(Morning News) France -France -France -France -France -Press reported that the global crown vaccine acquisition mechanism (COVAX) delivered a 1 billion dose of coronary vaccine on Saturday (January 15). This is a "major milestone" of the mechanism.Essence

COVAX is a vaccine sharing mechanism led by the Global Vaccine Immune Union (Gavi) and the World Health Organization.The mechanism sent the first vaccine to Ghana in West African countries at the end of February last year, and in less than a year, it delivered a 1 billion dose of coronary vaccine.

Gavi CEO Berkley posted a post on Twitter: "Covax has delivered 1 billion doses of crown disease vaccine in 144 countries and regions around the world ... This is one of the largest and fastest global vaccine implementation plans in historyMajor Milestone. "

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He said that when the aircraft carrying a 1 billion dose of crown disease landed on Saturday evening, he landed in the capital of Rwida, and he was very proud. At the same time, he deeply learned that he had to pay a lot of effort to protect everyone and solve the vaccine.The problem of uneven distribution.

All countries can order vaccines through COVAX, but low -income countries can get vaccines for free.Berkeley said in a statement on Saturday that he was "very proud. Of the first batch of 1 billion vaccines from COVAX, nearly 90%were funded and sent to low -income countries."