(Moscow Comprehensive) Russia accused Ukraine's "terrorist attacks" at the civilians of Belgore, the Russian border city, including the use of cluster bombs, causing at least 24 people to die.Moscow said that attack on Ukraine must be reported, and then launched several waves to Ukraine, and many residential areas in Halkov suffered.

Russia official said that the Ukraine attacked Belgorod on Saturday (December 30), including three children, including three children, and 108 were injured.

Agence France -Presse said that this was one of the most fatal attacks on Russia's territory since Moscow invaded Ukraine in February 2022.

The UN Security Council held an emergency meeting at the request of Russia on the same day. The Russian Permanent Representative of the United Nations pointed out at the meeting that Kiev's attack target was a sports center, a skating rink and a university.

He said: "In order to increase the number of casualties of terrorist attacks, they used clustering ammunition. This is a deliberate and indifferent attack on civilian goals."

The Russian Ministry of Defense issued a statement in the instant communication application Telegram saying that Russia will report that "will not let this crime escape punishment."

The Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs has accused the United States and the United Kingdom of "inciting the implementation of terrorist action".It has previously condemned the West to provide weapons to Ukraine.

News: The Ukrainian Army bombed U -Fang City on a large scale to counterattack the Russian army

Kiev did not comment immediately, but the RBC-Ukraine News Agency quoted unnamed sources saying that the Ukraine was aimed at Belgore's military goals to respond to the large-scale bombing of Ufang City a day before the Russian army.The attack caused 40 people in Ukraine and more than 160 people were injured.

Belgorod is about 30 kilometers away from the Ukraine border, and has been repeatedly shot by Moscow.

The Russian business report said that Ukraine launched an air strike from Halkov from Belgoro.

After the Belgorod attack, the Russian army launched several waves against Ukraine.

A hotel in Harkov Ukraine was hit by the Russian missile on Saturday and was severely damaged.(Reuters)

Ukrainian National Police said on Sunday that at least six missiles in the first wave of the Russian army attacked the city of Halkov, causing at least 22 people, and hit 12 apartment buildings and 13 residential houses.And a kindergarten.It is reported that a hotel is destroyed.

Ukrainian officials said that the wounded included two security advisers from the 14 -year -old and 16 -year -olds, and a German press group.

The Ukrainian Army said it was attacked by 49 drones

The Russian army sent drones to bomb Ukraine late at night on Saturday.The Ukraine said on Sunday that they destroyed 21 of the 49 attacks of the drone.Most drones are the goal of Ukraine's first line of defense and civil, military, and infrastructure in Halkov, Hermuson, Nicholaev and Zapolo regions.

Mayor of Halkov, Jerehofv, said the drone attacked the residential building of Halkafa, causing a fire.He posted on Telegram: "The Russians want to intimidate our city on the eve of the New Year, but we are not afraid."

On the other hand, Russian Foreign Minister Ravorv revealed in an interview with the Russian official news agency on Sunday that since Moscow has adopted military operations against Ukraine, Russian courts have had long -term imprisonment of more than 200 Ukrainian armed people who "committed atrocities."Essence