(Morning Post) Comprehensive foreign news reports that military facilities across Ukraine have been attacked by rocket launchers.Ukraine Foreign Minister Kulba said that Russian President Putin launched an aggressive comprehensive war against Ukraine, and Ukraine would defend the land and win.

The U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Greenfield accused Russia accused Russia that Putin passed the war's information on the sake of peace.The British and French ambassadors in the United Nations also condemned Russia for choosing war.

NATO Secretary -General Stoltenberg also condemned Russia for recklessness and unprocessed attacks on Ukraine and warned that this will put countless lives in danger. NATO allies will start a meeting to discuss countermeasures.

However, the Russian Ambassador to the United Nations, Naiminziya, said that Russia did not adopt aggression against the Ukraine people, but to deal with the military government in Kiev.

Ukrainian crisis: China said it will continue to promote negotiations in its own way

In response to the Ukraine crisis, Zhang Jun, a permanent representative of China in the United Nations, said that China will continue to promote negotiations in its own way.

According to a press release published by the official website of the Chinese Permanent Mission in the United Nations, Zhang Jun said at the UN Security Council's urgent review of Ukraine that the situation in Ukraine was at a critical moment, and China paid great attention to this.He said that he hoped that the parties would keep calm and rational, strengthen dialogue, negotiation, and negotiate to solve related issues.

He said that it is necessary to avoid intensifying contradictions at present. China believes that the door to peaceful resolution of the Ukrainian problem has not been completely closed, nor should it be closed. China will continue to promote negotiations in its own way.Essence

According to a comprehensive report, Russian President Putin decided to authorize the military to launch a special operation against the Donbass region of East Ukraine this morning (24th) local time (24th). Military facilities across Ukraine were attacked by rocket launchers.Ukraine Foreign Minister Kulba said Putin launched an aggressive comprehensive war against Ukraine.

Russia's Ambassador to the United Nations, Naim Benzia, said that Russia did not adopt aggression against the Ukraine people, but to deal with the military government in Kiev.

Biden: With the allies, they will respond to Russia in a unified and decisive manner

After Russian President Putin announced military operations on Ukraine on Thursday (February 24), US President Biden said immediately that the United States would respond to the unreasonable operation of Russia with the allies in a unified and decisive manner.

Biden issued a statement saying: President Putin chose to start a premeditated war, which will bring catastrophic casualties and suffering.

He said that Russia must be fully responsible for the losses and damage caused by the military operations alone, and the world will be held accountable from Russia.

Biden also said that he would announce the further action of the United States and its allies on Russia on Thursday, and the Global Conference prayed for Ukraine together.