Cai Tiancheng sorting

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In the Ukraine capital Kiev, U -Pressers expected that the Russian army will soon launch a dense offensive against Kiev and other regions.Ukrainian also pointed out that Russia tried to help Blosla to help.

Alestovich, consultant of the Presidential Office of Ukraine on Saturday, said on Saturday that after Russia's offensive has slowed down, it is estimated that it is about to carry out a new round of Kiev, Halkov and Donbas.onslaught.Ukrainian President Zessaki also said that Russia is preparing to bomb the third largest city of Odessa.Local media reported that air strike alerts sounded on Saturday, such as Kiev.

At the same time, the Ukrainian military pointed out that the Russian military aircraft attacked the village of Bailor's border from Ukraine. It was necessary to create an excuse for the White Ross to attack Ukraine, intending to drag Broas into the war.

Senior Ukrainian officials said that Russia did not go well because of the war, so they tried to make White Ross participate in the war.

However, the Chief of Staff of the White Ross, Gu Levic, stated on Saturday that Beros did not plan to join Russia's military operations.He said that White Ross was just a troops rotating and dispatched five battalion tactical teams to the border area to replace the original resident troops.

The British Department of Defense said that the Russian ground forces are about 25 kilometers from the center of Kiev.The British side predicted that the Russian army would launch a general attack on Kiev in a few days.

The satellite image of the US Science and Technology Maxica Technology shows that the Russian army is getting closer to Kiev and fires towards the residential area.Moschun, a small town in the northwest of Kiev, was blown out of a large pit, and many people and buildings were on fire.

Kiev Mayor Kerryko said on Friday that there are still nearly 2 million civilians in the city, and the supply line entering the city is still open.He told Reuters that it is estimated that the city's important materials can be maintained for two weeks.Kiev's original population was about 3.5 million.

Governor of Kiev and Donedsk issued a statement on Saturday, accusing the Russian army of the humanitarian corridor who continued to attack the people who were evacuating the people and transporting assistance supplies.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine said on Saturday that a return church in Mali Ubol, a port in the southeast, was shot by the Russian army. At that time, 80 civilians including children took refuge.The official did not explain the date and time of the shelling, nor did it explain the casualties.