The lady said that she hoped that more girls who were disturbed by Shenyang stood up bravely and faced the past and present bravely to see the future

Professor Shenyang was assaulted by a number of girls

(Reporter Wang Heyan) The latest progress has been continuously inflated in the day after day. Today (April 9th) a girl of the year stood up and accused Shen Yang of sexual harassment.

63 -year -old Shenyang, an associate professor of the Chinese Department of Peking University 20 years ago, is currently the director of the Department of Linguistics of the School of Literature of Nanjing University, a doctoral supervisor, and a scholar in the Yangtze River.Grade Gao Yan, the latter desperately committed suicide.Shenyang stated that the report was a malicious slander. She had not been in bed with Gao Yan first.

The pseudonym girl, now living in the Bay Area, California, USA.She reported that she was a graduate student of the 2004 Foreign Languages College of Beijing Forestry University. She wanted to apply for a doctoral student in Shenyang. Later, she was forced to abandon the Example of Kao Bo in the winter of 2006, and her life was changed.

This is the fourth case exposed in China for four months of the case of infringing students.The analysis believes that many of the acts of violating the teacher Dehong Line have not yet constituted criminal crimes. The professor involved can easily evade legal sanctions. The authorities should raise this agenda as soon as possible to the legislative level to play a better scary.

Li Youyou, a student of the 1995 Sociology Department of Peking University, published an article on Douban last Thursday (5th) to report Shenyang (62 years old) in the real name.She took off her clothes and did what she had never done to her. She also spread the news that Gaoyan was neuropathy, causing great harm to Gao Yan's physical and mental body and mind.On March 11, 1998, Gao Yan, who was only 21 years old, died of suicide.

Gao Yan died in 1998 at the age of 21.(Internet)

Li Youyou is Gao Yan's classmates and friends. He is also a bachelor's degree in sociology at Peking University and Master of Communication of Peking University. He currently settled in Canada.After she reported in Shenyang, Gao Yan's university classmates Xu Yan, Wang Ao and class teacher Wang Yugen also wrote an article on Shenyang on the Internet.

The report on Shenyang has detonated the Chinese network in the past three days.Shenyang responded to the media inquiries on the 5th that the above accusations were all malicious slanders, and he reserved the right to accuse.