(Kiev comprehensive) pointed out on Friday that he did not rule out the possibility of a comprehensive war between Ukraine and Russia, but it shows that Ukraine is not a sinking "Titani".

Zelei Sky accusing Washington and the media that spread panic and put pressure on the Ukraine economy.

Zelenezki said at a foreign media press conference held in the capital Kiev: "There is no tank on the streets of Ukraine, but the media creates such an impression:. "

He said:" We don't need such unnecessary panic. Some respected national leaders also send information, and they will start war. This is panic.How much does the country pay? "

Zeleizki refers to the risk of over -emphasis on the White House that over -emphasizes the occurrence of a comprehensive war is a" error ". When he called with the US President Biden on Thursday, he expressed this to himfocus on.

He believes that the United States and Britain's withdrawal from diplomats is not only a mistake, but also an over -reaction."We are not Titani. Ukraine is still moving forward."

Zelei said: "We thank the United States for supporting our independence and territorial integrity.Mastering more information is more than any other president. "

Although the possibility of upgrading the situation in Ukraine does not rule out, at this stage, Zelei said:" I don’t think the situation is better than the current situation than the current situation is better than the current situation is compared withBefore being nervous. "

The current crisis on Ukraine's economic impact has become increasingly significant. Since the Russian army gathered near the Ukraine border last November, Ukraine currency Hryvnia has fallen by 8.4 % against the US dollar by 8.4 %.It is one of the worst currencies in the world.

Zelenezki said that Ukraine needs 4 billion to 5 billion US dollars (about 5.42 billion to S $ 6.77 billion) to stabilize the national economy, including foreign direct investment.He welcomes the European Union to provide support for supporting support for 1.2 billion euros (about 1.813 billion yuan).

Zelezzky also publicly asked Russia to prove that it had no intention to invade Ukraine.He said NATO is the only security guarantee in Ukraine and warned Moscow to invade NATO member states in Eastern Europe.Zelei said that once the war broke out, not only in Ukraine, but the war would also extend to the border of some NATO countries.

In addition, Zeleiski criticized Germany and Britain at a press conference on Friday.He said that compared to Ukraine's security and territorial sovereignty, Germany preferentially considers the Nord Stream (Nord Stream 2) oil and gas pipe projects in Russia, while Britain allows Russia to have money laundering.