Guo Shuqing entered the central bank as a party committee secretary yesterday.The picture shows his interview with the media on the 9th of the National People's Congress on the 9th of this month.(China News Agency)

Guo Shuqing will mainly be responsible for convening the central bank's party committee, deciding major matters, and responsible for the central bank's discipline inspection and supervision, important personnel and publicity, and other party affairs work. The specific business and daily work of the central bank are still chaired by President Yi Gang.

Guo Shuqing, chairman of the Bank of China Insurance Supervision and Administration Commission, officially served as the Secretary of the Party Committee and Vice President of the People's Bank of China (Central Bank) of the People's Bank of China (the central bank) of the Communist Party of China yesterday.

As a member of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, Guo Shuqing has a greater position and a higher status

Relevant sources in Beijing analyzed the United Morning Post. According to the practice of the division of party and government in the Central Ministries and Commission, Guo Shuqing entered the central bank as the secretary of the party committee.Unified leadership.In terms of specific division of labor, Guo Shuqing is mainly responsible for calling the central bank's party committee, deciding major matters, and responsible for party affairs such as discipline inspection and supervision, important personnel and publicity of the central bank.However, the specific business and daily work of the central bank are still chaired by President Yi Gang.

According to, at 3SHY yesterday afternoon; the People's Bank of China held a meeting of cadres at or above the bureau level, announcing that Guo Shuqing replaced Zhou Xiaochuan's decision to serve as the party committee secretary of the Central Bank.It is reported that this appointment lies in the stream of the relationship between the central bank and the CBRC from the personnel arrangement. The global grasp of the systemic financial risks will not only be promoted in depth, but also maintains stability.

At the National People's Congress Conference, which was closed last week, Yi Gang replaced Zhou Xiaochuan as the president of the central bank.

According to the People's Bank of China, the People's Bank of China implements the president responsibility system, the president leads the work of the People's Bank of China, and the vice president assists the president to work.However, in accordance with the regulations of the Communist Party of China, the secretary of the party committee is responsible for the political, organization, propaganda and disciplinary inspection of the unit, and the deputy secretary of the party committee assists the secretary to work.

Analysts pointed out that, unlike Zhou Xiaochuan's person, the governor of the central bank and the party committee secretary in the past 15 years, the central bank has implemented Guo Shuqing and Yi Gang's head system.However, in the context of the CCP's emphasis on all party leadership, coupled with Guo Shuqing as a member of the 19th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, Yi Gang is just an alternate member of the Central Committee. Guo Shuqing's power and responsibility in the central bank are obviously greater.The outline is higher.

Go to Gansu Province to investigate and confirm that Hu Chunhua will be in charge of agriculture and poverty alleviation

On the other hand, Hu Chunhua, the new vice premier of the Chinese State Council, recently went to Gansu Province to investigate poverty alleviation work to confirm that he was in charge of agriculture and poverty alleviation.

At the same time, Han Zheng and Liu He two deputy prime ministers also launched the first show since joining the cabinet in the past two days.Han Zheng attended the opening ceremony of the China Development High -level Forum on March 25 and delivered a speech. Liu He and US Finance Mnuchin on March 24.The division of labor of several deputy prime ministers in the new State Council has now become.

According to CCTV, Chinese Prime Minister Li Keqiang hosted a executive meeting of the State Council on March 21 to determine the division of key tasks of the government work report.However, the official media did not disclose the specific content of division of labor.

According to the division of labor of the leadership of the previous State Council, Prime Minister Li Keqiang is responsible for comprehensive work; the first -ranking Deputy Prime Minister Han Zheng is responsible for the executive work of the State Council, and is responsible for the development and reform, fiscal taxation, natural resources, environmental protection, etc.;Education, culture, sports, hygiene, etc.; Hu Chunhua is responsible for agriculture, rural areas, poverty alleviation, market supervision, etc.; Liu He is responsible for finance, state -owned asset supervision, business trade, customs, etc.

Relevant sources in Beijing pointed out that poverty alleviation is one of the most concerned areas of the leaders of the General Secretary of the Communist Party of China, and it is not possible to emphasize that poverty alleviation has been emphasized many times.The Chinese Communist Party has also set the strategic goal of building a well -off society in 2020, and the effectiveness of poverty alleviation is an important indicator of measuring a comprehensive well -off society.

According to the current standards, there are still nearly 40 million poor people in China, and the officials must ensure that more than 10 million people get out of poverty each year.Therefore, Hu Chunhua's poverty alleviation is both an opportunity and a challenge to him.