Li Yihuang (data map)

A few days ago, with the approval of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, the Commission for Discipline Inspection of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China filed a case for serious violations of discipline by Li Yihuang, a former party member of the Jiangxi provincial government and vice governor.

After investigation, Li Yihuang seriously violated political discipline and rules, lost his ideals, beliefs and party principles, formed a small circle, distorted the political orientation of selecting and employing people, and destroyed the political ecology of the state-owned enterprises he worked for; he violated the spirit of the eight central regulations and the discipline of the masses.Playing golf, illegally occupying state-owned enterprise expert villas; violating organizational discipline, arranging subordinates to promote relatives in violation of regulations, and not truthfully explaining when organizing conversations and inquiries; violating integrity and discipline, using power to seek benefits for relatives and friends in business activities, engaging in power transactions,Using the resources of state-owned enterprises to seek personal gain; violating work discipline and interfering in corporate decision-making; violating life discipline, lax self-cultivation, and bad family traditions.Using the convenience of the position to seek benefits for others and accepting huge amounts of property is suspected of accepting bribes; illegal possession of public property is suspected of embezzlement; misappropriating public funds for others to conduct profit-making activities is suspected of embezzling public funds; abusing power to cause heavy losses of state-owned assets is suspected of abusing power.

As a senior leading cadre of the party, Li Yihuang violated the purpose of the party, disregarded the interests of the masses, engaged in privileges for a long time, carried out benefit transmission and exchange, seriously violated party discipline, and was suspected of various crimes.Restraining and not stopping should be dealt with seriously.In accordance with the relevant provisions of the Communist Party of China Disciplinary Sanction Regulations and other relevant regulations, after studying at the meeting of the Standing Committee of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and reporting to the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China for approval, it was decided to give Li Yihuang the sanction of expulsion from the party;, clues and the money and property involved are transferred to the relevant state organs for processing according to law.

Another chapter in the history of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection's fight against tigers.In the notification, Li Yihuang was charged with as many as ten crimes.

On September 15, 2017, the official website of the State Administration of Work Safety announced the results of the State Council's handling of the extremely serious accident of the construction platform collapse of the 11middot; 24 cooling tower of Fengcheng Power Plant in Jiangxi Province.Li Yihuang, who was the vice governor of the Jiangxi Provincial Government at the time, was named and notified due to reasons such as poor leadership.Dabai News (WeChat ID: dabaixinwen) noticed that in major safety accidents, Li Yihuang was one of the few officials who were directly named and criticized by the investigation team of the State Council.From being publicly named on September 15, 2017 to being sacked, it took only 4 months.

Li Yihuang, Vice Governor of the Ten Poisons

In today's report from the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, Li Yihuang was accused of as many as ten crimes.

Yidu lost the party spirit and formed a small circle. The Central Commission for Discipline Inspection pointed out that Li Yihuang seriously violated political discipline and rules, lost his ideals, beliefs and party principles, formed a small circle, distorted the political orientation of selecting and appointing people, and damaged the political ecology of the state-owned enterprises he worked for.

The second poison violated the spirit of the eight central regulations and the discipline of the masses, played golf with public funds, and illegally occupied the villas of experts in state-owned enterprises.

Three Poisons violated organizational discipline by arranging subordinates to promote relatives in violation of regulations and failing to explain truthfully when organizing interviews and inquiries.

The four poisons violate integrity and discipline, use their power to seek benefits for their relatives and friends, engage in power transactions, and use the resources of state-owned enterprises to seek personal gain.

The five poisons violate work discipline and interfere with corporate decision-making in violation of regulations.

The six poisons violate the discipline of life, are lax in self-cultivation, and bring down family traditions.

Qidu used the convenience of his position to seek benefits for others and received huge amounts of property and was suspected of accepting bribes.

Badu illegally occupied public property and was suspected of corruption.

Nine Drugs misappropriating public funds to others for profit-making activities is suspected of embezzlement of public funds.

Ten drug abuse of power causing heavy loss of state-owned assets suspected of crimes of abuse of power.

The Central Commission for Discipline Inspection pointed out that Li Yihuang, as a senior leading cadre of the party, violated the purpose of the party, disregarded the interests of the masses, engaged in privileges for a long time, carried out benefit transmission and exchange, seriously violated party discipline, and was suspected of various crimes.Those who do not restrain themselves after the Eighth National Congress should be dealt with seriously.

According to the relevant regulations, Li Yihuang was double opened today, and his disciplinary income was confiscated.

When he was the deputy governor, he was named and criticized

On November 24, 2016, a particularly serious accident occurred in the third-phase expansion project of Jiangxi Fengcheng Power Plant, where the cooling tower construction platform collapsed, resulting in 73 deaths, 2 injuries, and a direct economic loss of 101.972 million yuan.

During Li Yihuang's tenure as vice governor of Jiangxi, he was in charge of industry, state-owned assets management, transportation, private and private economy, and work safety. He was criticized by name for this incident.

Dabai News noticed that in major safety accidents, Li Yihuang was one of the few officials who were directly named and criticized by the investigation team of the State Council.

On September 15, 2017, the official website of the State Administration of Work Safety announced the results of the State Council's handling of the extremely serious accident of the construction platform collapse of the 11middot;24 cooling tower of Jiangxi Fengcheng Power Plant.24 The particularly serious accident of the collapse of the cooling tower construction platform is a production safety liability accident.The accident exposed that the main responsibility for safety production of the participating units was not implemented, and there were weak links in the safety supervision of relevant departments.

Li Yihuang, who was the vice governor of the Jiangxi Provincial Government at the time, was named and notified due to reasons such as poor leadership.

The report pointed out that Li Yihuang's leadership in implementing the national safety production guidelines, policies, laws and regulations was not effective, and he failed to effectively guide and urge relevant departments and provincial enterprises to implement safety production responsibilities.

Sacked four months after being named

Dabai News noticed that Li Yihuang was publicly named on September 15, 2017 until he was sacked in only four months.

On January 17, 2018, the website of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the National Supervisory Committee announced the news of Li Yihuang's demise. Like other fallen tigers, in just one sentence: Li Yihuang, the vice governor of Jiangxi Province, is suspected of serious violations of discipline and is currently undergoing organizational review.

Public opinion generally believes that the collapse of the construction platform of the 11middot; 24 cooling tower of Jiangxi Fengcheng Power Plant was the Waterloo of Li Yihuang's political career.

After being notified of criticism, from October 10 to 11, 2017, Vice Governor Li Yihuang went to Pengze County, Jiujiang City, Lushan City, and Jiujiang Economic Development Zone to visit Jiangxi Huafu, Brother Pharmaceutical, Zhijiang Chemical, and Heyi Chemical, Renming Pharmaceutical, Lushan Traffic Cableway, Airmate and Hangyang Co., Ltd., etc., supervised the safety production work.

According to public reports, the last few appearances of Li Yihuang in the media were in early 2018.On January 4, 2018, he went to Nanchang Honggutan New District, Xinjian District and other places to investigate the development of VR industry.

In addition, according to a report by Jiujiang News on January 11, 2018, a comprehensive news channel of Jiujiang TV Station, two days ago, Vice Governor Li Yihuang went to the Ganjiang New District to investigate the construction of the Chinese Medicine Science and Technology Innovation City, and went to the Communist Youth League to understand the development of pharmaceutical companies.Condition.It is only 8 days before being notified for review.

Su Rong was promoted when he was in charge of Jiangxi

According to public information, Li Yihuang was born in October 1962 in Jinjiang, Fujian. He started working in August 1982 and joined the Communist Party of China in January 1987. He graduated from the Department of Nonferrous Metallurgy of Central South University with a major in nonferrous

In August 1982, he graduated from Northeast Institute of TechnologyAfter graduating from a major in heavy metal smelting, he successively served as the deputy director and director of the Guixi Smelter of Jiangxi Copper Corporation; from January 2001 to January 2013, he successively took charge of Jiangxi Copper Group Corporation, Jiangxi Copper Co.,

During his tenure in the company, in August 2011, Li Yihuang also served as a member of the Standing Committee of the Yingtan Municipal Committee.In January 2013, he served as the vice-governor of Jiangxi Province and became an official at the vice-ministerial level.

According to statistics, in the anti-corruption storm since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, Jiangxi is another area other than Shanxi and Sichuan where the officialdom has been shaken.

According to public information, before his fall, Li Yihuang was the third-ranked vice-governor of Jiangxi.Li Yihuang was promoted from the chairman of Jiangxi Copper Group (at the departmental level) to the vice governor in 2013, when Su Rong, the former vice chairman of the CPPCC National Committee (sentenced to life imprisonment), served as the secretary of the Jiangxi Provincial Party Committee.

Li Yihuang's gorgeous turn is accused of being related to Su Rong

When Li Yihuang was appointed as the vice-governor, he was appraised as having a solid style of work, a low-key and simple person, and strict requirements on himself. "He has embarked on a new and more important leadership position.Affirmation is also a full affirmation of Jiangxi Copper's rapid development and remarkable achievements.

After Su Rong fell from the horse, the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection notified him of the "Warning Record of Typical Cases of Violations of Laws and Disciplines of Leading Cadres" "Su Rong Case Warning Record", which also described: "Su Rong can promote whoever he wants when he is outside.When inside, whoever wants to get down can be let down."

Su Rong also stated in his "Confessions": "I calculated, and the number of cadres above the deputy department level who sent me money and valuables reached more than 40."

It is worth mentioning that after Su Rong fell from power, Li Yihuang said in his signed article that he wanted to be a loyal defender of a good political ecology: Su Rong led the cadre team in Jiangxi and ruined the atmosphere of cadres. Its influence cannot be eliminated in the short term. JiangxiThe construction of political ecology still has a long way to go.We must persevere and make contributions for a long time, and strive to form a good situation in which cadres are clean, the government is clean, and politics is clear.quot;