The consumer price index of the United States rose 7.0%year -on -year in December last year, and high inflation continued.Due to the shortage of manpower shortage, the pressure of wages increases, and the labor costs that are continuously expanded are passed on to services and commodity prices.

(Washington News) The global economy has gradually recovered from the impact of the crown disease, but the strong demand brought by the process and the sharp fluctuation of prices have led to the global inflation rateThe continuous soaring, among them, the world's largest economy in the world has a historic long -term high inflation due to human shortage and supply tightening, becoming a major risk of the global economy.

The Nikkei Chinese website reported that according to the data released by the US Department of Labor on January 12, the US Consumer Price Index (CPI) last December increased by 7.0%year -on -year, and high inflation continued.

Reporting pointed out that the rise in prices is mainly due to the tightening of supply during the epidemic.The rapid economic recovery brings bad results of insufficient commodity and labor; the salary increase of enterprises due to the shortage of manpower has also prompted employees to put forward higher treatment requirements, increase the pressure on wages, and continue to expand labor costs.In terms of price, high inflation continues.

Optoria, the coming of Omek Rong, can exacerbate the supply of supply.At present, many employees are waiting for work with good treatment, causing companies to be unable to recruit people.In addition, the Biden government previously issued subsidies for the highest $ 1,400 (about S $ 1888) per person and increased unemployment allowances. After the end of September last year, the movement of labor back to the workplace was still very slow.Condition.

Macy's, a large department store in the United States.If you introduce friends or family members to work, you can get a prize of up to $ 500 (about S $ 674).From next month, the company will also start a system for employees' four -year tuition fees.Even so, people are still not enough, forcing the company to shorten its business hours this month.

Truck Association: 80,000 drivers vacancy

In the logistics field with relatively low wages and retail industry with risk of infection, it also facesThe same problem.The US Truck Association pointed out that in order to meet the demand for land transportation, 80,000 driver vacancy must be filled, which is equivalent to the current 2%of the people.

Although the increase in wages of transportation and warehousing has maintained a level 5%higher than the previous year after June last year, the nature of the working nature of driving and long -distance driving must be paid.frequently.

Sea transportation and port areas are also chaotic due to the epidemic.It is reported that at the port of California, which is a portal of the maritime transportation portal, the cases of operators infected with Omikdon's infection.The transportation chain is affected, and many companies are called bitter. Most suppliers are expected to be delivered from this month to next month, and even afterwards.

Survey: The expected inflation rate is 6%

The US Retail Federation analyzed at the end of the year that the consumption of commercial warfare at the end of the year increased by 11.5%, which createdIt exceeds the increase of the increase of last year (8.2%), but the inflation momentum will not be able to curb due to the demand for rapid recovery.

Consumers also believe that prices will continue to rise.The New York Federal Reserve Bank's family revenue survey last month showed that the expected inflation rate was 6%after a year, reaching more than 6%after November.

Once the high rise, the cost of accommodation that is difficult to decrease is also rising, causing a long -term price increase.

Although some people think that the supply will gradually recover, it is estimated that it will take a long time.A survey of the American Manufacturers Association last month showed that 38.8%of the members of the company believed that the situation of chaotic supply chain will only end in the second half of this year.Another 17.3%of the companies believe that it will not return to normal until the first half of next year.