Premier Li Xianlong in Singapore said in Facebook yesterday that Singapore has resolutely support the ban on the UN Charter and International Law of the prohibition of aggression against sovereign countries.However, when the international treaty and diplomacy cannot play a role, Singapore must have the ability to self -defense.

The sovereignty and territorial integrity of any country must be respected. However, the situation in Ukraine once again reminds Singapore that its homeland cannot rely on others to protect it, and must continue to have the ability to self -defense.

Premier Li Xianlong yesterday (February 28) Dr. Vivian, Minister of Foreign Affairs, issued a statement of ministerial statement on the war of Russia and Ukraine.Essence

He said that if international relations are in accordance with power, that is, Might is Right, the world will be a very dangerous place for small countries like Singapore.This is why Singapore resolutely supports the United Nations Charter and International Law that prohibit the aggression of sovereignty countries.However, when the international treaty and diplomacy cannot play a role, Singapore must have the ability to self -defense.

Vivian: Russia's invasion of Ukraine seriously violates international conventional unacceptable

Russia signed an agreement with the United States and the United Kingdom in 1994, agreed that it would not use force to threaten Ukraine's political independence and territorial integrity, and promised not to use economic coercion to achieve private interest.But in 2014, Russia occupied the Crimean Peninsula in Ukraine.On the 24th of this month, Russia launched a comprehensive attack on Ukraine.

Dr. Wei Wen, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, issued a statement of Minister of Russia in the Russian and Ukraine War in Congress, emphasizing that Russia's invasion of Ukraine was obviously seriously violated with international routines and is an absolutely unacceptable behavior.

We cannot accept that one country attacked another country without reason, arguing that the independence of the other party was lsquo; historical errors and crazy decisions of RSQUO;This reason will violate multiple countries, including Singapore's internationally recognized legitimacy and territorial integrity.

Weiwen pointed out that regardless of the size of all countries, their sovereignty, political independence and territorial integrity must be respected.Whenever there are places that violate these core principles, Singapore must be treated solemnly.This is why Singapore has strongly condemned Russia for no reason to invade Ukraine.

However, he also pointed out that it is not enough to rely on international law and diplomatic principles.The signing agreement is only meaningful when the parties are respected and can be executed.Ukraine's invasion shows that a country can be attacked so quickly, especially when facing a larger and stronger opponent.This is the harsh reality that all small countries are facing, and Singapore is no exception.

This is also the reason why Singapore has continuously devoted his efforts to build a reliable and strong armed forces, and to regard the national service as the basic elements of the country.Weiwen said that the ability of the Singapore forces must be based on the will of Singaporeans.This will refers to the Singaporean people are willing to go to the sofa in order to defend everything they have and defend their lifestyle, and even pay for life.

Without such capabilities and will, no matter how much diplomacy, it cannot save a country.

Li Xianlong also emphasized that when the treaty and diplomacy fail, Singapore cannot rely on others to protect it.We must not lose our ability to defend themselves.The national service and a powerful and long -standing armed forces are the most powerful deterrent to the invaders.

As a small country, we strive to maintain a good relationship with all countries, regardless of size and size.We do not choose the side station, but plan our future based on the principles we have always adhered to and long -term national interests.

Li Xianlong reminded that Singapore must maintain unity and cohesion, and domestic politics must end at the gate.

Fortunately, we have enjoyed peace and stability for more than 50 years.The attack launched by Russia to Ukraine reminds us that peace and stability are so precious, how important it is to maintain this state together to all people who are called Singapore.