Shenyang, who was reported sexual assault, claimed to be maliciously slandered.(the Internet)

Shenyang, who was accused of sexual assault, was transferred to the professor and director of the Department of Linguistics by the deputy director of the Chinese Department of Peking University in 2011.The NTU Academy of Arts issued a statement yesterday clarifying that the relevant departments of Peking University and Shenyang himself did not explain to NTU during the transfer process that he had accepted the punishment due to the morality and morality.The statement also pointed out that Shenyang concealed the facts and had professional ethics.

Shen Yang, director of the Department of Linguistics of the School of Literature of Nanjing University and a special professor at the Yangtze River scholar of the Ministry of Education, was accused of sexually assaulted a female student in the coaching 20 years ago that the latter committed suicide and caused public anger.

Nanjing University Literature School issued a statement yesterday that Shenyang's teacher morality and teacher style did not meet the requirements of the college teaching and educating people, and suggested that he resign to the college's teaching position.

This is the fourth case exposed in China for four months of the case of infringing students.The analysis believes that many of the acts of violating the teacher Dehong Line have not yet constituted criminal crimes. The professor involved can easily evade legal sanctions. The authorities should raise this agenda as soon as possible to the legislative level to play a better scary.

Li Youyou, a student of the 1995 Sociology Department of Peking University, published an article on Douban last Thursday (5th) to report Shenyang (62 years old) in the real name.She took off her clothes and did what she had never done to her. She also spread the news that Gaoyan was neuropathy, causing great harm to Gao Yan's physical and mental body and mind.On March 11, 1998, Gao Yan, who was only 21 years old, died of suicide.

Gao Yan died in 1998 at the age of 21.(Internet)

Li Youyou is Gao Yan's classmates and friends. He is also a bachelor's degree in sociology at Peking University and Master of Communication of Peking University. He currently settled in Canada.After she reported in Shenyang, Gao Yan's university classmates Xu Yan, Wang Ao and class teacher Wang Yugen also wrote an article on Shenyang on the Internet.

The report on Shenyang has detonated the Chinese network in the past three days.Shenyang responded to the media inquiries on the 5th that the above accusations were all malicious slanders, and he reserved the right to accuse.

However, the statement issued by the Peking University officials said that the information showed that in March 1998, the West City Branch of the Beijing Public Security Bureau made a factual identification and the results of the investigation on the Gaoyan suicide incident. In July of the same year, Peking University made an administrative sanction on Shenyang in Shenyang.EssenceBut Peking University did not disclose the specific content of the punishment.

In 2011, Shenyang was transferred to the professor, director of linguistics, and doctoral tutors of the Department of Literature, Department of Literature of Nanjing University in 2011.

The NTU Academy of Arts issued a statement yesterday that the relevant departments of Peking University and Shenyang himself did not explain to the NTU during the transfer process that he had accepted the punishment due to the morality and morality.The statement pointed out that Shenyang concealed the facts and had professional ethics.

Professor involved in the case of Shanghai Normal University

However, the statement also acknowledged that there was an error in the introduction of talent introduction.

According to the Hyundai Express, Ding Fan, the former dean of the college, issued a personal explanation in his circle of friends yesterday that he acknowledged that it was attractive and all the responsibilities were borne by me.

Shanghai Normal University also announced yesterday that it will end the appointment agreement signed with Shenyang in July last year with Shenyang.

Earlier reports said that Shenyang also served as a professor at Shanghai Normal University Guangqi and a professor at the Humanities Institute.

The Shanghai Normal University statement said that the college has always regarded as the first priority of being a teacher, and the school motto that Houde is upheld as teachers and students.

Regardless of the teachers in the school or part -time personnel outside the school, the school adheres to the primary condition of the teacher's morality and morality style. For those who contradict the teachers and morals, they will resolutely adopt a zero tolerance attitude.

This is the fourth case of student cases exposed in China since the end of last year, but the professors involved were not treated criminally.Although two of the cases did not involve sexual assault, the professor was suspected of oppressing and eventually led to the suicide of the victim's students.

Zhou Guangli, deputy dean of the School of Education of Renmin University of China, said in an interview with Lianhe Morning Post that it is not enough to govern the problems of teacher morality. The policy documents released by the Ministry of Education and the school are not enough.All cross -rail behavior.

The US Education Law stipulates that all school education activities and projects funded by the federal government are prohibited from gender discrimination, including sexual harassment, rape, sexual attacks, and sexual stabbing.

Zhou Guangli said: Some actions may not reach the level of criminal law penalty, and they should have more clear regulations in my country's education law, which will play a better scary.

(Reporter is Lianhe Morning News Beijing Special Commissioner)