(Morning News) British Prime Minister Johnson and US President Biden agreed that the "diplomatic window" that resolved the Ukraine crisis has not yet been closed. Although American intelligence officials have warned that Russia may invade Ukraine within a few days.

A France -France -France -France -France -France -France -Press spokesman issued a statement saying that the leaders of the British and American countries talked to the Ukrainian crisis again on Monday (February 14). "The two agreed that Russia made the situation.The cooling diplomatic window still exists. "

They emphasized that if Russia's invasion of Ukraine will bring huge damage to Russia and the world, diplomatic consultations are still Russia's" best options "and against RussiaWelcome to dialogue with NATO allies.

Johnson and Biden also agreed that in the face of Russia's threats, Western allies must maintain unity, including major sanctions to implement a package during the Russian aggression and upgrade.They also reiterated that European countries need to reduce their dependence on Russia's natural gas, saying that this measure "will be more able to touch the core of Russia's strategic interests than any other measures."

The White House in the United States stated that Biden and Johnson "inspected the diplomatic and deterrent efforts of Russia's continued military assembly to deal with Russia's continued military assembly at the Ukraine border, and reiterated their support for Ukraine's sovereignty and territorial integrity."

They also discussed the efforts to strengthen the defense situation of NATO East Wing, and emphasized that the allies and partners continue to coordinate closely, including a severe response to their sacrifice when they are ready to further upgrade their military operations in Russia to further upgrade their military operations.Essence