the review, Song Chuan was also found to be involved in other crimes involving bribery, embezzlement and huge amounts of property from unknown sources.

Some media combed through and found that the disclosure of undisclosed disciplinary review information and the related expressions of privately retaining disciplinary review materials appeared for the first time in relevant notifications.

Officers from the Disciplinary Inspection Office came forward to help businessmen get projects

In the same month when he was double-opened, Song Chuan was arrested on suspicion of accepting bribes, and the Qitaihe City People's Procuratorate opened the case for investigation.

Opinion news reporters noticed that on April 17, the Qitaihe Intermediate People's Court made a second-instance ruling on the bribery case of Yang's unit related to the Song Chuan case.

According to the public ruling, on December 30, 2017, the Qitaihe Qiezihe District Court found in the first instance that during his tenure as the chairman of a thermal power group company, in order to obtain Song Chuan’s care, Yang transferred the company to the company in August 2013.A residence in Dalian was given to Song, and he invested in fine decoration.After evaluation, the house and decoration are worth more than 3.25 million yuan.

Eat others with a short mouth, but treat others softly.What kind of help did Song Chuan help in taking over the merchant's house?In general, Song can be said to be in the saddle when it comes to investing in hydropower projects, coordinating the relationship with the Provincial Environmental Protection Bureau, and approving the approval of branch companies.

For example, in 2013, a project of the company was completed, but was blocked by the provincial power company due to approval procedures.Yang went to the office to find Song Chuan, who called the deputy director of the provincial electric power company on the spot.As a result, Yang not only got things done, but also saved 300,000 yuan.

For another example, in August 2015, Yang heard that there was a project in a certain county to attract investment in a hydropower station.Because he could not get in touch with the county leaders, Song Chuan helped him contact the secretary of the county party committee. As a result, Yang won the project with a total investment of 600 million yuan, and he started construction before the land acquisition procedures were completed without encountering any obstacles.

After transferring the money to the merchant, he asked for the card back

It must be reminded that, as a disciplinary examiner, what Song Chuan thought of was not to restrain himself, but to do everything possible to avoid disciplinary inspection.This point is concentrated in his tricks of building plank roads openly and keeping Chencang secretly in order to accept the house sent by Yang.

In March and April of 2013, Song Chuan told Yang in his office that he planned to buy a house in Dalian.The latter said that his company had two sets in Dalian and asked Song Chuan to have a look.A few days later, Namou, Song Chuan's wife, arrived in Dalian and fell in love with her.In order to maintain a good relationship, Yang decided to give it to Song Chuan.

At that time, the anti-corruption situation was relatively tight, and Song Chuan did not dare to put the house in his own name, so he wanted to transfer the house to his father-in-law.Therefore, one day not long after, he transferred 2.3 million yuan to Yang's bank card in the name of his father-in-law.After transferring the money, Song Chuan sent someone to take away Yang's bank card.In other words, Yang not only did not collect the money, but also paid for the decoration of the house.

The Jizihe District Court ruled in the first instance that the thermal power group committed the crime of bribery by the unit and was fined 1 million; Yang was sentenced to two years in prison for the crime of bribery by the unit, suspended for three years, and fined 200,000 yuan.

After the verdict was pronounced, Yang appealed, claiming that Song Chuan was extorting bribes, and requested that the original judgment be revoked, and that he should not constitute a crime and not bear criminal responsibility.And during the second trial, he also submitted new materials saying that he had made meritorious service.

Specifically, Miao, from Hulan District, Harbin, fled in September 2016 on suspicion of gangland crimes.In January of this year, Yang reported to the police that he could use Miao's family members to persuade him to surrender.Sure enough, on the second day, Miao appeared in Yang's office and was taken away by the police.

In view of the emergence of new evidence during the second trial period, in order to protect Yang's right to appeal, on April 17, the Qitaihe Intermediate People's Court made a final ruling: revoke the criminal judgment of the court of first instance and remand it for retrial.