Double Chuan School of China Jiangsu Network Data Map

Original title: Double Chuanxue as the president of Xinhua Daily and the secretary of the party committee.

According to the news on March 23, I read the Marxism -Leninian classic and Xuchuan's 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China.

Xinhua Daily President, Chief Editor, Secretary of the Party Committee, and Chairman of Xinhua News Media Group Double Chuan Studies stated in a written speech that since the 1930s, Xinhua Daily has witnessed and recorded the development and innovation of Marxism in China.This is the medal on the shoulders of our Xinhua newspaper, and it is also the observation tower of the new generation of Xinhua newspaper people taking the new era of the new era.

The above reports show that the dual -passing school of the Xinhua Daily and deputy secretary of the party committee has been the president and party secretary of Xinhua Daily, and continued to serve as the editor -in -chief.

Born in January 1967, the Han nationality, Jiangsu Yicheng, a postgraduate degree, a doctorate degree, joined the Communist Party of China in June 1987, and joined the work in August 1991.He used to be a member of the Ministry of Propaganda Department of the Jiangsu Provincial Party Committee and deputy minister of the Propaganda Department of the Provincial Party Committee.

Earlier, the Jiangsu Provincial Party Committee Organization Department issued a number of provincial management cadres before on February 12, among which the dual -passing learning is intended to be the official position of the provincial unit. Ding Xuexiang is also the secretary of the Work Committee of the Central and State Organs

On March 21, the Central and State -State Organization Committee Leading Cadres' Meeting was held in Beijing.Chen Xi, member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, Secretary of the Central Secretariat, and Minister of the Central Organization Department, announced that the central government decided: Comrade Ding Xuexiang served as the secretary of the work committee of the Central and State Organs; Comrade Meng Xiangfeng served as Deputy Secretary of the Central Committee of the Central Committee and the Working Committee of the State Organ (Sub -delegation).Ding Xuexiang, member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, Secretary of the Central Secretariat, and Secretary of the Working Committee of the Central and State Organs, presided over the meeting and spoke.Xiao Jie, member of the State Councilor and Secretary -General of the State Council, attended the meeting and delivered a speech.Meng Xiangfeng, Executive Deputy Secretary of the Work Committee of the Central Committee and the State Organ Commission, and Li Zhiyong, the former executive deputy secretary of the Work Committee of the Central State Organs, spoke at the meeting.110 members of the leadership team of the State Organ Committee and 110 cadres at or above the deputy bureau attended.

Comrade Chen Xi emphasized that the establishment of the Central and State Organ Commission is an important part of deepening the reform of the party and state institutions, and it is an important measure to promote the party's construction of new great projects.Regarding the newly established central and state organs and workers' committees, the relevant leaders and comrades of the State Organ Commission are the positions of the relevant leadership and comrades of the State Organs. It is the overall decision made by the Party Central Committee to strengthen the construction of the provincial and ministerial leadership.The Party Central Committee attaches great importance to the construction of the party's party building and the leadership of the party committee of the central and state organs.The Central and State Organs' Working Committee contacted the party and government leaders to shoulder special mission in promoting the party's new great project.In accordance with the general requirements of the party's construction proposed by the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, we must closely focus on the two major tasks of the service center and the construction team, and use the new era of Chinese leaders to armed the minds of party members and cadres with socialist ideology with Chinese characteristics, and instructed to urge the central and stateThe party group (party committee) of all agencies, with the party's political construction as the lead, comprehensively promote political construction, ideological construction, organizational construction, work style construction, and disciplinary construction.Quality, effectively implement the party's leadership into various tasks.

Comrade Ding Xuexiang said in his speech that he fully supported and resolutely obeyed the decision of the Party Central Committee on the establishment of the Central and State Organ Commission and the appointment of members of the Working Committee of the Working Committee.Under the strong leadership of the Party Central Committee with the comrades of Chinese leaders as the core, under the guidance of the new era of Chinese characteristics of Chinese characteristics, the members of the leaders of the Working Committee will be faithfully fulfilled to fulfill the duties and missions assigned by the Party Central Committee, promote the promotionThe party building work of the central and state organs is new to a new level.At present, we must deeply understand the significance of deepening the reform of the party and state institutions, strengthen the four consciousnesses, strengthen the four self -confidence, consciously unify the thinking and action to the Party Central Committee's decision -making deployment, unite, work hard, and deepen the party and state institutions.Satisfied the answer sheet during the reform.It is necessary to strengthen organizational leadership, quickly complete the transfer of transfer, carefully study and formulate three plans, and actively promote the integration of institutions, team fusion, work fusion, and emotional integration to ensure that the institutional reform is promoted in an orderly manner and completed on schedule.It is necessary to take into account and carefully plan, especially to do a good job of party building work in the agencies involved in the institutional reform, strengthen the ideological and political leadership of cadres and employees, and ensure that the reform of institutional reform and the construction of the party's party are incorrect.It is necessary to strictly discipline the rules, ensure that the institutional reform is clear, so as not to chaos, work continuously, the team is not dispersed, and the motivation will not be reduced.