Wu Hanjun sort out

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The most severe energy crisis, the rise of energy prices will make tens of millions of households be able to pay electricity and gas costs, and companies are also facing a challenge of high production costs.Political leaders can only cope with short -term countermeasures, but the market forces indicate that this round of crisis will continue until winter, and the response measures that are barely made up will not be available.

The upgrading of geopolitical tensions in Europe has led to soaring power and natural gas prices.At the same time, the European nuclear power giant French power company faced the problem of nuclear reactor maintenance problems and also impacted the European power market.French Power Corporation is the main power supplier of France, Belgium, Italy, and Britain.

In the past year, European natural gas storage has been reduced, the economy has recovered from the crown disease, and Russia has set up limits to natural gas supply, which has caused European natural gas wholesale prices to rise by nearly 300 %.Bank of America predicts that the cost of European households will rise by 50 % this year, and the aid provided by the government can only offset one quarter of them.

A model of Bloomberg economy estimates that energy problems can reduce European GDP by 1 %.However, the influence of various countries is different, depending on the government aid.

Government of Germany, Britain, France, Italy, and Spain, the five major European economies, have proposed a assistance policy and time -limited tax cutting plan to help consumers pay the cost of heating and electricity.

The French government has decided to force French power companies to sell more electricity at high discounts, which led the company's stock price to plummet on January 14.French power companies recently maintained the two years of maintenance of the two nuclear power stations reactors for 10 years, and the rust problem was found at the pipe welding.The time to check and repair the problem exceeded estimates, resulting in insufficient supply in the power market, and also increased the market's dependence on natural gas and coal.

French President Macron faced the challenge of the presidential election this year. He certainly did not want the "yellow vest movement" to repeat the year because of energy problems.The French government issued 4.4 billion euros (about S $ 6.77 billion) earlier this year to help local families cope with higher natural gas and fuel prices.Treasury Minister Lemer said he hopes to ensure that electricity bills will not exceed 4 %.

Germany is now jointly controlled by the "traffic light". The members of the Alliance members have their own calculations, making it difficult to produce energy problems.The Social Democratic Party led by the Prime Minister of the Prime Minister Social Democratic Party advocates distribution of allowances to poor families. The Liberal Democratic Party, which is relatives, generally does not support allowances. The Economic Minister of Economic Minister of the Green Party shows that his primary task is not to fight rising energy prices, but thatProvide funds for a climate change plan.

The British government is relatively cautious in finance, allowing the power market price to float within the controllable range of the regulatory authorities.The British government has previously launched a assistance measure of £ 4.2 billion (approximately $ 7.74 million), and added 900 million pounds of additional assistance in September last year.

The rise in electricity prices has prompted some enterprises to take radical electricity measures.A company that produced a wooden tray in the small town in the southwestern town of Paris, France decided to stop the nuclear power and switch to the diesel generator.The company owner Chopin said that the continued use of nuclear power will increase energy expenditure five times to half of the total cost."If we do not take action immediately, we will encounter the problem of cash flow. We have experienced several crises, such as the financial crisis in 2008. This crisis makes us the most worried."