The Burmese Ambassador to the United Nations rarely blatantly breaks the military regime, and he calls on the international community to immediately take action to terminate the Myanmar coup at the United Nations General Assembly.He claimed to speak on behalf of the Democratic League government, calling on the United Nations not to recognize the Myanmar Military Government, and asked the military to respect the results of the Last Union's victory over the election last year.

(Yangon / UN General Electric) The Burmese military increased its strength after the demonstration wave lasted for three weeks. Yesterday, he fired towards the demonstrators in Yangon and other cities. Some people were injured and hundreds of people were arrested.The Burmese Ambassador to the United Nations rarely broke with the military regime, and called on the international community to immediately take action to terminate the Myanmar coup at the United Nations Conference.

Yangon and other cities yesterday, as in the past, appeared on the streets in the early morning. However, the military police quickly took action including shooting and catching people, and did not let the crowd gather.Many media reports in Myanmar reported that a woman in the central town of Monywa died of a woman. Later, the rescue department said that the woman was still in the hospital.Until the interruption of the draft at night, the truth of the matter was not determined.

Hundreds of Mongolian demonstrators gathered at a busy crossroad in Yangon yesterday morning. Later, other ethnic minorities joined their ranks and shouted the slogan of the anti -troops together.

Witnesses said that after the police arrived, they fired at the air and fired a rubber bullet, tear bullets and dizziness grenades to the demonstrators.Demonstrations and media reporters escape everywhere, run into the nearby buildings to avoid or build roadblocks in the alley with a stabbed iron mesh and table to try to block the police.

The reporter lived live on the facebook, and some of them shouted: "What are the policemen doing? They are maintaining a crazy dictator."

A 23 -year -old demonstrator said: "We will try to protest in another way. Of course, we are afraid of being targeted, but we have to fight until victory."

Similar actions are also staged in many towns such as Mandeller and DAWEI in the second largest city.The Myanmar Rights Protection Organization said that the police arrested hundreds of demonstrators in the operations yesterday.Although the military government has repeatedly emphasized the minimum force of the demonstrators, at least three demonstrators have been shot dead at the time of military police.

Chuan Wengshan has been transferred to a secret location

The Democratic League government, which was elected in Myanmar on February 1, was overthrown by the military, and the leader of the Democratic League Weng Shan Shuzhi has been detained to this day.The independent website Myanmar Now quoted the party members of the NLD on Friday that Wengshan, which was originally under house arrest, was transferred to a secret place a few days ago.

The Myanmar Ambassador to the United Nations, Kyaw Moe Tun, blatantly broke with the military government at the UN General Assembly on Friday.He claimed to speak on behalf of the Democratic League government, calling on the United Nations not to recognize the Myanmar Military Government, and issued a public statement to strongly condemn the military coup, and asked the military to respect the results of the last year's election.

Jue Mo swallow: "We need the international community to end the military coup immediately with the most powerful actions, end the military and political power to the oppression of the innocent people, return the country's power to the people, and restore democracy."

In about 12 minutes of speeches, his voice trembled and emotional.In the end, he also raised three fingers in the middle of his right hand, playing the gesture of the Burmese demonstrators who fought to the end.

After Shou Mo swallowed, there was a thunderous applause.Myanmar National Television announced last night that Jue Moman had been fired.It is rare for a representative of a country to publicly oppose the country's regime at the United Nations venue.The last time was in 2011, when the Libya Ambassador to the United Nations came to power to issue a statement, and to clear the boundaries with the Gaddafi dictatorship.

The new U.S. Ambassador Topas, Greenfield, said at the UN General Assembly that the Biden government will stand on the same line as the Burmese people.

China's representative of the United Nations Zhang Jun reiterated China's consistent position, that is, what happened in Myanmar belongs to its internal affairs, and the international community should "avoid intensify contradictions and further complicate the situation."

The younger generation of Myanmar is fighting for the future

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