Qi Kaili, the host of the Asia -Pacific Safety Initiative Project at the Hoover Institute of Stanford University, pointed out that the White House decrees for decades in advance of the Pacific area of India last week to force the Bayeon government to some extentContinuing the Indo -Pacific strategy of the Trump administration.

(Berlin News) Experts believe that after the U.S. President Bai Deng came to power, the United States will roughly continue the Trump administration's Indian Pacific strategy, including continuing to regard China as potential competitors that possibly threatens the United States' interests.

Qi Kaili, the host of the Asia -Pacific Security Initiative project of Stanford University, pointed out that the White House decrypted a strategic document about the Pacific Pacific of India last week to force the Bayeon government to continue Trust to some extent.The Indo -Pacific Strategy of the Pu Government.

He told the Voice of Germany: "The decision of the White House on the 12th is to make the Biden government's security strategy in the Asia -Pacific region become a bit tied up.If you want to give up part of the strategic content in the future, you must consider the political effects brought by the relevant decision. "

Although Trump himself often runs counter to the Indo -Pacific strategic content, including the fact that the government team is trying to strengthen the relationship with the allies in the Asia -Pacific region, many content in the strategy is actually as Biden Biden.I hope the targets reached after taking office are in line with.As a result, the Asia -Pacific policy of Biden's government is expected to not be much different from the Trump administration.

Qi Kaili also pointed out that the Trump administration's Asia -Pacific policy in the past four years has essentially changed how American decision makers think of Chinese issues.

He said: "Now the Republican and Democratic Party has reached consensus on how to locate China, that is, China is a potential competitor, and may pose a threat to the global interests of the United States.Set thinking. "

The Guoan document declining by the White House specifically mentioned that it is necessary to prevent China from obtaining continuous air control and sea rights in the first island chain, as well as the security of allies including Taiwan.

Qi Kaili believes that if the United States can determine that the first island chain is controlled by allies, it can prevent China from expanding its military forces to the Western Pacific. "If Taiwan is not under the control of China, China will expand its military power outward.It's very difficult. "

Campbell's coordination officer

In addition, Biden announced earlier that the "Indo -Pacific Coordination Officer" will be set up in the National Security Council. This new position will be held by former Obama's former assistant State Kurt Campbell.

According to sources, this position will be higher than the director level of the National Security Council and has extensive management authority.

Qi Kaili pointed out that Campbell was responsible for Asian related affairs in the State Council, well -known in the Asia -Pacific region, and was familiar with related affairs in China.It is expected that he will be able to attract more talents who have similar views in the Indo -Pacific region to join the Biden team.

"This may mean that there will be a group of experts who understand various challenges in Sino -US relations in the Indo -Pacific strategic team of Biden. These experts will understand what the important assets and weaknesses in the Indo -Pacific region are in the Indo -Pacific region, and use it and use it.The pragmatic method brought the advantages of the United States to the extreme. "