On April 23, Zhongnanhai, Vice President Wang Qishan met with Indian Foreign Minister Swaraj.

This is the latest trend of Wang Qishan's new Vice President of the National Vice President.According to statistics, since March 17, after Wang Qishan was elected as the vice chairman of the People's Republic of China, he met a number of national dignitaries in Zhongnanhai.

The Constitution stipulates that the vice chairman of the People's Republic of China assists the chairman.The vice chairman of the People's Republic of China is commissioned by the chairman to part of the power of the chairman.

Seeing a number of foreign dignitaries in the new month

First, meet foreign politicians.

On March 23, meet with the Philippine Foreign Minister Kaytano in Ziguang Pavilion, Zhongnanhai

On April 9th, met with Singapore Prime Minister Li Xianlong in Zhongnanhai

On April 11, the tenth Sino -British party dialogue led by the British Cabinet Office Minister Liddon in Zhongnanhai Dialogue

On April 17, the Vietnamese Communist Party delegation led by the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, the secretary of the Central Secretariat, and the Minister of the Central Economic Affairs Minister Ruan Wenping

On April 18th, met with Nepal Foreign Minister Javali in Zhongnanhai

On April 23, met with Indian Foreign Minister Swarajer in Zhongnanhai

Second, participate in collective activities.

According to the People's Daily, on the morning of April 2 this year, the Seventh Standing Committee and Wang Qishan took a collective car to Zhangjiawan Town, Tongzhou District, Beijing to participate in the voluntary tree planting activities with the capital of the capital.

In addition, Wang Qishan also participated in related activities.

At the invitation of the General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the leader of the President of the Communist Party of China, Kim Jong -un, chairman of the North Korean Labor Party and chairman of the State Council, conducted informal visits to my country from March 25th to 28th.

According to official reports, the two standing committee members (Premier Li Keqiang of the State Council and Wang Huning, Secretary of the Central Secretariat) and Wang Qishan, Vice President of the State, participated in relevant activities.

Seeing the behind Indian Foreign Minister Swarajie

Swaraje came to China to visit China for visiting China.The day before Wang Qishan met, when the State Councilor and Minister of Foreign Affairs, Wang Yi and Swaraje announced that: with the agreed by China and India, the Chinese President of the Chinese President and Indian Prime Minister Modi will be from April 27th toOn the 28th, an informal meeting was held in Wuhan City, Hubei Province.

A background is that in recent times, India has continued to show goodness to China.For example, on March 19, Modi posted news on Sina Weibo. The chairman of China Leaders congratulated you to the chairman of the People's Republic of China.I look forward to promoting the development of India -China relations with you.On March 20, he called the leader to congratulate him for his success.

Why does Wang Qishan mention the SCO?According to the Global Times, a few weeks later, Modi will also attend the SCO meeting held in Qingdao.

The Indian Stan Times said that if Modi visits China twice in a few weeks, it will be an unprecedented situation, which shows that the two countries have seriously restored the bilateral relations damaged due to border problems.From the tension of Donglang confrontation last year, to the close high -level exchanges, China and India relations have spent half a year and completed a positive steering.

Sino -Philippine relations after the South China Sea

Including the meeting of Swarajie on the 23rd, the targets of Wang Qishan's several meetings are mostly the heads and officials of the neighboring countries.On March 23, Wang Qishan met the Philippine Foreign Minister Kaytano in Zhongnanhai.The foreign minister was invited by Wang Yi to visit China from March 21st to 25th. It was the first foreign minister visited after the establishment of the new Chinese government.Behind the meeting is the heating up of China -Philippine relations after the South China Sea issue.Before the meeting with Wang Qishan, on March 21, Wang Yi met with Kaytano.

Wang Yi said that the current China -Philippine relations have entered the best period in recent years.Last year, the trade volume of China and the Philippines exceeded $ 50 billion in trade. China has jumped into the largest trading partner in the Philippines. Investment in the Philippines also increased by 67%year -on -year.The most important experience in China -Philippine relations in recent years is to properly handle the South China Sea issue through dialogue.

Let's talk about Kaytano, who had just played a new foreign minister last May last year.According to the China Daily report, after the new March, he said at a press conference held at the East Asian Cooperation Series Foreign Minister's meeting that the Philippines was a sovereign country. President Duterte said, don't tell us what to do.There is no shame to have a relationship with a certain country, even if there are differences between the two countries.So we have a good relationship with China, we are proud.

He said that the peace and stability of the South China Sea is the most important, and the Philippines does not want the South China Sea to come back in disputes.In response to the recent statement on the South China Sea issue, the United States, Japan, and Australia have issued another statement. He warns that the Philippines is an independent sovereign country outside the South China Sea. It does not require other countries to tell the Philippines.What is between.

Old friend Li Xianlong

Unlike Kaytano, Wang Qishan and Li Xianlong have dealt with many times.For example, in August 2009, Wang Qishan, then deputy prime minister of the State Council, arrived at Singapore on the 23rd at the invitation of Singapore Deputy Prime Minister Huang Gencheng and began a four -day official visit.On the 24th, Li Xianlong met with Wang Qishan.

For another example, Li Xianlong visited China in September 2017.That visit to China was the first visit to China since 2014. At that time, the outside world analyzed that Li Xianlong visited China before the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and passed a signal. After more than two years of bumpy diplomacy, Singapore in the Li Xianlong era was trying to tryPut the position again.Sino -new relations are also facing a new adjustment opportunity.

At that time, Li Xianlong met four standing members in one breath, including Wang Qishan, then the Secretary of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection.

According to the Singapore Strait Times, the meeting with Wang Qishan was required by the Prime Minister of Singapore.Wang Qishan told Li Xianlong that he was surprised and happy about this request.

On April 9 this year, Wang Qishan met with Li Xianlong as the vice chairman of the country.

Wang Qishan said that recognizing the trend is the most important, and building a community of human destiny is the inevitable development of history.China's development is inseparable from the world, and the development of the world is inseparable from China. The concept of openness in the new era has rich connotations. China will unswervingly expand opening up at a higher level.Sino -new relations are strategic and forward -looking, and both parties cooperate with each other and win -win.China is willing to learn from the new side to learn from each other to promote the comprehensive development of relations between the two countries.

Information | Xinhuanet People's Daily Global Times China Daily