Jiang Guiying Shouer correspondent

[email protected]

Russia's economic sanctions have stopped export strategic supplies to Russia.According to public opinion, South Korea originally hesitated to sanction Russia, but the United States proposed that export control measures may cause Korean companies to be lost, and they hurriedly introduced corresponding countermeasures.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of South Korea said yesterday that the South Korean government condemned Russia for the invasion of Ukraine. As a member of the international community, in order to resolve the situation peacefully, he decided to actively participate in the efforts of the international community including economic sanctions.Essence

South Korea reported to the United States through diplomatic channels yesterday that South Korea will strengthen export license review and stop decisions on Russia's export strategic materials.

It is reported that the South Korean government will not approve the export of exports to be included in the strategic supplies of the "Four Most Edge Export Control Mechanisms" during the export of Russia.Most of the export control mechanisms include Nuclear Supply State Group (NSG), WA tension Agreement (WA), Australian Group (AG), and its technical control system (MTCR).

For 57 non -strategic materials such as semiconductor, information and communication, sensor, radar, laser, marine, aerospace, etc., relevant departments will finalize measures that can be taken as soon as possible.

The US Department of Commerce released a series of new export control measures for Russia last week, including "FDPR), which is" facing Russia ".This rule requires companies that use American software or equipment to manufacture technology products overseas to be permitted by the United States before they are transported to Russia.This may affect Korean semiconductor, automobiles and electronics exporters and manufacturers to a certain extent.

South Korea originally adopted a negative attitude towards sanctions on Russia. As of February 27, in the US 27 countries in the United States to investigate Russia's responsibility for invasion of Ukraine, the EU, Japan, Australia, the United Kingdom, Canada, Canada, New Zealand and other exemptions, but South Korea, who did not participate in sanctions on Russia, failed to be exempted.

After the main media of South Korea reported the news, the South Korean government changed its attitude yesterday afternoon and announced that it has joined the ranks of sanctions against Russia.

In addition to stopping export strategic supplies to Russia, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the South Korean Foreign Ministry said that the government will participate in the international community to eliminate some Russian banks to eliminate the action of the Global Bank of Financial Communications Association (SWIFT) payment system.After negotiation by relevant departments.

In addition, South Korea will promote further release of strategic oil reserve and explore other sanctions such as restarting liquefied natural gas sales in Europe.