▲ In addition to formal talks with officials, the two also communicated alone.(Reuters)

▲The South Korean people have high hopes for the talks between the leaders of the North and the South. When the summit was held, a Buddhist prayer meeting was held in the center of Seoul, and everyone prayed for the permanent peace of the peninsula.(AFP)

Inter-Korean Summit

South Korean public opinion believes that Kim Jong-un's impromptu speech is very rare, which is enough to show his calm attitude.However, some experts pointed out that Kim Jong-un's unconventional words and deeds are to impress South Korean public opinion as a humorous leader.

Kim Jong Un, North Korea's supreme leader, has traditionally given the impression of being ruthless, but his bold, humorous and candid appearance yesterday refreshed South Koreans.

At about 9:30 a.m. Korean time yesterday (around 8:30 a.m. Singapore time), Kim Jong-un seemed a little nervous when he slowly approached the military demarcation line in Panmunjom from the Panmun Pavilion on the DPRK side of Panmunjom.He crossed the military demarcation line between South Korea and North Korea to shake hands with South Korean President Moon Jae-in, and took photos facing both sides. Moon Jae-in said to Kim Jong-un: You came to the south, I wonder when I can go to the north?Kim Jong-un immediately responded: Then go now.So at the invitation of Kim Jong-un, the two joined hands to cross the military demarcation line, and then crossed back to the north, completing an unscripted performance.

During the talks yesterday morning, Kim Jong-un first talked about leaving Pyongyang before dawn today.He also said with a smile: Because of us (the missile), (Moon Jae-in) may have become a habit of getting up early.I promise, it won't wake you (from sleep) again.

He sighed with emotion, just walked 200 meters to the south, but why it seems so far, (crossing the military demarcation line) and why is it so difficult.I thought I could meet Mr. President in Pyongyang, but it would be better to meet in Panmunjom.The military demarcation line is not high, and if there are too many people who step on it, it will eventually disappear.

The military demarcation line in Panmunjom is a cement marking line, about five centimeters high and 50 centimeters wide.Kim Jong Un crossed the military demarcation line, becoming the first North Korean supreme leader to set foot on South Korean soil.

Compared with the inter-Korean summits held in Pyongyang in 2000 and 2007, this summit was held on the floor where the armistice agreement on the Korean peninsula was signed in 1953, which has important historical significance.

During the talks, Moon Jae-in invited Kim Jong-un to visit the Blue House of South Korea.In this regard, Kim Jong-un said: If the president invites me, I will come to the Blue House anytime.

It is worth noting that Kim Jong-un frankly admitted that there is a shortage of transportation facilities in North Korea.He said: I heard from North Korean people who visited South Korea during the Pyeongchang Winter Olympics that South Korea's high-speed rail is very comfortable.South Korea has such an environment, if you come to North Korea, we may be very embarrassed.We have to prepare well so that we can receive you with peace of mind when you visit the DPRK.

Kim Jong-un also said jokingly: For today's dinner, I brought cold noodles from Pyongyang specially, and I hope President Moon can enjoy the cold noodles from Pyongyang brought from afar.correct!I shouldn't have said lsquo; far away rsquo;.Kim Jong-un's remarks caused a burst of laughter from South and North Korean officials at the scene.

Public opinion believes that the main speeches at the talks are usually planned in advance, and Kim Jong-un's impromptu speeches are very rare, which is enough to show his calm attitude.However, experts pointed out that Kim Jong-un's outrageous words and deeds are all to impress South Korean public opinion as a humorous leader.Since his statement will not be made public to North Korean residents, it is purely for South Korean public opinion.

It is understood that Kim Jong-un’s father, Kim Jong-il, revealed when he met with then South Korean President Kim Dae-jung on June 15, 2000: I watched Korean TV very late last night.I saw shows about people who lost their homes and North Korean defectors.But his remarks were not made public to North Korean residents.