A high -level US official said in an email sent to Reuters: "The president will attend the (US -Japan -India -Australian) Summit in Japan (the United States, Japan, India and Australia) in the email.Partial efforts to achieve regular exchanges in dialogue. "According to the Japanese Yomiram newspaper reported on Tuesday, China and North Korea will be the main topic of Bayidon's visit to Japan.

(Washington Composite Electric) US officials revealed on Wednesday that President Biden has been invited by Japan. It is expected that he will visit Japan in May to attend with Japan, Australia and India in MayHold the Quad Security Dialogue (Quad).

This will be the first visit to Asia after taking office in Biden. Biden may take this trip to Asia to stay in multiple places, including visiting South Korea.

A high -level US official said in an email sent to Reuters: "The president will go to Japan to attend (the United States, Japan, India and Australia) Summit in Japan.Quad) part of the efforts to achieve regular communication. "

According to the Japanese Yamagel Shimbun report on Tuesday, China and North Korea will be the main topic of Bayidon's visit to Japan.The Secretary -General of the Japanese Cabinet Matsuna Matsuna did not confirm the news. At the press conference, he only said that the specific visit date of Biden was not determined.

Reported that Biden held his first video talks with the Japanese Prime Minister Kishida two weeks ago, and agreed to strengthen cooperation on urgent economic and security issues, including Chinese issues, North Korea test missiles and Russia against Russia.Ukraine threats, etc.Biden agreed to visit Japan in the video talks and said that he would move in May.

The United States is also exploring Bynden to visit South Korea

According to reports, Japanese -American officials initially planned Bayeng to visit Japan from March to June,However, the Japanese Parliament Senate is scheduled to be held in July, and Australia may also hold federal elections in May or June.In order to enable the leaders of the Quartet's security talks, May is the most suitable time.

It is reported that the US government is also discussing that Bayeng will visit South Korea when he arrives, and will meet the new President of South Korea at that time.South Korea will hold the presidential election on March 9, and the current president Moon Jae -in will step down in early May.

U.S. officials who are unwilling to be named have stated that the Bayeng government will not reduce attention to Asia due to the Ukraine crisis, and emphasize that the United States will continue to list the priority priority to deal with China's growing forcesAnd influence.

Bynden government plan to talk to the leaders of Asianan

The official also revealed that the Bayeng government plans to hold talks with the national leaders of the Aya'an, while arranging the United States at the same time arranged the United StatesSecretary of State Brills visited Australia to participate in the Sifang Foreign Minister's dialogue next week.

The Bayeng government also plans to take more actions with allies in the Pacific, including crown diseases, fishery problems, and investing in clean energy.

Campbell, India Pacific Affairs Coordinator of the National Security Council, warned last month that the United States is most likely to encounter unexpected strategic conditions in the Pacific region.The implication of his words obviously pointed out the ambition of China that might establish a base in the Pacific Islands.Campbell bluntly said that the United States "did not do enough" in the region.