Guan Zhongmin, an academician of the Central Research Institute with the background of the blue camp, was selected as the principal by the selection committee of the National Taiwan University President.(Free Times)

A number of legislators in the Blue Camp told the Supervisory Institute yesterday morning (April 10) accused the Ministry of Education of repeatedly delay the issuance of the employment letter to Guan Zhongmin.Mainland and faculty.Political scholars analyze that the card management case will not be resolved, and I am afraid that it will evolve into a political storm.

The president of Taiwan's Supreme School of Taiwan University continued to expand. The Kuomintang in the wild not only went to the Supervisory Institute to report to the Education Minister of Education Pan Wenzhong who was unwilling to approve this personnel case.The Minister of the Interior Ye Junrong once went to the Chinese mainland to facilitate his job, causing the card management case to fall into the political vortex of blue and green fighting.

Analysis generally believes that the development of the president of the National Taiwan University has been dragging on the drama, and the social perception is not good. The DPP, which is not in power, may be impacted in the local elections at the end of the year.

The selection committee of the President of the National Taiwan University elected Guan Zhongmin, an academician of the Central Research Institute in January this year as the new principal. It was originally scheduled to take office on February 1, but it was subsequently reported that Guan Zhongmin served as an independent director of the enterprise and plagiarism.The Ministry of Education continued to send a letter to the National Taiwan University to explain that although the National Taiwan University Selection Committee has several times to explain the truth, the Ministry of Education is unwilling to send a letter to Guan Zhongmin, who was not willing to post a letter to the former Ma Ying -jeou government as the chairman of the National Development Commission.Knowing difficulties and retreating.

Recently, Guan Zhongmin has been accused of going to the mainland to meet the lesson without reporting approved. The Ministry of Education has completely clarified the relevant issues.It attracted the criticism of the Ministry of Education's abuse of power and the DPP.

The dispute over the appointment was unsuccessful, and the Kuomintang was upset.A number of legislators in the Blue Camp were sued the Supervisory Institute yesterday in the morning, accusing the Ministry of Education of repeated delay, which not only seriously affected the operation of the Taiwan University universities and students' teaching rights and interests, but also constituted the malfeasance of civil servants.Raise impeachment.

The Kuomintang refers to the Democratic Progressive Party to use the power of the flood and waste

Li Yanxiu, the party secretary of the Kuomintang Legislative Yuan, approved in an interview yesterday. The DPP government has used the strength of the flood and waste.In terms of liquidation, it is really admirable.

In order to counter the Democratic Progressive Party, the Kuomintang Taipei City Councilor candidate You Shuhui found information on the official website of Zhejiang University in mainland China, referring to Ye Junrong, a professor of the National Taiwan University School of Falun University.The management case is handled, and the inter -ministerial club team is established to investigate and should not be different in the same day.

It was not a good detection of the situation. Ye Junrong explained the fire line at the request of the administrative committee member and spokesman of the Executive Yuan yesterday afternoon.

He admitted that he had lectured for 27 days in the short -term lectures from Zhejiang University from December 2011 to January 2012, but explained that he should be invited by Zhu Xinli, deputy dean of the Academy to give a lecture on the curriculum hosted by Zhu.Completely in line with regulations.

Ye Junrong clarified that he did not charge for a lecture on the mainland and did not charge or part -time.

When answering the media questions, Ye Junrong also mentioned that except for that lecturer, he did have some (other) speeches on the other side, but did not explain in detail.

For his own name, he is still hanging on the web page of Zhejiang University. Ye Junrong emphasized that he was not a person in their preparation. Only the class was that time, and they may not unload it.As for Guan Zhongmin's case, Ye Junrong avoided not talking.

Although Lan Ying intends to use Ye Junrong to return the Democratic Progressive Party of the card management, the little green mdash; mdash; Xu Yongming, a legislator in the era of the opposition party, believes that if the Kuomintang thinks that Ye Junrong has a part -time job in Zhejiang University, then Guan Zhongmin is reported to be reported in the report.Most of the colleges and universities of Xiamen University, Xi'an Jiaotong University and Huazhong Sciences are even more problematic.

He said in Facebook: The Kuomintang did not naive to think lsquo; pull the leaf rsquo; when the water is launching, it can help you get out of it.

According to political scholars, the card management case will not be resolved, and I am afraid that it will evolve into a political storm, especially even the former DPP chairman Shi Mingde, who has pushed millions of people to go to the streets, has rarely spoke recently.Conspiracy is full of flying, is it necessary to force me to get up with everyone again?

Qiu Shiyi, an associate professor of the Department of Political Science of Donghai University in Taiwan, judged that the situation has developed to this day, and it will be the counterattack of intellectuals. After all, universities are the conscience of society and the brain of mainstream voters.Political calculations have a impact on elections at the end of the year.

The Lianlian Daily News recently commented that the most harmful and deepest harm to the appointment case is the international ranking of the National Taiwan University. In particular, the principal's personnel controversy involved complicated cross -strait relations, which made the leading university in Taiwan.

As one of the selection members of the National Taiwan University President, Lin Yanting, president of the National Taiwan University Student Union, publicly called on Guan Zhongmin to explain the day before yesterday to explain that he should not lose the reputation of Taiwan University.Since the outbreak of the card management case, Guan Zhongmin has revealed his mood several times through the community media, but has not officially publicized various charges.

(Reporter is Lianhe Morning News Taipei special agent)