French President Macron said on the phone that only Ukraine was in neutral, "de -Nazi" and "de -militaryization", and the outside world officially recognized Russia's ownership of Crimea, and the Ukrainian crisis could be resolved.Ukraine Foreign Minister Culba's negotiations stated that Ukraine would not surrender during the talks and would not give up a one -inch territory.

(Kiev/Moscow Comprehensive) Russia and Ukraine held negotiations on Monday.The main goal of Ukraine shows that Russia will stop and withdraw troops immediately, and Russia hopes to reach an agreement that meets the interests of both sides.At about 10 pm last night in Singapore, the negotiations were suspended and continued at 11 o'clock.There was no announcement at the end of the draft.

Russian President Putin said on a phone call with French President Macron on Monday that only Ukraine was in neutral, "de -Nazi" and "de -militaryization", and the outside world officially recognized Russia to Crimea's to Crimea.Ownership is possible to resolve the Ukrainian crisis.

The delegations of the two countries met in a place near the Blipiaje River on the border between Ukraine and the White Ross. The negotiations began at 2 pm local time (at 7 o'clock last night last night).More than three hours later, Hulashenko, the consultant of Ukraine's Internal Affairs, said in Telegram: "U -Russia talks have ended."

Ukraine Foreign Minister Kulba stated that Ukraine would not surrender during the talks, and it would not surrender during the talks, and it would not surrender during the talks, and it would not surrender during the talks, and it would not surrender during the talks, and it would not surrender during the talks.It will not give up a one -inch territory.Ukrainian President Zerrenki said he was willing to "try" talks, but questioned that the talks could achieve any results.

On Monday, the Ukrainian war entered the fifth day.The Ukrainian military said that the Russian army continued to crack down on Ukraine airports, command posts, and air defense systems.The Russian army is still trying to advance on some front, but the offense speed has slowed down.

It is reported that the Russian army occupied Berdyansk and Enerhodar, two small towns in the south on Monday, and attacked Mariupol, which was from the east of East Ukraine.The southernmost tip of the contact line is only 20 kilometers.It is understood that about 30,000 Ukrainian soldiers built trenches in the contact line to resist the Russian army invading the region of the Eastern Division to control areas.

In the capital Kiev on Monday morning, there were two places in the explosion again.Satellite images issued by the United States on Sunday show that a large number of Russian forces and tanks are still more than 60 kilometers away from Kiev.

In the northern battlefield, according to the latest data from the British Ministry of Defense, the Russian army was still blocked around Chernihiv and near Kharkiv, the second largest city in Ukraine.

A spokesman for Tangning Street, Britain said that Ukraine President Zelei Sky and British Prime Minister Johnson called on Sunday, emphasizing that the next 24 hours was a critical moment for Ukraine.

US official: White Ross will join Ukraine

Anonymous senior official of the US Department of Defense said that the Russian army is frustrated in the initial war and may now change its strategy.Turn to the siege war to create greater damage.Such tactics generally trap the enemy's stronghold, cut off various supply and escape routes.

Yesterday, the Russian Minister of Defense Shogu reported that the Russian strategic missile forces, the Northern Fleet and the Pacific Fleet, and the long -range aviation have been strengthened and have begun to reserve on duty.On the 27th, Putin ordered the deterrent power of the nuclear forces to a special combat state.

European and American media reports that Berlog is about to join Ukraine, which means that the war will further expand.The Washington Post quoted U.S. officials as saying that Beros was going to join Russia's invasion of Ukraine.

Special meeting for the UN General Assembly on the Ukrainian War, held at 10 am on Monday, New York time (Singapore time at 11pm last night), but many countries have to speak, and it is expected to vote until Tuesday.

Many countries in the world said on Monday that the priority is that all parties keep restraint and avoid further deterioration of the situation in Ukraine.Many countries also stated that they are willing to help resolve conflicts peacefully.

On the diplomatic front, Zelei Sky delivered a video speech on Monday, and once again called on the EU to immediately grant the qualifications of Ukraine member states.After the European Commission President, Feng Delin, afterwards, made it clear that "Ukraine is a member of the European Union" and hopes that Ukraine will join the European Union.However, Feng Delin did not set up "fast entering the alliance"; she said that Ukraine's "there is a process" in the Alliance.

After several rounds of financial trade sanctions and blockade, many US and European companies have announced that they will withdraw from Russia in the past two days, including British Petroleum Corporation (BP), Banking Group HSBC, Aircraft Leasing Company Aercap, etc.EssenceIt is understood that more than half of the commercial aircraft used in Russia are leased and most of them come from foreign companies.

The exchange rate of the Russian stock market plunge

As a counterattack against the European Union, Russia announced yesterday that it is forbidden for flights from 36 countries including all EU members.Enter its airspace.Russia is an important flight channel between Europe, China, Japan, and South Korea.

Affected by the tension of geopolitical situations, the Russian financial market has shocked sharply yesterday.The two major securities trading indexes in Russia opened their early trading.On the same day, the exchange rate of the ruble hit the lowest history and fell 30%.The Russian central bank announced that the benchmark interest rate has doubled to 20%.