(Morning News) Ukrainian President Zelei ordered the people to open the national flag and sing the national anthem on the building on Wednesday (February 16). Western media news said that Russia may launch an attack on Ukraine that day.

Reuters reports that Ukrainian officials said that Zernezki had skepticism about foreign reports.A number of Western media quoted US and other Western officials that Russia had prepared for Ukraine on February 16.

Zelei said a TV speech nationwide: "They told me that February 16 is (Russia) invasion date. We will set that day as a unity day."

Zellennki said: "They tried to scare us and gave us another date for military operations. On that day, we hung our national flag, put the yellow and blue banner on our bodyOur unity. "

Although Zerrenki agrees with Ukraine's threat to Russia, he has always said that Ukraine's Western ally exaggerated the possibility of Ukraine's upcoming attack.

Zelegiski's chief of staff Podolia pointed out that the Ukraine's invasion date of the media is completely understandable.He said: "When the date of the" invasion "becomes a rolling date that may increase or decrease by one or two days, such media news will only be questioned."

According to the written presidential instructions issued by the Presidential Office of Ukraine, Zelenezki demanded that all villages and towns in Ukraine hung the national flag on Wednesday and asked the people of the country to sing the national anthem at 10 am that day.He also called for increasing the salary of soldiers and border guards.

The World Bank and IMF moved out of some Ukrainian employees in the United States transferred the support of the Kiev/

(Morning News) In view of the increasingly tight situation of Ukraine, the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund Organization (IMF) decided to decideTemporarily move out of some staff from Ukraine, but loan support services in Ukraine will continue to operate.

According to Reuters' internal memorandum of World Bank on Monday (February 14), it has suspended the transfer of Ukraine Office and is paying close attention to the situation of the Ukraine border.

The memorandum said, "The primary task of the World Bank Group is to ensure the safety of our staff and their families. According to our evacuation policy, the temporary migration arrangements of the staff are ongoing, and the security measures are strengthened." Memorandum does not indicate how many staff members will be transferred.

IMF spokesman said on the same day that IMF has temporarily transferred its resident representative of Ukraine, Vahram Stepanyan.Setap Pan Yang, who is Armenians, has served as the head of the IMF Kiev Office since July 2021.

In addition, U.S. Secretary of State Brosakin announced on Monday that the embassy of the U.S. Capital Kiev in Ukraine will be closed and temporarily transfer a few diplomats to Lviv, western Ukraine.

Brinken said that the arrangement was based on the sharp acceleration of "Russia's actions gathered near the Ukraine border."

The State Department of the United States emphasized that the transfer of the Kiev Embassy did not say that the United States' support for Ukraine has weakened.